Chapter Eight
The drive back to her apartment was short and quiet. Ella barely remembered getting out to Mac’s car and leaving the club. Her senses were on overload; her body still humming from the intense climax Mac had given her. She did vaguely recall Tom, the security guard, smirk as they slipped out the back entrance. She thought that the only thing that would have made their coupling better was if Tom had actually been in the room with them, watching instead of just listening.
Mac had solicitously helped her into the car and buckled her in but had remained silent. She wondered what he was thinking. With Sam, she didn’t have to wonder. He was open and communicative, even during sex. Mac was the silent, brooding type. Damn if both of them didn’t turn her on equally.
As he pulled into her apartment complex, she couldn’t stand the silence any longer. “So, did I pass your test?” she quipped lightly.
Mac turned off the car before turning to face her. “Yeah, you aced it just fine, babe.” Getting out, he strode briskly to her side and opened the door. “C’mon, I’ll walk you up.”
Ella sighed inwardly and took his hand. She wished she knew what he was thinking, then again, if he thought she was a cheap tramp, maybe it was better if he just kept quiet. Digging out her keys, it took her several attempts to unlock her door because her hand was shaking. Apparently their encounter had affected her deeper than she had thought. Either that or she cared more about what Mac thought of her than she should.
With an oath, Mac grabbed the keys from her, unlocked the door, and followed her in. She had left a small table lamp lit; and, when she turned to face him, his dark features looked troubled in the dim light.
Her brows drew together, perplexed. “What?”
Pushing her against the wall, he rasped, “I was rough, I’m sorry. Tell me I didn’t hurt you.”
Relief washed over her as she realized he was worried about her. She smiled and looped her arms around his neck. “Just enough to make me want to do it again, soon.”
“Thank God,” he muttered right before his mouth swooped down and took hers in a hard, wet tonguing kiss. With practiced ease, he untied her halter and slid her dress, along with her thong, down her body.
Her lips clinging to his, she wasted no time stepping out of them and kicking them aside. Mac’s hands latched on to her breasts, kneading them roughly just the way she liked. When his mouth broke away from hers and latched on to her right nipple, she moaned loudly, the hard sucking pull on her tip causing her labia to swell with aching, damp need. She cradled his dark head to her breasts as he moved back and forth between them, sucking and biting her nipples until the painful pleasure was almost too much.
“Mac, please, I need you,” she whimpered as she undid his jeans and shoved them down. Her hand went to his cock and squeezed.
Mac lifted his mouth from her breast, his lips wet, as he thrust into her pumping hand. “I could feast on your tits all day but not if you’re going to do that,” he groaned when she cupped his testicle. His hands went to her ass and he lifted her. “Wrap your legs around me and hold on, tight.”
Mac slid easily into her wet pussy as she wrapped herself around him. It was a night for new experiences, she thought as he fucked her hard against the wall, his hands tight on her buttocks as he pistoned in and out of her with surprising speed and strength given their position. There was little Ella could do except hold on tight as he said and bounce up and down on his hard shaft. Her grunts and gasps, the slapping of their damp, slick bodies, and the banging against the wall echoed crudely in the otherwise quiet apartment, and when they both erupted, their shouts of pleasure drowned out everything else.
Ella barely made it to work on time that night. Her evening with Mac had left her shaken and unsure of herself. Not about the sex, she thought, as she pulled into the hospital parking lot. That had been every bit as erotic and exciting as she had ever dreamed of. But both her encounters with Sam and Mac had put her on an emotional roller coaster, one she could feel spinning out of control with no way of getting off without getting hurt. She knew it would be emotional suicide to get attached to either one of them, or God forbid, both. They accepted her into their investigation because she was the quickest and most willing of any other choices. She knew that and her body accepted that they were just using her as a means to an end. But her heart was having trouble staying out of the equation.
For the past ten years, Ella’s main focus in life had been her career. She loved nursing and she was good, damn good. She made a difference in the ER. When the stress had gotten too much for her, she had always turned to sex; starting an affair or running to Melanie when she didn’t feel like playing the dating game. She had been too disappointed in her lovers in the past to contemplate having a long term, steady relationship, but the way she was beginning to feel about Mac and Sam made her wonder if she shouldn’t consider letting someone into her life on a more permanent basis. She had hoped she could remain aloof from both of them and just enjoy the sexual escapades while doing something productive to find Melanie’s abductor. But the tender care and concern each had shown her made it difficult to shield her tender sensibilities. Common sense told her both men would be out of her life as soon as this man was caught. That same common sense told her to enjoy them while she could and plan to move on when this was over.
Ella entered the hospital and quickly stored her things in her locker before clocking in. For now, she would shove her insecurities aside and do her job. It was Saturday night, and she knew from experience that it was going to be a busy shift.
By 6 AM, Ella was tired, her body definitely feeling the effects of the vigorous sex followed by an intense night at work. But, she thought as she sat down in the break room for a much needed rest, it had been a good night. They had managed to save several accident victims, one overdose, and two gunshot wounds. Rarely did they go a weekend night without losing one person. She knew she would have no trouble sleeping once she got home this morning.
Allison, a co-worker and friend, peeked inside the break room with an excited grin splitting her round face. “Yo, Ella, you’re wanted upstairs. We’re clear down here.”
“Who needs me up…..” Her brow cleared as she straightened and whispered hopefully, “Melanie?”
“Just woke up, and you’re one of the first people she asked for.” Allison laughed as Ella sprang up, hugged her quick and hard, and rushed to the elevator.
“Thank you, Ali. I’ll be back.”
“Don’t worry about it. We’ve already clocked you out with Dr. Myer’s okay.”
Ella barely heard her as she rushed inside the elevator and hit the button for Melanie’s floor. Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest as she mentally urged it to rise faster. She was panting by the time she made it to Melanie’s room and crying by the time she had her arms around her friend. She barely acknowledged Mandy as she sat on the bed, asking repeatedly, “Are you all right? Tell me you’re okay, Mel.”
Melanie laughed and cried with her, hugging her back as much as she could in her weakened state. “I will if you’ll give me a chance.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Moving back, she glanced self consciously at Mandy who looked a little strained. She couldn’t blame her. Ella would be a little jealous if their places in Melanie’s life were reversed. “I’m so glad you’re here, Mandy.”
That simple statement seemed to be enough to appease her if her relieved smile was any thing to go by. “Me, too. After greeting me, she asked for you and her family.”
Ella looked back at Melanie’s gaunt, beloved face. “We are family. Melanie, what do you remember?” she asked, unable to hold back what she knew should wait.
“Just you, and everyone else talking to me. But nothing about what happened or why I’m here. Nobody will tell me anything.”
“The nurse said to wait for the doctor before any questioning,” Mandy warned, clearly concerned with upsetting Melanie needlessly.
“Of course. After he checks you over, we’ll go over everything. Okay, Sweetie?”
Before Melanie could answer, the door swung open and her parents and sisters came rushing into the room. Ella went out to let the nurses know she would take responsibility for so many people being in Melanie’s room at one time. Right now, they all needed to be together to reassure themselves and Melanie that everything was going to be fine.
Ella knew she should call the detectives. They were going to want to grill Melanie on her memory of that night two weeks ago. As the only survivor of one of these attacks, she was their best lead thus far. But, she waited, letting Melanie and her family have this time while they all waited for the doctor’s prognosis. It was difficult, but she continued to wait in the hall when Melanie’s doctor showed up and asked everyone to remain outside while he examined his patient.
“She looked good,” Sara, Melanie’s mother, said.
“She looked fantastic,” Ella returned, smiling.
“She always lights up when she see you, Ella.”
Ella turned to look at Mandy, wondering at the veiled hostility in her tone. She knew Mandy was insecure about Ella’s relationship with Melanie, which made things awkward and sensitive between them. She could have sworn to her until she was blue in the face that she wasn’t a threat to what she had with Melanie, but it wouldn’t have done any good. Mandy saw and believed what she wanted to. But she had never shown any anger towards her before.
“Mandy, Melanie is crazy about you, you know that,” she emphasized softly, for her ears only. “I’m no threat to you.”
Mandy sighed remorsefully. “I know, Ella, and I’m sorry. It’s just been a very tense, trying two weeks.” Grabbing her hand, she squeezed it gently and smiled. “But that’s behind us now, thank God.”
The doctor and nurse emerged from Melanie’s room at that moment and beamed reassuringly at them. “I detected no mental or physical effects from either the drug or her coma. She’ll need a few days of assisted walking until she gets her strength back. After that, I’ll release her. You can go in now, but don’t tire her.”
Relieved, Ella made to grab her cell phone to call Mac or Sam when she suddenly realized she didn’t have either of their numbers. She assumed, being cops and occasionally working undercover, that they weren’t listed in the directory. She could call the station; but, being Sunday, she doubted if either one of them was there, or no one there would give out their personal information.
Like a slap in the face, she realized just how meaningless their relationship was. If she had needed any proof that she was just a temporary intrusion in their lives and had they had any other options she wouldn’t even be that, then this qualified. Still, she would see this through, and she couldn’t regret the wonderful sexual experiences they had given her or do anything about the longing she felt when thinking about what else was to come. She would just need to make sure she didn’t end up expecting, needing, or wanting any more from her lovers.
“Doctor Furston,” she called out as he made to leave. “The police are going to need to be notified that Mel’s awake,” she reminded him, letting him worry about how to get hold of somebody.
“Already taken care of, Ella, thank you. They’ll be here shortly.”
An hour later, Ella was ready to head home and to bed. She was exhausted, emotionally drained, and physically weary. She had stayed off to the side of the room, allowing Mel’s parents, siblings, and Mandy to remain close by her side. She wanted to appease Mandy, and Mel knew she was there for her, that’s all that mattered. Occasionally, Mel would send her one of her impish grins over their heads as if to say, ‘Aren’t they being ridiculous?’But she also saw the confusion and fear in her friend’s eyes and knew she was putting on a brave front for everyone.
Before Ella could say she was leaving, a knock on the door preempted the arrival of Sam and Mac. All of a sudden, she wasn’t as tired, telling herself she could stay a few more minutes.
“Excuse us,” Sam said as they entered the crowded room. “We need to get a statement from Ms. Whitcomb. Could you all please step out for a few minutes? This won’t take long.”
Melanie looked beseechingly at Ella, and she knew she wanted her to stay, but there was nothing she could do. Her involvement with the detectives and the case was a secret. She waited until everyone else had filed out before heading towards the door.
Mac grabbed her hand as she moved by him, startling her. “Stay,” he said quietly. “She needs you.”
“You don’t mind?” she asked, surprised.
“Of course not. You’ve made yourself a part of this,” he reminded her.
She nodded and went to sit on the chair next to Melanie’s bed. “Mel, this is Detective Sam McIntyre and Detective Mac Shadetree. They’re the ones in charge of your case.”
“Ms. Whitcomb,” Sam began, “are you aware of what happened to you two weeks ago, after leaving the club, Legends?”
“Call me, Melanie, Detective, and no, I’m not. The last thing I remember was sitting down to drink a cup of tea before going to bed that night. I know I arrived home safely.”
For the next thirty minutes, they grilled her on everything she remembered since leaving home for the club. Who had she danced with or talked to? What did she have to drink, did she use the restroom, what time did she arrive, when, exactly, did she leave?
Finally, exhausted, she sighed in defeat. “I’m sorry. There just isn’t anything else I remember. I have no idea how I got from my apartment to that park. The only thing I remember since that night is hearing my family and friends talking to me, and that was only dimly.”
Each victim had been discovered in a different park, and Melanie had been no different. They had been unable to learn the significance of that, if there even was one. “Thank you, Melanie. You’ve done fine,” Mac assured her.
“As soon as we make the arrangements and your doctor gives the okay, we’re going to move you to a safe house. No one will be allowed to know where you are or to call you until this case is wrapped up. You do understand that, don’t you?” Sam asked gently.
“You think he’s going to come after her?” Ella gasped. She hadn’t had time to even consider that possibility.
“It’s possible. He might think she would have no memory of that night due to the drug, but he would have no way of knowing for sure. We are going to let it leak to the press as an added precaution to keeping him off her radar, but we still can’t take any chances.”
“Can’t I even call Ella, just once in a while?” Melanie complained, tears forming in her big brown eyes.
“We’ll see how things go in a week or two, and if we’re any closer to getting this guy. We can get a disposable phone, if need be. But not for a while.”
Mac stood to leave as Sam left two cards on the bedside table for Melanie. “If you think of anything else, call one of us. There’ll be a policeman posted at your door until you’re released.”
“Thank you. Ella, are you leaving also?”
“I can stay….”
“Actually, you can’t. We need to see you for a few minutes. In private,” Mac added, gesturing to the door.
“Mandy and everyone else can come back in, Mel. I’ll come back this evening.”
Mac and Sam didn’t say anything as they walked her out to her car. Although they didn’t touch her, just having them on either side of her, their hard bodies close, was enough to get her libido going and her desires stirring. They were both casually dressed in jeans and t-shirts, their hair sexily windblown, and she couldn’t believe how badly she wanted them. She was so pathetic, she thought as they stepped outside into the bright sunshine. She needed to get a grip on her escalating obsession and put this relationship into perspective.
Slipping on her sunglasses, she asked with seemingly indifference, “What do you need to see me about? I hope it’s short, I’ve been up all night and I’m tired.”
They had reached her car; and, before she could open the door, they had her pinned against it. “You ought to be. You had a very active night,” Mac drawled.
Ella tried, but she couldn’t prevent the longing his deep voice caused or the way their nearness made her nipples pucker and her pussy dampen. Dammit, she thought. They’re just too tempting. She tried to maintain her coolness, but she feared her voice came out as breathless as she was feeling.
“Exactly. Again, what did you want?”
“For starters, this.” Sam’s head swooped down and took her mouth in a deep, wet, hard kiss. He had no sooner pulled back than Mac took his place, kissing her with just as much intensity.
With a low moan, she latched on to them, her hands gripping them each at the waist as Sam’s mouth moved down her neck and Mac’s kept plundering her mouth. The sound of a siren approaching the emergency room entrance startled her back to awareness.
“Please,” she gasped, pulling back. “My work, remember?”
“Sorry,” Sam smiled, not sounding the least apologetic.
“It’s not our fault we can’t keep our hands off you,” Mac grumbled with a scowl.
“If you didn’t sound so disgruntled, I’d take that as a compliment,” Ella snapped, irritated but elated at the same time.
“Don’t mind him, he always sounds that way, especially when he’s horny.”
“Horny?!” she squeaked. “We just…” she looked around to make sure no one was near enough to hear them, leaving time for Mac to interrupt.
“That? That was just a teaser, a prelude to what we have in mind for you,” Mac stated.
“If the times I’ve been with each of you were only preludes to the main attraction, I may have gotten in over my head.” She looked from one handsome face to the other. “I’m not sure I can keep up with you two.”
“You won’t know until you try and see. We’ll be at you’re place Tuesday evening, about six. That’s your night off, isn’t it?” Sam asked.
“How’d you know that?”
Sam tugged her braided hair playfully. “We’re detectives, Blondie. We have our ways.”
“What are we doing Tuesday?” She didn’t really care what they were doing, she would agree to practically anything to get to be with them again.
“We’ll be doing whatever we want with you. You’ll be doing whatever we tell you. See you Tuesday.” Mac said cryptically.
With that parting shot, they both walked away, leaving her trembling with unfulfilled desire and lustful anticipation. How the hell was she supposed to get through the next few days?