
Note: Figures are indicated by page numbers in italics.

Abramovitz, Moses 27

AIDS victim problem 96

Alperovitz, Gar 27

Auerbach, Paul 61

Baran, Paul 57

Baumol, William 27

Bellamy, Edward 26, 28, 98

Blecker, Robert 61

Bohm‐Bawerk, Eugene 14, 86

Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus 13

Bowles, Sam 59

Capital (Marx) 1, 13, 18, 20n2, 52, 55, 56, 64n9, 65; see also Marx, Karl

Capital in the Twenty‐First Century (Piketty) 98

capitalism: crises and 49, 50, 54, 57, 5859, 62; environment and 6566, 74, 75n1, 77n13; in Marx 12; Marxian critique of 7980; moral critique of 7899; prices and 9, 1315, 1819; profit and 30, 32; technological change and 3839, 43

capitalist crises see crises, capitalist

Carlyle, Thomas 63n1

Clark, J. B. 85

classical economics 58

contribution 8897

credit: crises and 5556

crises, capitalist: under consumption 5657; credit and 5556; equilibrium and 5354; and financial instability hypothesis 6162; and long‐run growth trajectories 6263; in Marx 4960; money and 5556; prices and 52, 53; profit squeeze 5758; and Social Structure of Accumulation 5860, 64n15; in Sraffian theory 6063; technological change and 5354; tendency for rate of profit to fall 5155

Daly, Lew 27

Davidson, Paul 61

Dutt, Amitava 61

dynamic efficiency: technological change and 4446

ecology see environment

economic surplus 3234

Edwards, Rick 59

efficiency: technological change and 4446

effort 9497

Eichner, Alfred 61

environment: Marxism and 6566, 74n1; Sraffian theory and 6673; technological change and 71

equilibrium: crises and 5354

exploitation 22, 39, 78, 82

financial crises see crises, capitalist

financial instability hypothesis 6162

Foster, John Bellamy 66

Freeman, Alan 52

fundamental Marxian theorem (FMT) 22, 23, 29, 82

fundamental Sraffian theorem (FST) 25, 29, 32, 82

Gerstein, Ira 35n11

Godley, Wynne 61

Gordon, David 59

Gramsci, Antonio 80

Great Depression 60

Harcourt, Geoff 61

Harris, Don 61

Hudson, Michael 61

income distribution: technological change and 4142

Kaldor, Nicholas 61

Kalecki, Michael 61, 64n17

Karl Marx and the Close of His System (Bohm‐Bawerk) 14

Keynesian revolution 60

Kliman, Andrew 52

Kotz, David 59

Kregel, Jan 61

labor: exploitation and 22; as homogeneous 6; in Marx 8; prices and 56; profit and 30; technological change and 3839, 40, 4244; time and 67; values 1415, 20n9, 3234, 4344

Lavoie, Marc 61

Looking Backward (Bellamy) 28

Luxemburg, Rosa 56

Maddison, Angus 2627

Magdoff, Fred 66

Malthus, Thomas Robert 31, 49

Marglin, Steve 57, 61

Marx, Karl 12; crises in 4960; critique by 7980; environment and 6566, 74n1; labor in 8; prices in 59, 18; profit in 2223; profit in, vs. Sraffian 2931; technical change in 3739, 47n1; wages in 31; see also Capital (Marx)

McDonough, Terrence 58, 59

McGlone, Ted 52

Meek, Ronald 16

Minsky, Herman 61

Mokyr, Jay 28

money: crises and 5556

Monopoly Capital: An Essay on the American Economic and Social Order (Sweezy & Baran) 57

Morishima, Michio 22, 23, 29

need 9697

“new interpretation” (NI) school 35n12

Nordhaus, William 2627

North, Douglas 27

O’Hara, Phillip 59

Okishio, Nobu 42, 46, 47n5, 51

Palley, Tom 61

Pasinetti, Luigi 64n16

Piketty, Thomas 98, 99n5

population 4950

prices: in classical economics 58; crises and 52, 53; labor and 56; in Marx 18; Marxian theory of 59; Marxian vs. Sraffian theories of 1215; of production 1819; profit and 912; in Sraffian theory 912, 20n4; Sraffian theory of 912; technological change and 41; transformation problem and 1519; wages and 1012, 1314

production: prices of 1819; profit and 2526; technological change and 3839

productivity: technological change and 4244, 47n1

profit: in capitalist crises 5155; economic surplus and 3234; labor and 30; labor values and 3234; in Marx 8, 9, 2223; prices and 8, 9, 13, 1519; production and 2526; rebutting arguments in defense of 8388; as reward for waiting 86; in Sraffian theory 912, 2429, 26; Sraffian theory vs. Marx 2931; technological change and 3738, 48n9; tendency of, to fall 5155; transformation problem and 1519; wages and 25

profit squeeze crises 5758

Reich, Michael 59

Ricardo, David 5, 49, 63n2, 65

Robinson, Joan 61, 99n2

Rockefeller grandson problem 89

Rosenberg, Nathan 27

sacrifice 8897

Say’s Law 62, 63n2, 64n9

Schumpeter, Joseph 84

Shaikh, Anwar 17, 20n8

Skott, Peter 61

Smith, Adam 5, 45, 48n8, 65, 100

socially necessary abstract labor time (SNALT) 35n12

Social Structure of Accumulation (SSA) 5860, 64n15

Solow, Robert 27

Sraffian economics 1

Sraffian theory: crises in 6063; critique by 8081; environment and 6673; prices in 912, 20n4; profit in 912, 2429, 26; profit in, vs. Marx 2931; of technical change 3946, 100; wages in 31

“stagflation” 59

surplus, economic 3234

Sutch, Richard 2627

Sweezy, Paul 20n10, 5657

Taylor, Lance 61

technological change: and choice of technique 40; comparison of analyses of 46; crises and 5354; dynamic efficiency and 4446; environment and 71; income distribution and 4142; labor and 3839; labor values and 4344; in Marx 3739, 47n1; prices and 41; production and 3839; productivity and 4244, 47n1; profit and 3738, 48n9; Sraffian theory of 3946, 100

tendency for rate of profit to fall (TRPF) crises 5155

Theory of Capitalist Development: Principles of Marxian Political Economy (Sweezy) 57

time, labor and 67

transformation problem 1519

under consumption crises 5657

values, labor 1415

wage‐profit frontier 2526, 26

wages: in Malthus 31; in Marx 31; prices and 1012, 1314; profit and 25; in Sraffian theory 31

Weintraub, Sydney 61

Weisskopf, Thomas 59

“What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism” (Foster & Magdoff) 66

Wolfson, Martin 59

Wray, Randall 61