
It's almost impossible to pick a favorite child. So, too, with cookbooks. I love different things about each of my books (and worry how each of them will survive and thrive out in the real world). But I can definitely say that A Twist of the Wrist is one of my favorite cookbooks.

For one thing, it was such a departure for me. Using canned and jarred and packaged ingredients in one of my recipes? Unthinkable! Until I truly understood that most people don't have the time-or the energy or even the inclination-to spend hours preparing every meal. Then, as I began experimenting, the unthinkable became very thinkable. I was making delicious food in thirty minutes or less! I began to see that "easy" is not a curse; it can be a blessing.

I am very excited that Twist is coming back into the public consciousness, even in this much abbreviated e-version. People need these recipes now more than ever. We all need to use the food we have in our pantry-or ingredients that are easy to get when we run out-in creative and tasty ways. These are anxious times. Cooking should relieve anxiety, not create it. That's what I believe these recipes do.

I picked two chapters from the book for this e-short: Eggs and Pasta and Polenta. They are two of my favorite comfort food categories. The recipes are simple, the ingredients are available and not hard to find, and I'm pretty sure you'll find the results extremely satisfying. Especially because I also included two desserts as a special treat.

So open those cans and jars and start cooking. And with the time and money you'll save cooking these recipes, you can buy the complete version of A Twist of the Wrist.