
apparition—An unexpected or unusual sight. Scientists generally prefer to use this term in place of the term “astral body.”

astral body—Another name for the body double. During an OBE, the astral body is said to leave the physical body as it begins its journeys.

astral travel—An older name for an OBE. Some psychics claim they can go astral traveling any time they wish.

aura—An ever-changing energy field that psychics say surrounds all living plants, animals, and people.

body double—The nonphysical body that leaves the real body during an OBE. Body doubles are also called astral bodies or doppelgängers.

brain waves—Electric impulses produced by the brain, as measured on an EEG (electroencephalogram) machine.

clairvoyance—The power to perceive events that occur beyond the range of one’s normal senses. Some researchers believe that what seem to be OBEs are actually clairvoyant events.

Kirlian photos—Photographs taken of living organisms in the presence of a high-voltage electrical field. Kirlian photos show subjects surrounded by glowing, colored halos of light that are thought to be auras.

meditation—A process that relaxes the body by freeing the mind of all distracting thoughts.

near-death experience (NDE)—The feeling of having died and left one’s body, only to return to life some time later.

New Age—A catch-all term for a broad collection of psychic beliefs. While few New Agers would agree on the details, most believe in OBEs, crystal power, ESP, and past lives.

precognition—The power to foretell events before they happen.

prophet—A wise man or woman through whom the will of God (or the gods) is expressed.

psychic—Someone who claims powers that cannot be explained by natural law.

séance—A meeting at which people try to contact the spirits of the dead.

silver cord—The stretchy cord that is said to tie the body double to the physical body during an OBE.

skeptic—Someone who questions widely accepted beliefs or theories.

stowaway—Someone who hides on a ship or plane in order to obtain free passage.

telepathy—Mind-to-mind communication between two or more people.