There are three types of pressure to be considered in handwriting: heavy, light, and medium. This pressure displays how much energy a writer has and how it is transformed into activity. It reveals whether the writer is a high-activity worker with an emotional nature, or a sensitive, rather highly strung individual with a lack of energy to fall back on. Turn the page over and look at the back and you will soon see whether the writing pressure is heavy or not.
Heavy pressure indicates commitment and taking things seriously, but excessively heavy pressure signifies that these writers get very uptight at times and can react quickly to what they might see as criticism, even though none is intended. These individuals will react first and ask questions afterward. Heavy pressure in handwriting also indicates energy and driveāand sometimes aggression. These writers can be forceful in an argument. They are doers rather than thinkers but can be overemotional. Sometimes they are egotistical, with a strong need for materialistic success. These individuals enjoy eating and drinking, and they can have a high sexual drive. They prefer activity to contemplation and often like to work with their hands.
Light pressure reveals a sensitive personality and mental alertness, combined with a strong critical streak if the writing is angular. These writers can easily be hurt and may be bruised emotionally. They write with the minimum of energy and are not likely to be active and volatile, but they can be touchy when frustrated in their aims. They dislike unnecessary force or argument and have the ability to adapt to situations with subtle manipulation rather than hostility. These writers are quickly offended by words and often lack tolerance when ruffled; also, they can be sarcastic and irritable. Very light pressure can indicate spirituality, modesty, sensitivity to atmosphere, and empathy toward others, but it shows a lack of vitality. The writer who uses light pressure does not wish to dominate others.
Writers who use medium pressure show good balance between intellect and emotion. These writers are usually adaptable, and while they may not be as energetic or highly active as the heavy-pressure writer, they like to strike an even note in life and do not go to extremes. The majority of people use this level of pressure.