Huge thanks again to Jessica Tinker, for her encouragement and invaluable wisdom. Also to Julie Frederick and all those at Lion Hudson who helped put the book together. This would have been a very different story without the lovely Sarah Livestro’s invite to visit a Lace City Chorus rehearsal – what an amazing night! Thanks also to Matt McFarlane and Ian Joddrell for letting me ask you lots of questions about police procedure and social work. Please don’t cringe at the bits I made up. As always, I cannot thank my King’s Church family and the mighty Free Range Chicks enough for their wonderful love and support. For everyone who reads my books, writes a review, or takes the time to let me know you enjoyed them – you make all the difference, and do a great job at keeping me off the Internet when I should be writing. Mum – I am so thankful for the image of womanhood you raised me with. Matthew and Nic, Paul and Reiko, thanks for listening!
Ciara, Joe, and Dominic, thanks for always reminding me what really matters. And to George – thank you for being my biggest fan. I couldn’t do it without you.