Just do it!


“Show up, show up, show up and after a while, the muse shows up, too.”


Writing a blog is free, priceless, and, according to Seth Godin, one the best things you could ever do for yourself. He recommends writing a blog post a day, the perfect project for this week.

Don’t panic, a blog can be a paragraph or two.

A couple guidelines:

  1. Write like you talk. You don’t fret about how to talk, do you?
  2. Simply notice things. Writing a blog for seven days straight will jar you into paying attention to life’s humor and limitless beauty.
  3. Blog for the love of it. Resist all urges to monetize.
  4. Establish what motivates you to get out of bed. What are you passionate about?

Zumba for the Soul

images Make yourself a pair of angel wings.

images Find and read three poems by Rumi.

images Eat lunch somewhere unusual—maybe in a tree?

You’re in Good Company

Lady Gaga, whose hits have topped charts in nearly every category, got dropped by Def Jam Recordings a short three months after they signed her.