About the Contributors

Larry Ackerman is a leading authority on organizational and personal identity. He is the founder of The Identity Circle, a strategic consulting and coaching firm, and the author of two groundbreaking books: Identity Is Destiny: Leadership and the Roots of Value Creation, and The Identity Code: The 8 Essential Questions for Finding Your Purpose and Place in the World. He can be reached at lackerman@theidentitycircle.com

Dean Anderson, MA, Co-Founder and President of Being First, Inc., specializes in developing executives and consultants into conscious and competent change leaders. Working with Fortune 1000 businesses, government organizations, and nonprofits, he assists clients to build integrated change strategies. As an advocate of co-creating, he works with senior executives using a high performance model, a way of being and relating to individuals to produce win-win solutions that serve both the organization and the individuals. He earned his Masters and Bachelors degree at Stanford University. He can be reached at being-first@beingfirst.com.

Linda Ackerman Anderson, MA, Co-Founder and Vice President of Being First, Inc., specializes in facilitating transformational change in Fortune 1000 businesses, government organizations, and nonprofits. During the past thirty years her practice has focused on strategy development for major organizational change using Being First’s Nine-Phase Model for leading conscious transformation. As a coach to senior executives and change leaders, she encourages personal modeling of the changes they seek to create in their organizations. She earned her Masters degree at Columbia University’s Teachers College. She can be reached at beingfirst@beingfirst.com.

Philip Anderson is the Director, Change Management/Business Transformation at ManpowerGroup North America. Prior to his position at ManpowerGroup, he held global director positions at Johnson-Diversey, Inc., and Abbott Laboratories. His work has appeared in a number of publications in the OD field. He currently serves on the Advisory Board for the Center for Values-Based Leadership and the Editorial Board for the OD Practitioner. He can be reached at Philip.Anderson@manpowergroup.com.

Matthew Auron is a Director on DaVita, Inc.’s award winning Wisdom Team, responsible for OD, training, and coaching work on multiple levels of the organization. Prior to his work with DaVita, he was an Organizational Effectiveness Specialist with Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP) as well as leadership coach and consultant under his own name. He holds a Master of Science in Organization Development from Pepperdine University. He can be reached at Matthew.Auron@davita.com.

Robert C. Barnett, PhD, is a Senior Fellow at MDA Leadership Consulting in Minneapolis, which he joined in 1985. As a consultant, he focuses on organizational development and change, M&A integration, team development, and executive assessment. Barnett has worked with organizations in a variety of industries including manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, specialty chemicals, telecommunications, government, and education. He earned his BA and PhD from the University of Minnesota, and an MS in Organization Development from Pepperdine University. He can be reached at BBarnett@mdaleadership.com.

Jean-Pierre Beaulieu, MBA, is president of J-P- Beaulieu, Conseil en Gestion Inc. In his projects, Jean-Pierre favors the active involvement of internal and external partners in order to reap the benefits of the knowledge and experience available to the organization. He uses novel processes, which are adapted to today’s organization demands and uses his long experience in large group dynamics. He is coauthor of Mobiliser l’organisation face à son venir, Gaëtan Morin 2000. He can be reached at: jpbeaulieu@sympatico.ca.

William Becker, MA, is the CEO of Strategic Business Resources in New York City with over 30 years of domestic and international experience in a range of industries, with medium sized companies to Fortune 500 corporations. He is a founding member of Future Search Network, an association promoting the application of Future Search Conferences. His OD practitioner experience spawned his book, How to OD … And Live to Tell About It, as well as articles appearing in the Manchester School of Business Creativity and Innovation Management, M-World Resource Center publications, the OD Network’s OD Practitioner and online publication Practicing. He holds an MA from UCLA, was trained at NTL, and taught as an adjunct professor at three New York universities. He can be reached at wfbecker@verizon.net.

Geoff Bellman has been an OD consultant for almost all of his professional life, working inside and outside corporate America. He is one of the founders of the Community Consulting Project, a group of Seattle area consultants and learners who give their time to nonprofit organizations. Bellman is the author of six books on organizations, leadership, teams, change, and life. He is perhaps best known in OD for his book, The Consultant’s Calling: Bringing Who You Are to What You Do, Jossey-Bass, 2nd edition, 2002. He can be reached at geoffbellman@gmail.com.

Michael Brazzel, PhD, CPCC, ACC, is an executive coach, organization development, and diversity consultant, economist, former manager in U.S. government agencies, and university educator-researcher. As an internal and external consultant, he has provided organization development and diversity/social justice services to organizations for more than 25 years. Brazzel is a member of the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, coeditor of The NTL Handbook of Organization Development and Change: Principles, Practices, and Perspectives (2006) and the NTL Reading Book for Human Relations Training (1999), and co-founder of NTL’s Diversity Practitioner Certificate Program. His life’s work is based in the values: respect for human differences, racial and social justice, and life-long learning. He can be reached at Brazzel@aol.com.

David S. Bright, PhD, is a professor at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, and he holds a PhD in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University. His research and consulting practices focus on Appreciative Inquiry, virtue based change, and emergent organizing. He can be reached at david.bright@wright.edu.

Gervase R. Bushe, PhD, is at the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University and is an associate with the Centre for Creative Leadership as well as European and Asian Consulting Firms. His passion is planned, transformational change. In the last few years he’s been working to transform public education in western Canada through appreciative inquiry, and the health care system in British Columbia through Clear Leadership. He’s now working on a process for performance amplification in large businesses that’s resulted in transformation in financial and HR outcomes in two different industries. Bushe earned his doctorate at Case Western Reserve. He can be reached at bushe@sfu.ca.

Leon E. Butler, PhD, is the CEO of the Delphi Network Inc. and Internal OD Consultant at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Butler’s work has included the design and implementation of change in public and private systems, domestic and foreign. His practice includes strategic planning, diversity, conflict resolution, executive coaching and change management interventions. He received his doctorate from the State University of New York at Buffalo, and is a member of NTL Institute. He can be reached at delphinet@comcast.net.

Emile J. Carrière MS (USA, Canada), a former executive with organizations in Canada and the Middle East, leads consulting projects focused on establishing strategic direction and the management of implementation processes. He has an MS in Organizational Development from Pepperdine University, and is co-author of “La Démarche Prospective.” He can be reached at EJCarrier@aol.com.

Veronica Hopper Carter, PhD brings experience as a psychotherapist to her work as a trainer of organizational consultants, emphasizing all levels of system. With over 20 years experience in the practice of Raj Yoga, she integrates spiritual principles, Gestalt theory and practice, and systems thinking into a base for her teaching. She is an associate of John D. Carter & Associates. She can be reached at VHCarter@aol.com.

John Conbere, EdD, is Professor and Director of the Doctoral Program in OD, Department of Organizational Learning & Development, College of Applied Professional Studies, the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He can be reached at jpconbere@stthomas.edu.

Mark A. Chesler, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Michigan and Executive Director of Community Resources Ltd. in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is an activist scholar conducting research, teaching, consulting, and organizing on issues of personal/organizational change around social privilege and oppression. He can be reached at mchesler@umich.edu.

David L. Cooperrider, PhD, is the Fairmount Minerals Professor of Social Entrepreneurship at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University where he is faculty director of the Fowler Center for Sustainable Value http://weatherhead.case.edu/centers/fowler. He is best known for his foundational theory on Appreciative Inquiry and has served as advisor to senior executives in business and societal leadership roles, including projects with five Presidents and Nobel Laureates. He is editor of both the Journal of Corporate Citizenship with Ron Fry and the research series for Advances for Appreciative Inquiry, with Michel Avital. In 2010 he was awarded the Peter F. Drucker Distinguished Fellow by the Drucker School of Management—a designation recognizing his contribution to management thought. His books include Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change (with Diana Whitney); The Organization Dimensions of Global Change (with Jane Dutton); Organizational Courage and Executive Wisdom (with Suresh Srivastva). For more on Appreciative Inquiry see http://appreciativeinquiry.case.edu/ and www.davidcooperrider.com.

Barry Dym has founded four organizations, beginning with the Family Institute of Cambridge and, currently, the Institute for Nonprofit Management and Leadership (INML), housed at Boston University’s School of Management. He is the author of four books, most recently, Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations and Managing Leadership Transitions. For over forty years, he has practiced organization development consulting, executive coaching, and psychotherapy. He can be reached at bdym@work-wise.org.

Adrienne Eaton, PhD, is Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations and Director of Labor Extension at Rutgers University’s School of Management and Labor Relations. She holds graduate degrees from Ohio State University and University of Wisconsin. Her research on labor-management partnerships and worker participation has been published in Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Labor Studies Journal, Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, and several book chapters. She has worked as a research consultant for the Coalition for Kaiser Permanente Unions focused on evaluation of the KP Labor Management Partnership since 1998. She can be reached at eaton@smlr.rutgers.edu.

Sue Eklund, EdD, is Principal Advisor, Change Integration Agency and Adjunct Professor, University of St. Thomas. Her background includes 25 years of human resource development and organization development. She has worked in education, nonprofit and spent several years in leadership positions in corporate training, global leadership and learning, and organization development in Dayton Hudson, Seagate Technology, and Ecolab. She has MA in Education Leadership from MN State University, and a doctorate in OD from the University of St. Thomas. She has served on community Board of Directors including the Webster Groves Chamber of Commerce, the College School, and the St. Louis Center. She is past Sustainer Board President for the Jr. League of Minneapolis and Advisor for Free Arts MN. She can be reached at sue.klund@gmail.com.

Sanyani Edwards, TLLP, is currently seeking a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) from the Michigan School of Professional Psychology. He obtained a MBA and Organization Development degree from Bowling Green State University. He has served as a psychotherapist for several nonprofit organizations in the metropolitan area of Detroit, MI. He is currently an associate at Health Care Associates offering pro-bono services to practitioners facing biased Health Care fraud litigation. He also provides training and presentations to inform the health care community about unfair tactics used by the government to further a hostile agenda against doctors and other health care practitioners. He can be reached at sanyani@sbcglobal.net

Arthur M. Freedman, MBA, PhD, is a consulting organizational psychologist who has received many national and international awards for his contributions to the discipline. He is a founder and board member of the World Institute of Action Learning. He consults to public and private sector organizations throughout the globe. He is an Adjunct Professor at the Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University. His many publications include Action Learning for developing leaders and organizations, co-authored with Michael Marquardt, Skipton Leonard, and Cori Hill (2009). He can be reached at arthurf@aol.com.

Connie A. Freeman is a passionate and committed senior leader with 20 years of HR/OD/LD experience who has consulted with both public and private sector organizations—including financial services, consumer products, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, government, healthcare and education. Freeman is currently Senior Vice President, Consulting Solutions for Morehead Associates, where she is consulting with healthcare organizations on the impact of employee and physician engagement on organizational success. She earned her MA in Organization Communication from the University of Illinois and has achieved ABD status toward a Ph.D. She is currently on the Board of the new Strategic Leadership Forum—Carolinas. She can be reached at Connie.Freeman@moreheadassociates.com.

Judith Gail has worked in the applied behavioral sciences as an OD and Change Management practitioner for 18 years. She holds a Master of Science Degree specializing in Organization Development (MSOD), from The American University/NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, in Washington DC. She also holds a BBA in Business Administration. Judith is currently writing a children’s book that focuses on elementary age students and the personal dimensions of diversity. She lives in DC with her partner and is dedicated to experiences that make her laugh. She can be reached at judithbryant@consultant.com.

Stephen K. Garcia, EdD, is a Partner at Philosophy IB, a management consulting group that brings strategy to life by changing the way people work. He holds a BA and MBA from the University of Virginia and an EdD in Adult learning from North Carolina State University where his research focused on social networks, innovation and change. He can be reached at sgarcia@philosophyib.com.

Steve Gens has 25 years of business experience in the global biopharmaceutical and healthcare industries working with global virtual teams on critical strategic initiatives. He has a Master of Science in Organization Development with distinction for his field work, and is certificated in Organizational Change Management from the NTL Institute. He can be reached at sgens@gens-associates.com, or www.gens-associates.com.

Robert Goldberg was a Management Development Consultant with Ebasco Services Incorporated in New York.

Laurence J. Gould, PhD, was professor of Psychology and Director of the Psychological Center in the Clinical Psychological Doctoral Program at the City University of New York. He received his PhD in psychology (1965) from the University of Connecticut. He was a National Institute of Mental Health post-doctoral fellow in psychology at Yale University (1966). He is a founding Director of the Program in Organizational Development and Consultation at The William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Institute; a founding member of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations; past president and fellow of the A.K.Rice Institute; a principal of the firm Gould Krantz White, Organizational Consultation and Senior Consultant at the ACCEL Group, Inc.

David Grant, PhD, is Professor of Organizational Studies at the University of Sydney Business School, Australia. His research interests focus on organizational discourse theory and analysis, especially where these relate to leadership and organizational change. Grant has worked on research and consultancy projects in Europe, Australia, and Asia. He can be reached at david.grant@sydney.edu.au.

Matt Griffin, PhD, is an Organization Development practitioner with over 15 years experience in providing OD consulting expertise to help organizations improve effectiveness through strategic and cultural change. He currently serves on the OD team at Providence Health & Services, a large nonprofit health care system in the Western US, and as a volunteer consulting team leader with Community Consulting Partnership in Seattle. He can be reached at Matt.Griffin@providence.org.

Kakuta Ole Ole Maimai Hamisi, MA, is Founder and Managing Director of The Maasai Association, a community-based non-profit organization and NGO based in Bellevue, WA and Kajiado Central District of Kenya. The purpose of the Association is preserving the Maasai way of life while becoming participants in the technological age. A Maasai Elder and Warrior, Kakuta earned his Masters Degree in International Relations from The School for International Studies. He divides his time between Seattle and his beloved Merrueshi, the Maasai community deep in the bush of Kenya. For more about Kakuta’s community development work go to www.maasai-association.org.

Dave Hanna is a principal with the RBL Group, a global professional services firm committed to creating value through the effective management of people and organizations. He has worked with Global 500 clients in every region of the world and is the author of two books and several articles on leadership and organization effectiveness. His latest book, The Organizational Survival Code, is in production. He can be reached at dhanna@rbl.net.

Thomas C. Head, PhD, is a Professor of Management and the Director of Accreditation for Roosevelt University’s W. E. Heller College of Business. He is a prolific author with 17 books and over 75 journal articles to his credit on a wide variety of topics. His current interests lie primarily with global organization development and related practices. He has served on the boards of the Academy of Management’s Management Consulting Division, The Midwest Academy of Management and Pro-Change International. He has served as the editor for both The Journal of Pro-Change International and The Organization Development Journal. He earned his PhD in Business Administration from Texas A&M University. He can be reached at thead@roosevelt.edu.

Alla Heorhiadi, PhD, EdD, is Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of Organizational Learning & Development, College of Applied Professional Studies, and Director of the Energetics Institute, the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, Minnesota. She can be reached at aheorhiadi@stthomas.edu.

Gina Hinrichs, PhD, worked for John Deere for over twenty years. She was the Quality Manager for Worldwide Harvesting before starting her OD Consulting business in the Midwest, U.S. in 2001. She earned an MBA from Northwestern University before earning her PhD from Benedictine University. Hinrichs is a professor for Ca-pella, Benedictine, and Lawrence Technological University’s online and resident programs. She can be reached at ghinrichs517@gmail.com

Larry Hirschhorn is a principal with CFAR, a management-consulting firm with offices in Philadelphia, PA, and Cambridge, MA. He also teaches at the University of Pennsylvania and Fielding Graduate University. He works with clients at the intersection of strategy and organization development. He is the author of several books including, Managing in the New Team Environment, The Workplace Within, and Reworking Authority. He is a founder and past president of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. He writes a blog about the intersection of business and psychology; http://learningfromexperiencelarryhirschhorn.blogspot.com/

Chris Hoffman, MEd, MBA, is a senior OD consultant at Xcel Energy Corporation. He is the author of several professional articles as well as a book on ecopsychology, The Hoop and the Tree: A Compass for Finding a Deeper Relationship with All Life, and a book of poetry, Cairns. Hoffman earned his MEd at Northeastern University, Boston, MA and his MBA from the University of Colorado. He can be reached at Chris.Hoffman@XcelEnergy.com.

Shana Hormann, PhD, has been working with nonprofit organizations, tribes, and universities in Washington and Alaska since 1975. She has provided training and consultation to nonprofit leaders and staff members, law enforcement officials, educators, medical personnel, and social service professionals throughout the U.S. and Canada about child sexual abuse, family violence, Native education, and juvenile offenders. For the past ten years she has focused her research, writing, and training on organizational trauma. She is on faculty at Antioch University Seattle and currently serves as Associate Academic Dean and Dean of Students. She can be reached at shormann@antioch.edu or shanahormann@gmail.com.

Maya Hu-Chan, MA, President, Global Leadership Associates, is an international management consultant, executive coach, public speaker, and author. She was rated Top 100 Thought Leaders in Management & Leadership (2008-2011) by Leadership Excellence Magazine. She specializes in global leadership, executive coaching and cross-cultural business skills. Harvard Business School has chosen her book Global Leadership: The Next Generation to be one of their Working Knowledge recommended books. Born and raised in Taiwan and residing in San Diego, California, She has a Masters degree from the University of Pennsylvania. She can be reached at mayahuchan@gmail.com

Harry Hutson. PhD is Vice President, Human Resources at Global Knowledge Network, an information technology education provider. Previously, he was Vice President, Leadership Development at Avery Dennison Corporation, and a Director of Personnel at Cummins Engine Company; for nineteen years, he has focused his work in human development and organization change while performing in human resource management roles within multinational companies. Hutson’s professional practice includes consulting with nonprofits, delivering conference workshops, and writing occasional articles for publication. He can be contacted at harry@harryhutson.com.

Kathleen Iverson, PhD, is Associate Professor of Training and Development at Roosevelt University located in Chicago, Illinois, where she teaches graduate level courses in organization development, cultural diversity, research methodology, e learning, training foundations, consulting, and evaluation. She holds a PhD from Loyola University Chicago in Training and Organization Development with a minor in Quantitative Research Methods. Her publications include books and research articles that address e learning, organization strategy, instructional design, and human resource management. She can be reached at kiverson@roosevelt.edu.

Jeffrey Jackson, MBA, is principal of The Vallarta Institute, a consulting, coaching and evaluation firm for foundations and nonprofits with offices in Oakland, CA and a retreat center in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. He has worked for 11 years at healthcare giant Kaiser Permanente as Manager of Community Relations, Operations/Finance Director for the Labor-Management Partnership, and Director of Consulting Services with The Permanente Medical Group. He can be reached at jeff.jackson@vallartainstitute.com.

Judith H. Katz, EdD, has helped Fortune 100 companies address systemic barriers, foster inclusive interactions through the 12 Inclusive Behaviors, leverage diversity, and foster strategic culture change. As Executive Vice President for The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc., Judith has created numerous breakthrough concepts in organization development and transformation, including (with Frederick A. Miller) Inclusion as the HOW® as a foundational mindset for higher performance. The author of the landmark book White Awareness: Handbook for Anti-Racism Training, she has also co-authored three books with Frederick A. Miller: The Inclusion Breakthrough: Unleashing the Real Power of Diversity; Be BIG: Step Up, Step Out, Be Bold; and (forthcoming March 2013) Opening Doors to Teamwork and Collaboration: 4 Keys That Change EVERYTHING. In 2007, Profiles in Diversity Journal named her one of 40 Pioneers of Diversity, and in 2012 she was honored as one of the Legends of Diversity by the International Society of Diversity and Inclusion Professionals. She can be reached at JudithKatz@kjcg.com

Art Kleiner is the editor-in-chief of strategy+business, the award-winning management magazine published by Booz & Company: www.strategy-business.com. He is also the editorial director of the Fifth Discipline Fieldbook series, the coauthor of Schools That Learn with Peter Senge, et al. (second edition, Random House, 2012), and the author of The Age of Heretics (Jossey-Bass, 2008) and Who Really Matters (Doubleday, 2003). He is on the faculty of New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. He can be reached at kleiner_art@bah.com

Adam S. Kling, PhD, is the Global Practice Leader, Executive Selection and Integration at RHR International, LLP. In this role he is responsible for the development and management of the firm’s services that address the considerable risks associated with C-level hiring and promotion decisions. He also works with CEOS and executive teams when undergoing significant structural, process, and strategic change. He can be reached at akling@rhrinternational.com.

David Kolb, PhD, is Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. He is best known for his research on experiential learning and learning styles described in Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Current research activities include assessment of learning flexibility, studies of team learning, research on the cultural determinants of learning style, and research on experiential learning in conversation.

Anne H. Litwin, PhD, has been a consultant to organizations and coach to senior leaders for over 30 years in the United States and internationally. She has been the CEO of her family retail business, is a professional member and past-Chair of the Board of Directors of the NTL Institute. Litwin also conducts research and writes about women in organizations. She can be reached at: www.annelitwin.com.

Jeremy S. Lurey, PhD, is the CEO and Chief Architect of Plus Delta Consulting, LLC. With nearly 20 years of progressive experience as a management consultant, he serves as a trusted business advisor for his clients and partners with them to improve performance and implement positive changes in their organizations. Lurey has particular expertise in strategic planning, executive and management development, change management, business process improvement, and virtual team effectiveness. He can be reached at jslurey@plusdelta.net.

Harold Mack was an internal consultant with Southern New England Telephone Co.

Charles Mallue is Manager, Organization Development for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts. He consults with global leadership teams on the implementation of strategy, the organization of work and people, and the impacts of change. His previous experience includes external consulting and senior level HR positions with NCR, Lexis-Nexis, and Exxon-Mobil. He is a member of the OD Network. He holds an MBA from Youngstown University and certificates from Columbia University’s PPOD program and the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland’s IOSD program. Mallue can be reached at Charles.Mallue@disney.com.

Robert J. Marshak, PhD, is Senior Scholar in Residence for the AU/NTL MSOD Program at American University, Washington, DC and maintains a global consulting practice. His current interests include discourse-based change processes and dialogic OD. Marshak is a recipient of the Organization Development Network’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He can be contacted at marshak@american.edu.

Paul M. Mastrangelo has more than 20 years experience in organization development, organizational research, and adult education. At CEB Valtera he collaborates with leaders from multi-national companies to design, administer, and interpret organizational assessments for change management. He has over 25 professional publications and maintains a professional online presence on LinkedIn, Twitter @paulmastrangelo, and the blog The First Domino. He received his PhD in Organizational Psychology from Ohio University in 1993. He can be reached at pmastrangelo@executiveboard.com.

Hona Matthews, MA, is Director of Organization Effectiveness for ARAMARK Healthcare at a major hospital system in Central Texas. She’s a skilled practitioner with 15 years of experience in patient and employee satisfaction, performance management, change management, executive coaching, and curriculum development for the learning organization. She has a vested interest in helping build world class organizations by integrating organization development systems and processes within crucial business operations. She can be reached at matthews-hona@aramark.com.

Michael F. McGovern has been a practicing Human Resources, Leadership Development, and Organization Development professional for more than 25 years and has worked as an internal consultant/professional in both the public, nonprofit and for-profit sectors for companies such as Abbott Labs, BP/Amoco, and the Chicago Transit Authority. He has also been and is currently the Principal of his own consulting firm: Turn-Key Performance Solutions. He has a masters degree in Organization Development from Loyola University of Chicago and a bachelors degree in Education from DePaul University. He currently resides in Park Ridge, Illinois with his wife Susan and their son Michael. McGovern can be reached at michaelfmcgovern@gmail.com.

Frederick A. Miller, serves as CEO of The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc. With more than 30 years in organization development and transformation, he specializes in using Inclusion as the HOW®—a foundational transformation mindset he co-created with Judith H. Katz—to accelerate results and achieve higher operational performance in Fortune 100 companies and other organizations. He has co-authored three books with Judith H. Katz: Be BIG: Step Up, Step Out, Be Bold; The Inclusion Breakthrough: Unleashing the Real Power of Diversity; and (forthcoming March 2013) Opening Doors to Teamwork and Collaboration: 4 Keys That Change EVERYTHING. He has served on the boards of Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Day & Zimmermann, and many other organizations. Fred has received many honors during his career: in 2007, Profiles in Diversity Journal named him one of 40 Pioneers of Diversity, and he became the youngest person ever to win the OD Network’s Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2012 he was honored as one of the Legends of Diversity by the International Society of Diversity and Inclusion Professionals. He can be reached at Fred-erickMiller@kjcg.com.

Mary T. Miller successfully worked in the automotive industry challenging and supporting employees, at all levels, to develop their individual strengths while positively impacting the bottom line. As a manager in Human Resources at GM/Delphi Corporation, Mary focused her strengths to create organizational effectiveness through individual talent alignment and development. Mary, a Professional Certified Coach, founded her own coaching practice, MTM Transformation Coaching, following her automotive career.

Karon R. Moore has over 28 years of Human Resources experience including 18 years of management experience and 8 years working specifically on a large scale culture change initiative. She recently retired from The Hartford as Assistant Vice President, Diversity and Inclusion, and from the position of Vice-Chair of The Conference Board’s Diversity and Inclusion Council. Moore is also a member of Workforce Opportunity Network and an officer on The CT Council for the Advancement of Diversity. She can be reached at: KaronRMoore@aol.com.

Jane Moosbruker, PhD, has over 30 years experience consulting to organizations in the private and public sector, including health care and education. Her focus has included managing changes in structure, technology and leadership, team development, conflict utilization and process consulting or leadership. She has taught in the Psychology Department at Boston College, the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and American University’s MSOD Program. She has over 20 publications in professional books and journals. She has been a member of National Training Laboratories Institute of Applied Behavioral Science since 1968. She obtained her PhD in Social Psychology from Harvard University. She can be reached at jamoos@earthlink.net

Mambo G. Mupepi, PhD, is associated with Global Scholars Program, University of Michigan and Grand Valley State University and is an international organization development and change consultant. He has worked in both the private and public sectors in the UK, USA, and Southern Africa in various positions including Executive Director of Morewear Engineering Ltd (1989-1991) and Director of the Management Training Bureau in the Ministry of Higher Education (1991–1995), before moving to the USA. He completed his Master’s degrees in Business Technology and Administration from Eastern Michigan University (1999) and PhD in Organization Development from Benedictine University, Lisle-Chicago (2005). He has published numerous articles and books and can be reached at gmmupepi@gmail.com

Sylvia C. Mupepi, PhD, is an Associate Professor at Grand Valley State University. Prior to coming to the U.S. on a Kellogg Foundation Fellowship, she was the national director of nursing education in Zimbabwe. She has worked with international organizations including the World Health Organization. She holds a PhD from the University of Michigan, undergraduate and graduate nursing diplomas from London and Wolverhampton Universities and an MA from the University of Zimbabwe. She can be contacted at mupepis@gvsu.edu.

Wendell Nekoranec EdD, MBA works as a strategist, change agent, management consultant, educator, speaker, and writer. Consulting work includes large-scale change management, strategic planning, mergers & acquisitions, and process improvement. In addition, he teaches at California State University Long Beach and online for the University of Nebraska. He can be reached at wnekoranec@gmail.com.

Peter F. Norlin, PhD, Principal of Peter Norlin Δ Change Guides, and formerly the Executive Director of the OD Network, has spent over 30 years in the field of OD, serving a range of customers from two-person partnerships to Fortune 100 companies. His teaching experience includes faculty appointments at Vanderbilt University, Johns Hopkins University, and Georgetown University. Based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, he is also a professional member of the NTL Institute. He can be reached at pfnorlin@earthlink.net.

Debra Orr is a scholar-practitioner and an Associate Professor/Program Director in Organizational Leadership at Roosevelt University. She is published in the Journal of Nursing Administration, Organization Development Practitioner, Organization Development Journal, and Revue Gestion de Science. Orr serves as President of the Midwest Academy of Management as of October of 2012. An award-winning writer and consultant, on-going researcher and frequent academic presenter, Orr concentrates her efforts on bringing the newest academic research to life within the context of organizations. She can be reached at dorr@roosevelt.edu<mailto:dorr@roosevelt.edu>

Naomi Raab has over 20 years of consulting experience working with leaders who are experiencing growth, change, and sometimes conflict in their organizations. Combining the fields of psychology, management, and organizational dynamics, Raab has assisted people to lead more dynamically and creatively. Raab offers an integrated set of services encompassing organizational, group, and individual aspects of functioning. She can be reached at naomi@raab.com.au.

Maria C. Ramos, EdD, is President of Ramos Associates LLC, an OD consulting firm focused on large systems change, Diversity and inclusion, training and development, and executive coaching in corporations and nonprofit organizations. Recently, she has taught at George Washington University, Syracuse University, and Goddard College. Ramos is a member of the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science. She is reachable at maria@ramosassociates.com.

Mary Ann Rainey, PhD, is an organizational effectiveness consultant and executive coach with a global client roster. Her leadership experience includes corporate Vice President and Vice City Manager. She is co-chairperson of the Gestalt International Organization & Systems Development (OSD) Program and a founding member of the Ghana OSD Program. She has collaborated with David A. Kolb on the application of experiential learning theory to leadership development. She has taught at Case Western Reserve University and Benedictine University and authored several articles. She has served on Boards of Director of NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science and the Academy of Management Association. She holds a PhD in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University and lives in Chicago, Illinois USA. She can be reached at maryarainey@aol.com.

Neil D. Samuels’ 23 years of consulting experience span six continents and businesses ranging from Cruise Lines, Architecture, R&D, and Energy Production, to the US Geological Survey, Trading Compliance, and Education. His work builds on a foundation of strengths and Appreciative Inquiry to engage entire organizations in fundamentally changing their conversations to bring about lasting change. Samuels holds an MSOD from Pepperdine University where he served as adjunct faculty in the Graziadio School of Business and Management. He can be reached at neil@profoundconversations.com

David Schechtman is the founder and president of Tru Progress Consulting based in Los Angeles. His experience includes work with Fortune 500 companies in the financial services, healthcare, travel, and telecom industries. His main focus is helping clients transform adversities into victories. He helps his clients navigate difficult circumstances, identify golden learning opportunities, and establish straight-forward action plans for success. His education includes a MS in Organization Development from Pepperdine University. He can be reached at david@truprogress.com.

Edgar H. Schein, PhD, is the Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus from the MIT Sloan School of Management where he taught from 1956 to 2004. He received his PhD in Social Psychology from Harvard in 1952 and has applied this field to the understanding of career development, organizational culture, process consultation, and the dynamics of interpersonal relations in organizations. He can be reached at scheine@comcast.net.

John J. Scherer, BA, MDiv, LHD, is an international consultant, speaker, and change facilitator with the world’s best-known organizations and their leaders. A former Combat Officer in the US Navy, Lutheran Chaplain at Cornell University, Gestalt-oriented Family Systems Therapist, and Co-creator of the first competency-based graduate program in applied behavioral science. Author of many print, audio, video and other on-line resources. His mission: transforming the world at work. He can be reached at www.SchererCenter.com.

Christopher Schoch is the founding partner of MDLS Associates, and has over twenty years of international experience in executive and organizational development. He has worked extensively in Europe, West Africa, the Middle East, and India. Christopher lectures in executive development programs in Europe and the United States including the MIB program of “Ecole Nationale de Ponts et Chausées,” and the Antioch University Graduate Management Program in Seattle. He regularly contributes articles to professional journals. He can be reached at: Mdlschoch@aol.com.

Patricia Shafer, MSc, MBA, MA, is president of Compel Organizational Excellence Alliance Ltd., a U.S.-based international consulting and research practice focused on inspiring leaders, mentoring multinationals, empowering women and transforming technology. She is also co-founder of The Change Leaders, an international network of consultants and coaches in the human dynamics of change headquartered in the UK. She holds an MSc., Consulting and Coaching for Change, a joint venture of Oxford University, UK, and HEC, France; an MBA, Northwestern University J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management; and certifications in numerous organizational and leadership assessments. She can be reached at pshafer@compelconsulting.com.

Herbert Allen Shepard, PhD made a significant contribution to Organization Development. He held faculty posts at several universities including M.I.T., where he received his doctorate in Industrial Economics. He founded and directed the first doctoral program in Organization Development at Case Western Reserve; developed a residency in administrative psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine, and was also President of The Gestalt Institute of Cleveland and The Professional Development Institute. Shepard conducted the first large-scale experiments in Organization Development, while at Esso in the late fifties, and served as principal consultant to TRW Systems in the applications of behavioral science to organizations and teams. His research opened the way for further developments in the psychology of teams, leadership and interpersonal compatibility; cognitive behavior therapy, social cognitive theory (educational psychology); choice theory; principled negotiation, positive psychology and organization development.

Edward Shin is a consultant at Philosophy IB where he applies social network analysis on training and development, change management, and process design projects. His interest in network analysis grew out of his undergraduate work in Molecular Biology at Princeton where he explored the networks of genetic interactions in stem cells. He can be reached at eshin@philosophyib.com.

Peter F. Sorensen, PhD, is Professor and Director of the OD PhD Program and MSMOB programs at Benedictine University. He is Past Chair of the ODC Division of the Academy of Management, and is currently on the executive board of AOM’s Management Consulting Division. He has authored over 200 articles, books, and best papers. He was Guest Editor for the New Millennium issues for OD Journal and OD Practitioner. Sorensen’s recent book is Strategic Organization Development with Therese Yaeger. He can be reached at psorensen@ben.edu.

Nancy L. Southern, EdD, is Chair of the MA and PhD programs in Organizational Systems at Saybrook University. Her work is focused on creating cultures of collaboration in public, private, and non-profit organizations and local and global communities. She works with senior and mid-management teams to build their capacity to engage in meaningful conversations and dialogue incorporating appreciative and critical inquiry to address their challenges and create their desired change. She can be reached at Nlsouthern@aol.com.

Nicole Stragalas is an external OD consultant in Phoenix, AZ specializing in leadership development and employee engagement. She has developed national programs in service, sales, and quality assurance in the healthcare and banking industries. She has her SPHR certification and is a Six Sigma Green Belt. Her dual Masters degrees were earned at the University of Florida; currently, she’s working on her PhD in I/O Psychology through the University of Phoenix. She can be reached at ncstragalas@mac.com.

Heather Butler Taylor, MSOD, is the President and founder of H. B. Taylor Associates. She specializes in the design and facilitation of diversity awareness interventions, executive and personal coaching, strategic planning, team building, conflict management, organizational consulting and change management in the US and internationally. Taylor holds a MS degree in Organizational Development and a graduate certificate in change management from The Johns Hopkins University, and is a member of NTL Institute. She can be reached at hbtaylor@verizon.net.

Ramkrishnan (Ram) V. Tenkasi, PhD, is Professor of Organizational Change with the PhD program in OD at Benedictine University. His research on institutional and organizational change, knowledge, learning, technology, and innovation has been funded by multiple federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation, Department of Defense, the National Institutes of Health, and private corporations such as Motorola, Texas Instruments, Hewlett Packard, Lucent Technologies, Pfizer, etc. His more than 60 articles and chapters have appeared in leading journals such as Organization Science, Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, ACM Transactions on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, and research volumes such as Research in Organization Development and Change. He is also Division Chair of the Organization Development and Change Division of the Academy of Management. He can be reached at rtenkasi@ben.edu.

Deb Torchia is a performance-driven organizational consultant with expertise in organizational dynamics and over 20 years of extensive management experience. Career accomplishments include successfully motivating and leading cross-functional global teams, facilitating organizational change, and defining and implementing strategic business plans. She has a MS in Organization Development (MSOD) from American University in Washington, D.C. where she was awarded a distinction for her field work. She can be reached at debtorchia@torchiaandassociates.com.

Dudley Tower has a PhD in Human and Organizational Systems from the Fielding Institute, and is CEO of the Evergreen Institute for Complex Human Systems. He has worked as an Automotive Industry executive, psychotherapist, organizational consultant, and has recently finished his first book, A Few Simple Rules, on the application of CAS theory to human systems. He can be reached at dtower@evergreeninstitute.org.

Amanda Trosten-Bloom, Principal with Corporation for Positive Change, was one of the first OD consultants to use Appreciative Inquiry for whole system culture change in a business setting. Her work focuses primarily on promoting positive change in mid-sized organizations. In these settings, she facilitates AI-based culture transformation, strategic planning, leadership development, and business process improvement. Trosten-Bloom can be reached at: amanda@positivechange.org.

Peter Vaill, PhD, is currently University Professor of Management at Antioch University in Yellow Springs, Ohio. He is internationally known for his innovative approaches to organizational behavior, and has written extensively, including the well-known Managing as a Performing Art; New Ideas for a World of Chaotic Change Learning as a Way of Being; Strategies for Survival in a World of Permanent White Water; and Spirited Leading and Learning: Process Wisdom for a New Age. He can be reached at learning being@centurylink.net.

Greg Vaughan, MA, has 20 years experience in organization development consulting and training. He earned his Master of Counseling degree from Arizona State and completed doctoral studies at the University of Nebraska. He took advanced training in open systems design and large group interventions with the Fred Emery Institute. He is president of The Vaughan Consulting Group in Scottsdale, Arizona and can be reached at greg@vaughanconsulting.com.

Michael H. Vinitsky, PhD, is a senior consultant with PDI Ninth House, a leadership solutions consulting firm. He has over 30 years of experience as an internal and external consultant working with leaders to successfully implement large scale change. His work also includes leadership assessment and development and coaching executives to enhance their impact as leaders. He earned his PhD from the University of Minnesota. He can be reached at mvinitsky@dc.rr.com.

Pat Vivian, MA, after working for 15 years as a clinician and manager in nonprofit organizations in New York City and Seattle, started her own consultation practice in 1982. Since then she has worked with hundreds of nonprofit organizations in Washington State and across the U.S. For the past ten years she has focused her consulting, training, writing, and research on organizational trauma. She recently retired from her thirty-year teaching career at Antioch University Seattle. Together with Geoff Bellman and others she co-founded in 1995 the Community Consulting Partnership (CCP), which combines a mission of learning and service through its pro bono team consultation with Washington State nonprofits that cannot afford to pay for OD services. She earned her Masters degree at Antioch University Seattle. She can be reached at p.vivian@att.net.

George Vukotich, Ph.D., is Chair of the Graduate Program in Training and Development at Roosevelt University. He has over 20 years experience working in corporate, consulting, military and educational environments with clients in the finance, telecommunications, manufacturing, retailing, healthcare, and government industries. Some of the organizations he has worked with include; Andersen Consulting, IBM, Booz, Allen and Hamilton, McKinsey, Motorola, Exelon and BP-Amoco. He holds a PhD in organization development from Loyola University along with an MBA in Finance and an undergraduate degree in Computer Science. He can be reached at gvukotich@roosevelt.edu.

Don Warrick is an award winning educator, consultant, and author who specializes in developing and coaching leaders and in organization development, change, and transformation. His latest books are Lessons In Leadership (2011), Lessons In Leading Change (2012), and Lessons In Changing Cultures (Late 2012). He is Professor of Management and Organization Change at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs where he holds the life time title of President’s Teaching Scholar and has received the university’s highest award, the Chancellor’s Award, as well as the Outstanding University Teacher Award, the Outstanding Faculty Member for the College of Business Award, and many College of Business Teaching Awards. Warrick has been a consultant to Fortune 500 companies, international companies, government agencies, universities, and mid-size and smaller organizations. He received his BBA and MBA degrees from the University of Oklahoma and doctorate from the University of Southern California. He can be reached at Ddwarrick@aol.com.

Marvin Weisbord is co-director of Future Search Network, an international non-profit community service organization. He was for 20 years a partner in the pioneer OD consulting firm Block Petrella Weisbord, where he consulted with corporations, medical schools and hospitals. For many years he ran NTL laboratories in consulting skills, organizational diagnosis, and teambuilding. OD Network gave him a lifetime achievement award in 2004, and its members named his book Productive Work-places one of the most influential of the previous 40 years. He is a resource faculty member in the Organization Systems Renewal Program at Seattle University and an elected fellow of the World Academy of Productivity Science. He is the author of Organizational Diagnosis (Addison-Wesley, 1978), Productive Workplaces (Jossey-Bass, 1987), Discovering Common Ground (Berrett-Koehler, 1992), Productive Workplaces Revisited (Jossey-Bass/Wiley 2004), and co-author with Sandra Janoff of Future Search, 3rd edition (Berrett-Koehler, 2010) and Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There! (Berrett-Koehler, 2007).

Margaret Wheatley, EdD, is a well-respected writer, speaker, and teacher. She has written six books: Walk Out Walk On (with Deborah Frieze, 2011); Perseverance (2010); Leadership and the New Science; Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future; A Simpler Way (with Myron Rogers); and Finding Our Way: Leadership for an Uncertain Time. She is co-founder and President emerita of The Berkana Institute, which works in partnership with a rich diversity of people and communities around the world, especially in the Global South. Her articles appear in both professional and popular journals and may be downloaded free from her website: www.margaretwheatley.com. Wheatley received her doctorate in Organizational Behavior and Change from Harvard University, and a Masters in Media Ecology from New York University. She’s been an organizational consultant since 1973, a global citizen since her youth, a professor in two graduate business programs, a prolific writer, and a happy mother and grandmother.

Diana Whitney, PhD, is the President of Corporation for Positive Change, a consulting firm offering Appreciative Inquiry to businesses and social profit organizations around the globe. She is an internationally recognized consultant, speaker, and thought leader on the subjects of Appreciative Inquiry, Positive Change, and Spirituality at Work. Her consulting practice focuses on the use of Appreciative Inquiry for corporate culture change. Whitney can be reached at: diana@positivechange.org.

Victor Wooddell, PhD, served as an internal organization development consultant to the City of Detroit from 1999 to 2006. He earned his doctorate in Social and Organizational Psychology from Wayne State University. He is now an Associate Professor at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, where he teaches courses in human resources development. Wooddell can be reached at wooddellv@yahoo.com.

Therese F. Yaeger, PhD, is Associate Professor, Benedictine University Organization Development (OD) and Master of Science in Management and Organizational Behavior programs. She is Editorial Board Member of OD Practitioner, and has authored numerous papers and books, including Strategic Organization Development: Managing Change for Success (2009). Yaeger is Division Chair of the Management Consulting Division of Academy of Management, and Past President of the Midwest Academy of Management. She can be reached at tyaeger@ben.edu.

Bauback Yeganeh, PhD, is the Founder of B.Y. Consulting (www.byconsulting.org) which focuses on leadership development and organizational strategy, and Everidian (www.everidian.com), an eco-advantage consulting group. Yeganeh’s work focuses on leadership development, strategy, and eco-advantage. He has consulted to organizations in The Americas, Europe, and Asia including The World Bank, United Nations, FIEP Brazil, Alcatel Lucent, and Progressive Insurance. He can be reached at by@byconsulting.org or byeganeh@everidian.com.

Nadya Zhexembayeva serves as a Director of Inquiry and Knowledge Management for the Business as Agent of World Benefit Inquiry. A native of Kazakhstan, she works on creating the Organization Development Consortium of Central Asia, while continuing her graduate study of Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University. Zhexembayeva can be reached at: ntz@weatherhead.cwru.edu.