

Dotting the i's and Crossing the t's

“Dotting the i's and crossing the t's” is an expression that most of us have heard in some context or other, but in the analysis of a handwriting sample, both these actions are very important. When we are writing, dotting our i's and crossing our t's is automatic; we don't really give any thought to the action.

Crossing the t

The way the writer places the bar across the stem of the letter t can indicate whether the individual is confident, ambitious, pessimistic, cautious, or spontaneous. However, this one indicator is not conclusive; one must also look at all the other indicators. The t bar should be evaluated according to its location in relation to the downward stroke, the significance of rightward and leftward movement, and whether it is placed high or low on the stem.

t bar connected to the following letter


A t bar connected to the following letter can be a sign of writing speed and can denote an intelligent and quick mind.

t bar to the left of the stem


A t bar placed to the left of the stem can reveal caution and a tendency to hold back, particularly when the writer is making decisions. This person is too cautious, so he or she can miss opportunities as a result of this.

t bar to the right of the stem


The t bar that flies away to the right of the stem can indicate an agile mind, impatience, and an emphasis on achieving aims and goals. This indication can be a leadership sign in handwriting and can also show energy and ambition.

t bar sloping downward or upward


The t bar that slopes slightly downward can indicate anger under tension, but the t bar that slopes slightly upward on the stem can reveal a basically optimistic individual.

t bar low on the stem


A t bar very low on the stem can be an indication of depression, but it can also show excellent organizational skills.

t bar precisely in the middle of the stem


The writer who places a t bar carefully and precisely in the middle of the stem demonstrates a careful, cautious, and rather pedantic nature. This writer is not given to impulsive gestures or spontaneous acts and may lack forcefulness, but he or she has a generally steady and methodical personality.

t bar at the top of the stem


A t bar at the very top of the stem reveals that the writer may have ideas or ambitions that are not very practical, and this person can also have a tendency to daydream.

Rounded t bar


A t bar that is rounded and full displays the writer's sensitivity and tendency to be impressionable. This writer needs security and affection.

Long, thin t bar


A long, thin t bar that crosses over the entire word can be a sign of protectiveness toward the writer's family and friends, but if it is too forceful and the pressure is heavy, it can mean that this person is intolerant and at times has a patronizing attitude.

Angular t bar


An angular (sharp, pointed) t bar shows that the writer may have suffered disappointment in love and can be touchy under pressure and inclined to be irritable at times.

t bar sharpens at either end


The t bar that sharpens at the end to the right can reveal a quick temper, but a t bar that starts with a point and then gets thicker indicates that the writer is slow to anger.

t bar with tiny hooks


A t bar with a tiny hook at the end or at the beginning can indicate that the writer is tenacious and likes to finish whatever has been started.

Heavy or light t bar


Thoughtlessness is shown in a thick t bar, and sensitivity in a light-pressure t bar.

Knotted t bar


A knotted t bar can denote thoroughness and can indicate that the writer dislikes interference in personal affairs.

Dotting the i

The i dot can reveal caution and reserve, spontaneity and impulsiveness. The position of the dot is extremely important, but it should be considered with a view to confirming other factors revealed in a person's handwriting.

The dotting of the i should be evaluated according to:

i dot to the left of the stem


A dot that is placed to the left of the stem indicates caution on the part of the writer. It can also show deliberation before committing to a course of action and hesitation when it comes to making decisions.

i dot to the right of the stem


A dot that is placed to the right of the stem indicates that the writer is progressive and forward thinking and has a practical turn of mind, but this trait can also show reserve.

i dot central but low


A dot that is exactly above the stem but low indicates an individual who has a good eye for detail and an excellent memory, but very little imagination or creative flair.

i dot central but high


A dot very high above the stem can indicate a dreamer who may have an inquiring mind but often finds it hard to come down to earth. Such writers also have a rather inquisitive nature that at times can border on nosy impudence.

i dot to the right, slanting upward


An i dot that flies to the right of the stem in a slightly upward slant can show ambition, enthusiasm, spontaneity, and lots of vision and activity. This writer likes to be kept busy and rarely wastes time or effort on nonessentials.

i dot as elongated horizontal line


An i dot in the shape of a small elongated horizontal line can reveal sensitivity and an impressionable nature. The person with this handwriting trait can be critical, hard to please, and inclined to overreact against slights—real or imagined.

i dot as an arc


The writer who dots the i in the form of a tiny arc is revealing a well-developed imagination and excellent powers of observation. This particular method of dotting the i can be found in the handwriting of people who deal with creative work or those who are helping others to develop intuition and understanding.

i dot as a circular dot


An i dot in the shape of a tiny circle can show an offbeat sense of humor. Frequently, this trait is found in the handwriting of young girls and older people who have a desire to be thought different and artistic; they can use this as a means of self-expression.

Very heavy i dot


A large, heavy i dot that is racing to the right is a sign of restlessness, impatience, and reaching for aims and goals. This method of dotting the i can be found in the handwriting of an executive whose position calls for quick decisions.

Depression and feelings of pessimism can be attributed to a very heavy i dot. This handwriting trait reveals a writer who is feeling weighed down and projecting a heavy heart. An extremely light i dot signifies a lack of energy and a certain amount of apathy on the part of the writer. Sometimes the type of pen influences the type of i dot, so it has to be evaluated carefully.

i dot connected to the next letter


An i dot connected to the next letter in the word shows intelligence, quick thinking, adaptability, a positive outlook, and the ability to make long-term plans.

Letter i without the dot


An i with a dot that is omitted completely can indicate that the writer is a quick thinker whose thoughts flow faster than they can be written down on paper. Alternatively, it can suggest sloppiness in punctuation.

Pointed and sharp i dot


Pointed and sharp i dots can indicate aggression and a sarcastic streak.