


Spacing is a little more complex than other facets of handwriting. The following guidelines regarding spacing are based generally upon accepted principles of graphology. As with all other traits and indications in handwriting, spacing must be considered in relation to other factors in the handwriting sample. There are three basic elements of spacing relating to handwriting: spacing between the words, spacing between the letters, and spacing between the lines. The distance between the letters and words is difficult to alter at will when an individual is writing at normal speed. Spacing between the lines, however, is a matter of choice, which a person with average mentality can alter when writing at normal speed. For reasons of available space or personal taste, therefore, the amount of space that appears between the lines is likely to be an indication of conscious preference.

Spacing Between Words

“Cursive” is another word for running script or joined-up writing. Good handwriting is based on a pattern of parallel lines and ovals. Normal spacing between words should be a gap the size of one lowercase letter o. A capital letter should start on the baseline and reach no higher than the top of the loop in a lowercase letter such as an h. A letter that finishes in the upper part of the middle zone should join the next letter horizontally, and a letter finishing in the lower part of the middle zone should join the next letter diagonally.

Word spacing can be related to the way in which we speak. When a person speaks with intermittent pauses, it may be because he or she is accustomed to pondering and considering before acting. It can also be because the person wants to let his or her words be understood by the listener. However, if the pauses outweigh the importance of the speech, then we may conclude that the speaker is conceited.

Even spacing between the words


The spaces between words can reflect how a writer relates to others. If the spacing is neat and even, the writer usually enjoys the company of others and tends to have a genuine concern for his or her fellow human beings. The writer whose handwritten script is regular and flowing normally leaves the correct amount of spacing between the words; the writing is neither too crowded nor too far apart. Most secretaries leave the correct spacing between words in their handwriting, having used a typewriter or word processor for many years.

Wide spacing between the words


Wide spacing between words is an indication that the writer is not too friendly and prefers his or her own company. These individuals need privacy and distance from others. Widely spaced words are associated with intelligent and independent leaders. These writers take time and effort to think through problems carefully before they make a decision. Individuals with this style of writing can be critical and argumentative. When a writer's words are sometimes widely spaced and at other times narrowly set apart, then we may say that this individual is unstable in both thinking and emotions.

Little space between the words


A person who writes with little spacing between the words may have a lot to say for him- or herself but says little of any importance. If there are no spaces between the writer's words, this is indicative of a person of action. This person can also be impulsive. He or she may seek constant contact and closeness with others and have strong feelings of insecurity. The writer can also be introverted and self-conscious and suffer from personal inhibition.

Spacing of Letters within Words

Long joining extensions


An individual who writes with long joining extensions within words shows a lack of inhibitions and is usually an extrovert. These people are considerate and sensitive to those around them. It is important, however, that these writers have time to themselves because they are generous and open-minded but often find it difficult to say no to friends and family, which can exhaust their own energies.

Narrow or irregular spacing


Close and irregular spacing within words is indicative of a person who can talk nonstop on his or her chosen topic. This trait often is characteristic of people who are impatient but loyal. These individuals are practical and logical and can have good organizational skills. They can be specialists in their chosen field of work, but they have few interests outside their careers. Writers whose letters are all narrowly spaced within the words are usually introverted and cautious. They generally lack faith in their own abilities. Indeed, when they are in love, their insecurities can mean that they are prone to jealousy. Writers of this type of script can display self-consciousness, inhibitions, and introversion. Some of these individuals have a fear of loneliness and crave contact with people but have little or no respect for the privacy of others.

Spacing Between Lines

The space between the lines is most probably deliberately planned and can be described as the picture of the writer's mind. Lines of writing should have enough space between them so the upward and downward strokes do not touch.

Large spacing between the lines

A person who writes with widely spaced lines may be said to live an ordered life. These people have executive ability and are reasonable in their thinking. If the space between the lines becomes too large, however, it may indicate that this is a person who likes to keep his or her distance. Large spacing between the lines can be an indication that the writer is out of contact with others. Individuals who write this way desperately need love and affection, but they are afraid to get too involved in an intimate relationship for fear of getting hurt. This can also be due to a fear of failure in a shy, withdrawn, and emotional person. This spacing can also be indicative of writers who are out of touch with the realities of everyday life. Although they can be distrusting of others, they fear isolation. The distance between the words indicates the extent of this person's solitude.



Normal spacing between lines

Normal or “copybook” spacing between the written lines belong to someone who thinks clearly and who has inner balance and harmony, sound judgment and a sense of proportion.

Cramped spacing between the lines


Small spacing between the lines may indicate a person who likes to be around other people. Script with cramped spacing between the lines, with the bottom loops on one line mixing with the upper loops of the next line, is an indication of a person with a muddled mind who needs contact with others. This trait is also an indication of confusion for this writer, who lacks perspective and has poor judgment.