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“Say yes if you’re an artist. Say yes if you’ve known it from the beginning of time.”


I wrote this book 18 years ago. Until E-Squared, the international bestseller that changed my life, it was by far my personal favorite. It sprang out of my own creative questions, my own artistic struggle. It was driven by my desire to connect to the bigger thing that, as far as I could tell, had somehow appointed me to be a writer, had for some reason gifted me with the skill set to do this job.

I discovered in my career as a writer that when I asked for help from the muses, from the universe, from God, my writing flowed more smoothly. I found my creativity worked best when I set aside my own crazy voices and agreed to show up and act as a satellite dish.

Creativity, it seems, has much in common with spirituality and may, in fact, be the same thing.

When I surrendered to the bigger thing, all sorts of unexpected miracles were orchestrated on my behalf. New writing gigs, the perfect quote, the exact resource I needed showed up in surprising and mysterious ways.

Even so, the first incarnation of E-Squared (it originally debuted as God Doesn’t Have Bad Hair Days) and the 18-year-old version of this book met the same fate. They went out of print not long after making their respective debuts. Ironically, these personal favorites were the only 2 of my 18 books to do so.

I revived Hair Days four years ago, turned it into E-Squared, and, well, it finally found its audience. I trust this book will, too.

I guess what I’m trying to say is: I still love this book. I believe it has a timeless message. I hope you’ll agree.