
Chapter 2


June 2009



An elegant woman with black hair, golden skin, and cat-like eyes stealthily made her way through the dark alleyways of Shanghai’s Bund district. Cindy was in her early thirties but looked younger.

Sleek like a panther, the lithe, fashionable woman walked briskly to a nightclub by the riverside. After climbing the marble stairs of a colonial-style building and entering a room filled with an after-work crowd, she headed toward the terrace.

Cindy approached a lanky blonde man and asked, “Hi, are you, the manager?”

He turned around and with a leisurely drawl said, “Yep, the name’s Paul and who might you be?”

“Cindy,” she replied with a crisp British accent.

“Beautiful name. I once had a girlfriend named Cindy.”

“Um, thank you.”

“Let me get you a drink,” Paul insisted while leading her towards the outdoor bar where a pack of men ogled a small party of women on the dance floor.

“Isn’t it Ladies’ Night? I mostly see guys.”

“Quite an understatement,” Paul responded as he handed Cindy a gaudy looking cocktail.

“Thank you,” she said while accepting her drink.

“Why are you here alone?”

“I’m not,” Cindy responded. She looked over at her colleagues who were sitting at a low glass table covered with drinks.

Paul looked very disappointed. “So why aren’t you with them?”

“Jakov told me that you know everyone in town.”

“You’ve been chatting up the Slavs, eh?”

“Why not?” Cindy replied with a sly grin.

“Yeah, I know all the night crawlers,” Paul admitted.

“Do you know a woman named Lana?”

“Yep, she comes here a lot.”

“So she’s quite the party animal?”

“Not exactly. Actually, she’s kind of an odd bird.”

“What do you mean?” Cindy inquired while delicately sipping her drink.

Paul paused for a minute and gulped his chardonnay before declaring, “She’s a lesbian.”

Cindy was surprised by his statement. She regretted not sending Amy to do her dirty work. However, her best friend had flatly refused insisting that this investigation was a “pointless endeavor.”

After a deep breath, Cindy asked, “Why do you think she’s gay?”

“Experience. I’m an expert on women,” Paul bragged.

The club’s volume had dramatically increased. Thus, she practically had to shout, “Are you friends with her?”

“Nah, she’s a total bitch.”


“I walked up to Lana one night and asked her to join me for a drink, but she brushed me away like I worked here and stormed off.”

“But you do work here,” Cindy reminded the manager.

Paul’s initially upbeat mood was now replaced with irritability. Glancing towards the door, he snapped, “I’ve gotta go. My girlfriend just arrived.”

Cindy observed a young Eastern European brunette enter and remarked, “She’s stunning.”

“Yeah, but she’s nuts.”

“She looks sane to me,” Cindy countered.

“If she sees us talking, you’ll see crazy,” Paul promised.

“Thanks for the drink,” Cindy said and joined her group of friends.