I would like to thank my publisher, Blackstone Publishing, for resurrecting this second installment in the Sideways series from the proverbial dead.

Special thanks go to Krista Carlson and veterinarian Dr. Shiri Hoshen for their indefatigable and scrupulous tag-team copyediting on a manuscript that went through many iterations and drafts. Additional thanks to Shiri for her invaluable insight into all issues regarding veterinary medical practice.

I have to give a nod to erstwhile Portland Oregonian wine critic Katherine Cole for her invaluable insight into the workings of the annual International Pinot Noir Celebration in McMinnville, Oregon.

And how could I go without mentioning all the sublime Pinot Noir producers in Oregon who gifted me bottles for “research” for the book? One afternoon, twelve cases of autographed bottles arrived at my door via a perspiring UPS driver. Thank you, Oregon winemakers!

Anything that involves my iconic Sideways characters Miles and Jack, I would be utterly remiss if I didn't thank screenwriter/director Alexander Payne who made Sideways the movie possible and brought my characters to the big screen and imparted to them a timelessness that is rare in the film world.

And last, but certainly not least, thanks to Joy Murphy for magically engendering this reissue.