

The Ego and ā€œIā€

The capital letter I has a special significance, and the way that this capital is formed reveals how the writer evaluates the ego. As a symbolic sign of self-esteem or self-evaluation, it can give away as much as the signature can. If the writer is feeling either important and confident or pessimistic and isolated, this will show in the way the capital I is written.

Exaggerated Capital I


An exaggerated capital I shows that the writer is feeling important and slightly arrogant. He or she tends to seek attention and hates to be left out of things. These individuals like to be in charge of any enterprise and have a tendency to show off and to be the center of attention whenever possible, especially with their friends.

Small Capital I


A small capital I signifies pessimism and a lack of confidence; the writer finds it hard to go after the things he or she has wanted since he or she was young. This difficulty may be a result of abuse the person received when he or she was a child. It can also result from a breakdown in an emotional relationship, in which case the small I is a temporary feature. Whatever the reason, this person finds it hard to assert himself or herself.

Straight-Down Capital I


A capital I written as a straight-down line belongs to an intelligent, quick thinker who is able to assess a situation without unnecessary fuss. Emotionally, these writers have excellent judgment and are able to work out what is important and what is not. These individuals can give the impression that they are cool, but this is not the case. If the capital I swings or leans to the left of the page, there can be a guilt complex preventing the individual from enjoying life. This also shows a writer who is under pressure or suffering a disappointment, which can affect his or her way of thinking and emotions. Letting go of the past can enable the writer to come to terms with these feelings. A capital I that leans to the right can indicate a confident forward-thinking person who reacts quickly to influences, good or bad, and meets the challenges of life head-on.

Circular Capital I


A circular, rounded, bold capital I shows a sense of humor and can denote a sense of the dramatic, although occasionally writers who display this trait can retreat into defensiveness when their feelings become too intense. These people worry about getting into unsatisfactory relationships.

Angular and Spiky Capital I


An angular and spiky capital I indicates that the subject has been thwarted in love and is repressed, so that he or she becomes sarcastic at times, but this individual can have a sharp wit. People who write I's this way are sincere and strong-minded, and their likes and dislikes are soon firmly established. These writers do not suffer fools gladly.

Fragmented Capital I


A capital I that is fragmented shows a love of travel and an avoidance of a restricted living or working environment. Writers who display this trait are often swayed by impulses and spontaneity. They tend to be erratic and undisciplined in both their emotional and social life, but they can be adventurous.

Capital I with a Large Loop


A large loop in a writer's capital I is a sign of emotion. These writers are warm, impulsive, and sentimental; they also enjoy an active social life, although they lean on others for security. The greater the loop, the more affectionate and loving is the nature. This writer is a true romantic.

Capital I with Two Loops


When the capital I has two loops, the writer is guarding against being hurt and seeks harmony. Individuals who display this handwriting characteristic can sometimes be suspicious of others' motivations. An I that is very complicated with two loops shows self-awareness and an analytical mind that likes to unravel problems; people who write their I's this way find an interest in sorting out situations and people.

Printed Capital I


A printed capital I in a person's script can show an interest in literary matters and can indicate some creativity in this direction. This capital can reveal a love of beautiful things, artistic talent, and a liking for order and method in the life of the writer.

Capital I in Context


An I that is the same size as the other capital letters in the writer's script suggest that logic and emotions are evenly balanced. When the capital I is a good deal higher than the other capital letters, however, the writer can be a bossy individual who needs to dominate others.