She made assurances that satisfied her ambitions—saw the body interred, spent the rest of the week asking questions, suggesting action. She visited with her family and reminisced.
Getting routine matters out of the way, she headed home after buying a grounding plug and ankle wrist weights.
She fed the dog and put the boys to bed. Allen didn’t go to work.
She received a call from a woman whose sister had died.
She made some of those unequaled assurances, was escorted with the family to the grave. People seem to respond to her. She talked with them, gave a woman a played-out peck on the cheek.
Getting routine matters out of the way, she attained riches, social position, power, studied for an hour or so, cleaned up, took the family to a movie, after which she forecasted her own death with a lively narration that gave her gooseflesh.
She felt raw, pink and so fresh!