
Like many great songs, The Breakup Tour is the product of collaboration, inspiration, and support from others whose contributions we’re endlessly grateful for. Thank you for singing our harmonies.

Katie Shea Boutillier, nine books in, we couldn’t be more honored by your continued championship of our work or happier to call you one of our truest, long-standing friends in publishing. You know all too well what you mean to us. For never steering us wrong, for fighting for us, for keeping us dreaming big, we love you. You’re a superstar in every sense.

Kristine Swartz, we continue to be humbled and grateful for your insightful, graceful, incredible editorial guidance . . . even under the tightest of timelines. Our deepest thanks for encouraging us to chase this story. We remember when we were discussing possible ideas for this book and you told us you wanted to read “the Taylor Swift romance.” Look what you made us do. We couldn’t be gladder you did!

Vi-An Nguyen, every version of this cover was lovelier than the last and left us speechless and immeasurably grateful for your remarkable powers of envisioning exactly the right image for this story, in vivid color. Three Berkley books in, we don’t know how you keep outdoing yourself, but we’re very, very glad you do. Design like this never goes out of style. Thank you to Andressa Meissner for the stunning illustration.

Working with the Berkley team has been something out of our wildest dreams. This book owes its gorgeousness to Katy Riegel, who brought the story (and lyrics) to life. Thank you to Caitlin Lonning, Kayley Hoffman, and Claire Sullivan for the invaluable polish you provided in every line (and for helping us learn a few new style rules, which we found fascinating!), and to Megha Jain, Christine Legon, and Mary Baker for harmonizing everything like the notes of a chord. Jessica Plummer and Hillary Tacuri, our profound thanks for your wonderful work spreading this story’s reach. Kristin Cipolla and Tina Joell, our returning publicists, we remain enchanted to have you helping readers meet Riley and Max!

Our dear friends Bridget Morrissey, Maura Milan, Gabrielle Gold, Gretchen Schreiber, Rebekah Faubion, Derek Milman, Brian Murray Williams, Farrah Penn, Lindsay Grossman, Kalie Holford . . . this love is good. For coffee chats and group chats, commiseration and celebration, you fill our publishing journey and our lives with light. The romance community remains a welcoming and inspiring home for our work, and we’re ever grateful for the readers and authors alike who have offered kind words and encouragement we cherish. Jodi Picoult, you’ve more than earned the famous keyboardist we lent your name to with incomparable blurbs and incomparable friendship.

Finally, thank you to our family, without whom none of this is possible.