- Abraham (Biblical figure), 2, 131
- absolute, 262; ambiguity of term, 74; beauty as substitute for, 80–81; identification with God, 74–75; meaning of, 73, 75–81; poets and, 79–80; in positivism, 86; truth and, 81, 81–85. See also relative; sacred; truth
- Absolute Knowledge (Magritte), 73
- abstract art, 40
- Accademia d’Italia, 17
- Accetto, Torquato, 177–178, 224
- Achilles, 147–148
- advertisements, 20–21
- Aesop, 50–51
- aesthetic, Hisperic, 4–5
- aesthetic detachment, 42–44, 47
- aesthetic ecstasy, 116–117, 117
- Aesthetic of Ugliness (Rosenkrantz), 45
- aesthetics, classical, 5
- aesthetics of ruins, 202–203
- À La Recherche du Temps Perdu (Proust), 28
- Albertus Magnus, 34
- alchemical fire, 109–112
- Aldhelm of Malmesbury, 5
- aletheia, 171. See also truth
- Alexander the Great, 10
- Allen, Woody, 141
- Almirante, Giorgio, 57
- Alphonsus Liguori, Saint, 107
- AMORC (Anticus et mysticus ordo rosae crucis), 229
- Anatomy of Melancholy, The (Burton), 71–72
- ancestors / ancients, 9–11, 13–14. See also history; past; shoulders of giants
- ancients. See ancestors / ancients
- Andronikos, 48–49
- Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 130, 131. See also Karenina, Anna (fictional character)
- Anselm of Aosta, 9
- Anselm of Canterbury, Saint, 78
- Antichrist, 54
- anti-globalization movement, 18–19
- antinomies, 145–150
- anti-relativists, 93
- Antonello da Messina, 39
- aphorisms. See maxims / aphorisms
- apocrypha, 187–188
- Apologia della menzogna (Battista), 177
- Apparition, The (Redon), 26
- Apuleius, 10
- Aquinas, Thomas, 9, 11, 19, 25, 33, 34, 81, 84, 92, 176, 264; on beauty, 30–31, 41–42, 197; on resurrection, 197–198; on ugliness, 45
- Arcadian Shepherds, The (Poussin), 258
- archetypes, 218–219
- Arendt, Hannah, 193–194
- Aristarchus of Samos, 171
- Aristotle / Aristotelian tradition, 8, 9, 15, 147–148, 184; beauty and, 34; fire and, 102; sign in, 264; on ugliness, 47
- art: fire as cause of, 112–115; imperfection in, 201–224; ugliness in, 51, 57–62
- Arthur (king), 10
- Artist’s Shit (Manzoni), 70
- Art Nouveau, 68
- Art of Love, The (Ovid), 3
- Art of Worldly Wisdom, The (Gracián), 178
- Ascent of Mount Carmel, The (John of the Cross), 269–271
- Asclepius, 190
- Asmodeus, 258–259
- Astor, John Jacob, 249
- atomic bomb, 121–122
- attractiveness, 200–201
- Augustine, Saint, 11, 25, 51, 92, 175, 198, 264, 265
- Aulus Gellius, 149
- authenticity, 186–187; judgments of, 192; proof of, 190–192
- authority, 10–11
- Auto da fé (Canetti), 120
- avant-garde art, 40, 41; Boldini, 68; ugliness in, 65–67
- Averroës, 92
- Babel, tower of, 6
- Bachelard, Gaston, 99, 100–101
- Bacon, Francis, 174
- bad faith, 182–183
- Báez, Fernando, 121
- bagatelle, 176
- Bagatelles pour un massacre (Céline), 55
- Baigent, Michael, 259, 260–261
- Baillet, Adrien, 230
- ballet, 69
- barber paradox, 148–149
- Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules, 26–27, 59
- Baroque era: descriptions of hell in, 107–108; lies in, 176–179; secrets in, 224–225
- Barruel, Augustin, 234, 248
- Battista, Giuseppe, 177
- Baudelaire, Charles, 63
- beauty, 25–44, 34; in Christianity, 51; of consumption, 41; criteria for, 27–38, 35, 197 (see also light / claritas; proportion); detachment and, 47; disinterest and, 42–44; as element of virtue, 31; evidence for ideals of, 27–29; of fire, 103; vs. good, 42; in historical periods, 27–29; identified with goodness, 50; integrity and, 35; medieval ideas of, 104; moral, 31; proposed by mass media, 41; relativity of, 39, 43; as substitute for absolute, 80–81; uncertainties concerning definition of, 25; of Venice, 117. See also sublime
- Being and Nothingness (Sartre), 182–183
- Benedict XVI (pope), 236, 237. See also Ratzinger, Joseph
- Bergman, Ingrid, 216
- Berlusconi, Silvio, 74
- Bernard, Saint, 37, 43
- Bernard of Chartres, 11, 12, 13
- bestiaries, 35, 36
- Betrothed, The (Manzoni), 128
- Bettetini, Maria, 170
- Bhagavad-Gita, 122
- black Americans, fascists’ description of, 54–55
- Boethius, 29–30
- Bogart, Humphrey, 218
- Böhme, Jakob, 271
- Boldini, Giovanni, 68
- Bonaparte, Napoleon, 172
- Bonaventure, Saint, 9, 19, 35, 47, 105
- Bond villains, 61–62
- Book of the Frenzied Devotee’s Desire to Learn About the Riddles of Ancient Scripts (Nabati), 223
- books, burning of, 120–121
- Bosch, Hieronymus, 39
- Botticelli, Sandro, 27
- Bovary, Emma (fictional character), 133, 135–136, 140–141, 144
- Bové, José, 18
- Bradbury, Ray, 121
- Breve storia della bugia (Bettetini), 170
- Broch, Hermann, 67
- Brown, Dan, 238, 250, 254–255, 260. See also Da Vinci Code, The (Brown)
- Brown, Fredric, 70
- Brunelleschi, Umberto, 136
- Bruno, Giordano, 74
- Buddha, 122–123
- Burke, Edmund, 38–39
- Burton, Robert, 71–72
- Cagliostro, 231
- camp, 68–69
- Canetti, Elias, 120
- Capet, Louis (Louis XVI, king of France), 15
- Carbonari, 230
- Carcass, The (Baudelaire), 63
- Carducci, Giosuè, 16
- Casablanca (film), 216–219
- Casanova, Giacomo, 232
- Catullus, 3
- Celestial Hierarchy (Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite), 32, 79, 103–104
- Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 55
- Cellini, Benvenuto, 114
- Chamfort, Nicolas de, 152
- change, 94–95. See also innovation
- Chapman, George, 218
- Charcot, Jean-Martin, 276
- Chateaubriand, Francois-Rene de, 202–203
- Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, 261
- Chiesa, Giuletto, 245
- Chomsky, Noam, 253
- Chopin, Frédéric, 209
- Christianity: beauty in, 51; dwarfs-giants metaphor and, 14; fire in, 106–108; history and, 14; representations of God, 267–268; ugliness in, 51–52. See also God
- churches: Gothic, 32; ornamentation in, 37
- Cicero, 151
- cities, modern, 62–63
- claritas. See light / claritas
- Clement of Alexandria, 26
- clichés, 219
- climate change, 122
- codes, 223–224
- cognitive relativism, 85
- Coleridge, Samuel, 179
- color: Middle Ages and, 32; sense of, 104
- Commandments, 173
- Commentaries on Priscian (William of Conches), 12
- Commentary on the Celestial Hierarchy (Eriugena), 105
- Commentary on the Sentences (Bonaventure of Bagnoregio), 105
- commonplaces, reversed, 166–167
- communism, 74
- computers, generations and, 21
- Conan Doyle, Arthur, 128, 133. See also Holmes, Sherlock (fictional character)
- Confessio fraternitatis Roseae crucis. Ad eruditos Europae, 228
- confidentiality, right to, 225
- Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Ratzinger), 91
- Conjectures and Refutations (Popper), 247–248
- consensus, 93
- conspiracy, 234–236, 243–261; psychology of, 248, 251–253; real, 243. See also Da Vinci Code, The (Brown); 9 / 11; Protocols of the Elders of Zion
- Conspiracy (Pipes), 248
- conspiracy syndrome, 235–236, 251–253; The Da Vinci Code and, 250–251; 9 / 11 and, 244–245
- conspiracy theory, 244; The Da Vinci Code, 250–251, 254–255; difficulty of keeping secrets and, 246; Jesuits and, 249–250; Lincoln-Kennedy assasinations, 253–254; 9 / 11 and, 253, 254; proof of silence, 245; Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 188–189, 234, 247, 248; Rennes-le-Château, 255–261; techniques used to prove and justify, 253–255; Titanic, 249–250
- conspiracy theory of society, 246–248
- Constant, Benjamin, 175
- consumption, beauty of, 41
- Contre-enquete sur la morte d’Emma Bovary (Doumenc), 133
- Contro-dolore, Il (Palazzeschi), 65–66
- Contro il relativismo (Jervis), 90
- Copernican hypothesis, 15
- Corbu, Noël, 256
- counterfeiting, 183–189
- Count of Monte Cristo, The (Dumas), 127, 210–214
- Croce, Benedetto, 178, 204–206
- crocodile dilemma, 149–150
- Cromwell (Hugo), 59
- cryptographies, 223–224
- cultural relativism, 88–91
- cult works, 215–219
- Cuore (De Amicis), 54
- Curtiz, Michael, 216, 217
- Cyrano di Bergerac (film), 135
- D’Annunzio, Gabriel, 117, 120
- Dante Alighieri, 10, 209, 215; language and, 7–8; light in work of, 104–105; need for Virgil, 9; portrayal of hell, 106–107; powerlessness expressed by, 78–79. See also Divine Comedy (Dante); Inferno (Dante); Paradiso (Dante)
- Dantès, Edmond (fictional character), 127. See also Count of Monte Cristo, The (Dumas)
- Darwin, Charles, 16, 46
- Da Vinci Code, The (Brown), 238, 250–251, 254–255, 260–261
- De aeternitate mundi (Aquinas), 92
- De Amicis, Edmondo, 54
- Death of Empedocles, The (Hölderlin), 118–119
- de Bergerac, Cyrano, 58
- decadents, 16
- deception: fakes, 189–190. See also falsifications; lies
- de Cherisey, Philippe, 257
- De divisione naturae V (Eriugena), 207–208
- De docta ignorantia (Nicholas of Cusa), 75
- Defense of Flaccus (Cicero), 151
- deity, 266; incarnate, 267–268. See also sacred
- de la Peyrère, Isaac, 15
- de Lille, Alain, 10
- della Francesca, Piero, 30
- della Mirandola, Pico, 15
- de Molay, Jacques, 259
- demoniacal, 38
- demons, 258–259
- Dénarnaud, Marie, 256
- de Sade, Marquis, 61
- Descartes, René, 10, 178, 229–230
- de Sède, Gérard, 257, 257–258, 259, 260
- detachment, aesthetic, 42–44, 47
- De Vulgari Eloquentia (Dante), 7
- d’Honnecourt, Villard, 30
- Di Bernardo, Giuliano, 232–233
- Dictionnaire Mytho-Hermétique (Pernety), 110
- Diderot, Denis, 203
- Diogenes Laertius, 102, 149–150
- Dionysius the Carthusian, 268
- diplomacy, lies in, 174
- diplomatic forgery, 188–189
- dissimilitude, 267
- dissimulation, 174, 177–178
- Dissimulazione onesta (Accetto), 177–178
- Divine Comedy (Dante), 209, 215. See also Dante Alighieri; Inferno (Dante); Paradiso (Dante)
- Divine Names (Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite), 32
- divinity, 266; experience of, 268–284; fire and, 101–106. See also sacred
- Dizionario antiballistico (Pitigrilli), 154, 155
- Dolcino, Fra, 120
- Donation of Constantine, 184, 191
- Donna Grottesca (Metsys), 71
- Doré, Gustav, 33, 104
- doubles, 185
- Douglas, Karen, 252
- Doumenc, Philippe, 133
- drug abuse, generations and, 22
- du Bellay, Joachim, 57
- Duchamp, Marcel, 17
- Dumas, Alexandre, 127; The Count of Monte Cristo, 210–214; The Three Musketeers, 211
- dwarfs and giants metaphor. See father-son conflicts; giant-dwarf metaphor; shoulders of giants
- Eckhart, Meister, 268–269
- Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (Marx), 45–46
- ecstasy, aesthetic, 116–117
- ekpyrosis, 119, 121–123
- elements, threats to, 122. See also fire
- 11 / 9. La cospirazione impossibile (9 / 11: The Impossible Conspiracy; Polidoro), 245
- Eliot, T. S., 217
- embryos, 84
- Empedocles, 118–119, 120
- Enciclopedia filosofica ISEDI, 25
- Encyclopédie (Diderot), 16
- enemy, 54–57
- Enlightenment, giant-dwarf metaphor and, 15–16
- Epimenides, 146–147
- Epimetheus, 112–113
- epiphany, fire and, 115–118
- Epistolae (Virgil), 6
- Epitomae (Virgil), 5
- Eriugena, John Scotus, 32, 105, 207–208
- Esperimento di Pot, L’ (Pitigrilli), 155
- Essai sur la secte des illuminés (de Luchet), 233–234
- Estetica (Pareyson), 201–202, 206–207, 208
- ethics: of lie, 173–176; without God, 95–96
- Evatlo, 149
- evil, 37
- excess, 203–214
- executions, descriptions of, 48–50
- facts, vs. interpretations, 93–96
- Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), 121
- faith, 80; truth of, 92
- fakes, 189–190
- fallibilism, 87
- false identification, 183
- falsifications, 171–173, 183–189, 191
- Fama fraternitatis, 228
- fascists, 54–55
- fashion, 41
- father-son conflicts, 1; in Inferno, 8; reference to past in, 15–16. See also generational clash / generations; giant-dwarf metaphor; innovation; shoulders of giants
- Fatima, 108, 236–237, 278, 279–283
- Federal Reserve Bank, 249–250
- Ficino, Marsilio, 15
- fiction: vs. lying, 179–181; possible worlds in, 128–129
- fictional characters, 125–144; descriptions of, 126–127; destiny of, 144; diagnostic properties, 140–141; emotion and, 135, 141; fluctuating, 136–139, 140, 142–143; invisibility of, 125; making true statements about, 131–133; outside texts, 126, 132, 136–139; religion and, 142; semiotic objects and, 139, 140; strong identity of, 133; truth and, 130, 138
- fictionality, signals of, 180–181
- Fides et ratio (John Paul II), 91
- Filosofia della bugia (Tagliapietra), 170
- Filosofia della massoneria (Di Bernardo), 232–233
- fire, 98–124; alchemical, 109–112; beauty of, 103; as cause of art, 112–115; describing beauty in terms of, 117; as divine element, 101–106; ekpyrosis, 121–123; as epiphanic experience, 115–118; functions of, 98; hellfire, 106–108; making, 113–115; psychoanalysis of, 99–101; regenerating, 118–121; torture and, 120; of war, 121–122
- fireplace, 98
- Fire Sermon (Buddha), 122–123
- Firth, Raymond, 278
- Flagellation of Christ, The (della Francesca), 30
- Flame, The (D’Annunzio), 117
- Flaubert, Gustave, 221
- Fleming, Ian, 61
- fluctuating characters, 136–139, 140, 142–143
- Fludd, Robert, 228
- Fontanelle, Bernard Le Bovier de, 2
- forgeries, 183–189, 191, 257
- forgery, diplomatic, 188–189
- Formaggio, Dino, 25
- Forty Days, The (Maddalena de’ Pazzi), 272
- Foucault’s Pendulum (Eco), 238–242
- Frankenstein (Shelley), 59
- Frazetta, Frank, 69
- Freemasons, 231–233, 245, 254
- French Revolution, 234, 248
- Friedrich, Caspar David, 44, 79
- Fuoco greco, Il (Malerba), 121
- furor sententialis, 166
- Futurists, 65–66
- Gaelic, 7
- Gale, Megan, 20
- Galileo Galilei, 178
- Gassendi, Pierre, 12
- Gates, Bill, 22
- Gaudí, Antoni, 69, 218
- G8 conference, 19
- generational clash / generations: drug abuse and, 22; giant-dwarf metaphor and, 13; innovation and, 21; need for, 23; in 1968, 18; nonconformity and, 23; in philosophy, 8; requirements for, 19–20; technology and, 21; transgenerational models and, 20–21. See also father-son conflicts; giant-dwarf metaphor; innovation; shoulders of giants
- Gesuita moderno, Il (Gioberti), 249
- giant-dwarf metaphor, 1, 11; Christianity and, 14; Enlightenment and, 15–16; progress and, 13–14. See also generational clash / generations; shoulders of giants
- Gibson, Mel, 48
- Gioberti, Vincenzo, 249
- Giotto, 34
- globalization, 18–19
- global warming, 122
- Gluckman, Max, 13
- God, 266; absolute’s identification with, 74–75; associated with light, 31–32; direct experience of, 268–284; ethics without, 95–96; as Great Void, 268–272; representations of, 267–268. See also sacred
- good: vs. beautiful, 42; beauty identified with, 50
- Goretti, Maria, 279
- gossip, 225–226
- Gozzano, Guido, 66–67
- Gracián, Baltasar, 174, 178, 224
- grammar, imperfect tense in, 221
- “Grandmother Speranza’s Friend” (Gozzano), 66–67
- Great Schism, 173
- Greek culture, ugliness and, 50–51
- Greek fire, 121
- Gregory of Tours, 4
- Greimas, Algirdas, 196
- Gronchi pink stamp, 199
- Grosseteste, Robert, 33, 34, 105
- Gryphius, Andreas, 57–58
- Guénon, Réné, 229
- Guercino, 258
- Guerrini, Olindo, 64–65
- Guevara, Che, 18
- Guggenheim, Benjamin, 249
- Guimard, Hector, 68
- Guinizelli, Guido, 26, 104
- Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 180–181
- Ham (Biblical figure), 2
- Hamlet (Shakespeare), 217
- hearth, 98
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 7, 14, 16, 51, 78
- height, of ancestors, 9–10
- hellfire, 106–108
- Heraclitus, 102, 118, 119
- hierophancy, 263, 277
- Hildegard of Bingen, 33, 54
- Hisperic aesthetic, 4–5
- historical statements, 132
- history: excessive use of, 17–18; as progress, 14; uncertainty in, 132–133, 172. See also ancestors / ancients; past
- History of Fra Dolcino, Heresiarch, 120
- Hitler, Adolf, 130, 132
- Hofstadter, Richard, 252
- Hölderlin, Friedrich, 118–119
- holism, 86–88
- Holmes, Sherlock (fictional character), 128, 129, 138
- Holy Grail, 255–261
- Holy Grail, The (Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln), 259, 260–261
- Homer, 247
- Hooke, Robert, 12
- Horace, 3, 19
- Hugo, Victor, 59–60
- humanism, 14–15
- Hume, David, 16
- Huppert, Isabelle, 136
- “Hymn to Satan” (Carducci), 16
- Iamblichus, 45
- Ibn Khaldun, 223
- Ignatius of Loyola, 51–52
- Iliad, 50
- Illuminati, 230, 234, 249
- image, Ockhamist theory of, 264–266
- imperfection, 196–221; aesthetics of ruins, 202–203; in art, 201–224; bad music, 219–221; cult works, 215–219; padding / excess, 203–214; structure / support as, 204–214; sublime and, 219
- imperfect tense, 221
- Importance of Being Ernest, The (Wilde), 161
- Incarnation of Jesus Christ, The (Böhme), 271
- inconceivable, 78
- indefinite, 79
- industrial ugliness, 63–64
- Inferno (Dante), 8. See also Dante Alighieri; Divine Comedy (Dante)
- infinite, 79
- infinite, actual, 147
- infinite, potential, 147–148
- Infinito, L’ (Leopardi), 209
- Ingarden, Roman, 127
- innovation, 9; acceptance of, 21–23; constant, 23; in language, 4–8; opposition to, 3; praise of ancients and, 10; pride in, 4. See also father-son conflicts; generational clash / generations
- In Praise of Imperfection (Levi-Montalcini), 196
- insolubilia, 146
- integritas, 197
- integrity, beauty and, 35
- internet, generations and, 21
- interpretant sign, 28. See also signs
- interpretations, vs. facts, 93–96
- invisibility / invisible, 125–144; sacred as, 262; secret societies and, 230. See also fictional characters
- Irish (language), 7
- irony, 183
- Isaac (Biblical figure), 2
- Isidore of Seville, 151
- Italian (language), 7–8
- Jacob (Biblical figure), 2
- Jacobins, 234
- Jeauneau, Édouard, 11
- Jerome, Saint, 4–5
- Jervis, Giovanni, 90
- Jesuits, 176, 178, 249–250
- Jews: descriptions of, 55–57; 9 / 11 conspiracy theory and, 244; Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 188–189, 234, 247, 248; on Titanic, 249–250
- John of Salisbury, 11, 12, 13
- John of the Cross, Saint, 80, 81, 269–271, 277
- John Paul II (pope), 91, 236
- John XXIII (pope), 236
- Jolley, Daniel, 252
- Jones, Jennifer, 278
- Joyce, James, 17, 75, 117, 118
- Judaism in Music (Wagner), 56
- Kafka, Franz, 80
- Kant, Immanuel, 16, 85, 175, 176, 177
- Karenina, Anna (fictional character), 126–127, 128, 130, 133, 135, 138, 141
- Keats, John, 80–81, 97
- Kennedy, John F., 253–254
- Key, The (Tanizaki), 200–201
- kitsch, 66–68, 214
- Knights Templar, 231, 234, 248, 257, 259
- Kraus, Karl, 167–168
- Kugelmass Episode, The (film), 141
- Kyd, Thomas, 217, 218
- Kyoto Protocol, 122
- Labruyère, Joël, 249
- language: innovation in, 4–8; vernacular, 6–8, 19
- Last Judgment (Giotto), 34
- Last Supper (Leonardo), 254–255
- Latin, 4
- La Tour, Georges de, 32
- Lautréamont, Comte de [Isidore Ducasse], 65
- Léa (d’Aurevilly), 26–27, 59
- Lec, Stanislaw J., 168–169
- Lecaldano, Eugenio, 95
- Leibniz, Wilhelm Gottfried, 184
- Leigh, Richard, 259, 260–261
- Lenin, Vladimir, 81
- Leonardo da Vinci, 30, 254–255
- Leopardi, Giacomo, 14, 79, 199, 209
- Lettres provinciales (Pascal), 249
- Levi-Montalcini, Rita, 196
- Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 114
- Lhomoy, Roger, 257
- liar, self-professed, 146–147
- lies, 169–195; bad faith, 182–183; in Baroque era, 176–179; based on monadic relationship, 182–183; based on triadic relationship, 183; in diplomacy, 174; Eco’s definition of, 170–171; ethics of, 173–176; malicious, 176; vs. mistakes, 171; vs. narrative fiction, 179–181; secrets and, 238; white, 176
- Life (Cellini), 114
- Life of Pythagoras (Iamblichus), 45
- light / claritas, 104; beauty and, 31–34 (see also beauty); cosmology of, 105; God associated with, 31–32; Middle Ages and, 32, 104–105; in Paradiso, 33
- Lincoln, Abraham, 253–254
- Lincoln, Henry, 259, 260–261
- linguistic holism, 87–88
- Linguistics of Lying, The (Weinrich), 183
- lithium, 76–77
- loan words, 5
- Locke, John, 88
- logica modernorum, 8–9
- Lombroso, Cesare, 53
- Lordon, Frédéric, 251
- Lorre, Peter, 218
- Louis XVI (Louis Capet; king of France), 15
- Lourdes, 278, 279
- Luchet, Jean-Pierre-Louis de, 233–234
- Lucia, Sister, 236, 237, 279. See also Fatima
- Lucian of Samosata, 181
- Lying in Politics (Arendt), 193–194
- Macbeth (Shakespeare), 70
- Machiavelli, Niccolò, 173–174, 178
- Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 133. See also Bovary, Emma (fictional character)
- Maddalena de’ Pazzi, Saint, 272
- Magdalene with the Smoking Flame (La Tour), 32
- Magritte, René, 17, 73
- Maier, Michael, 228
- Malerba, Luigi, 121
- Mallarmé, Stéphane, 79–80
- manias, 243. See also conspiracy
- mannerism, 57
- Manuel Rosicrucie, 229
- Man who Laughs, The (Hugo), 59–60
- Manzoni, Alessandro, 128, 179
- Manzoni, Piero, 70
- Marcuse, Herbert, 18
- Margherita (wife of Dolcino), 120
- Marguerite Marie Alacoque, Saint, 273–276, 278
- Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 16, 17, 19, 39, 65
- Marino, Giambattista, 200
- Maritain, Jacques, 10
- Marot, Clement, 57
- Martini, Carlo Maria, 95–96
- Marx, Karl, 14, 16, 45
- Mary (Biblical figure), 279. See also Fatima; Lourdes; Medjugorje
- Masons, 231–233, 245, 254
- Materialism and Empirio-Criticism (Lenin), 81
- Mattioli, Ercole, 107–108
- maxims / aphorisms, 151–156; art of, 153; defining, 151–152; as expression of commonplace, 154; false, 166; Kraus’s, 168; Pitigrilli’s, 153–156; reversible, 155–156, 168; truth and, 152–153, 155–156; Wilde and, 157–166; wit and, 152–153, 156
- Mazarin, Jules, 176, 224–225
- meaning: attributing, 75–77; vs. signifier, 129, 130, 131
- Medea, 1
- Medjugorje, 237, 279
- melodrama, in The Count of Monte Cristo, 214
- Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire du jacobinisme (Barruel), 234
- Merton, Robert, 11–12
- Message of Fatima (Ratzinger), 282–283
- Metalogicon (John of Salisbury), 12
- Metaphysics (Aristotle), 184
- Metsys, Quentin, 71
- Metternich, Clemens von, 248
- Michelangelo, 57
- Michelet, Jules, 249
- Middle Ages, 35; colors and, 32; light and, 32, 104–105; monsters in, 35–38, 43, 52; recurring themes in culture of, 13
- Milanesiana, La, ix; 2001, 1–24; 2005, 25–44; 2006, 45–72; 2007, 73–97; 2008, 98–124; 2009, 125–144; 2010, 145–169; 2011, 170–195; 2012, 196–221; 2013, 222–242; 2015, 243–261; 2016, 262–284
- Millenarianism, 14
- miniatures, medieval, 32, 33
- minimal realism, 86
- mistakes, vs. lies, 171
- modernism, past and, 16–17
- modernity, 15–16
- modernus (term), 3, 8
- modesty, false, 177
- monadic relationship, lies based on, 182–183
- Monde malade des jésuites, Le (Labruyère), 249
- Monde ou traité de la lumière, Le (Descartes), 178
- Mondrian, Piet, 39
- Monoteismo, Il (Ratzinger), 92
- monsters, 35–38, 43, 51, 52
- Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, 57, 88, 199–200
- moral beauty, 31
- Moral Essays (Shaftesbury), 38
- moral relativism, 90–91
- moral ugliness, 50
- Moravia, Alberto, 210
- Moro, Aldo, 248
- mourning, praise for, 65
- Muqaddima (Ibn Khaldun), 223
- music, bad, 219–221
- musical scores, 130, 131
- Mysteries of Paris, The (Sue), 28–29
- Mysteries of the People, The (Sue), 249
- mystery, 40
- mysticism, 266; female, 272–284; male, 268–272; of Sacred Heart, 278
- mythology, characters of, 142
- mythopoeia, 214–215
- Nabati, Abu Bakr Hammad an-, 223
- Name of the Rose, The (Eco), 121
- Napoleon Bonaparte, 172
- narrative fiction, vs. lying, 179–181
- Natural History (Pliny the Elder), 35
- nature, sublime and, 38–39
- Neoclassical style, 39
- neofascism, 57
- Neoplatonism, 32, 34
- new, conflict with old, 2–3. See also father-son conflicts; generational clash / generations
- New Age, 22–23
- Newton, Isaac, 12
- Nicholas of Cusa, 75, 80
- Nietzsche, Friedrich, 17; objections to, 96; On Truth and Lies in an Extra-Moral Sense, 93–95; on ugliness, 51
- Niketas Choniates, 48
- 9 / 11, 235–236, 244–245, 253, 254
- Noah (Biblical figure), 2
- nonconformity, 23
- novelistic statements, epistemological function of, 134
- numerology, 255
- obsessions, 243. See also conspiracy theory
- Ode on a Grecian Urn (Keats), 80–81
- Oedipus, 1
- old, conflict with new, 2–3. See also father-son conflicts; generational clash / generations
- One Lonely Night (Spillane), 49
- 120 Days of Sodom, The (de Sade), 61
- On Imperfection (Greimas), 196
- On the Shoulders of Giants (Merton), 11–12
- “On the Skeleton of Filosette Exhumed” (Gryphius), 57–58
- “On the Tragic Art” (Schiller), 48
- On Truth and Lies in an Extra-Moral Sense (Nietzsche), 93–95
- Open Society and its Enemies, The (Popper), 246–247
- opera, 69
- Oppenheimer, Robert, 122
- Or de Rennes, L’ (de Sède), 257
- Ortega y Gasset, José, 12–13
- Ovid, 3
- Pacioli, Luca, 30
- padding / excess, 203–214
- Palazzeschi, Aldo, 65–66
- Paradiso (Dante), 78; fire in, 104–105; light in, 33. See also Dante Alighieri; Divine Comedy (Dante)
- paradoxes: art of, 153; barber paradox, 148–149; false, 166; vs. interchangeable aphorism, 156; Kraus’s, 167–168; logical, 145–150; not interchangeable, 168–169; popular opinion and, 156; rhetorical, 150–151; truth and, 152–153, 156; Wilde and, 157–166; wit and, 156. See also maxims / aphorisms
- paralogisms, 146
- paranoia, 252
- Paranoid Style in American Politics, The (Hofstadter), 252
- paratext, 180
- Pareyson, Luigi, 201–202, 206–207, 208
- Parthenon, 187
- Pascal, Blaise, 249
- Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 252
- passion, ugliness as, 47
- Passion of Christ, The (film), 48
- past: conspiracy and, 243; modernism and, 16–17. See also ancestors / ancients; history; shoulders of giants
- Pater, Walter, 116
- Paul, Saint, 146
- Paves, Cesare, 226
- Peirce, Charles Sanders, 28, 76–77, 87
- Péladan, Joséphin, 237
- Pelat, Roger-Patrice, 260
- penances, 51–52
- Pentagon Papers, 194
- Pera, Marcello, 89
- perfection: attractiveness and, 200–201; as wholeness, 197–199
- Pernety, Dom, 110–111, 112
- Perrault, Charles, 2, 137
- Perseus (Cellini), 114
- perspectives, reality and, 88
- Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas on the Sublime and Beautiful (Burke), 38–39
- philosophy: authority of predecessors and, 10–11; generational clash in, 8; sacred and, 262–263
- Phrases and Philosophies for the Use of the Young (Wilde), 165–166
- physiognomy, 53–57
- Physiologus, 35
- Pia & utilissima admonitio de Fratribus Rosae-Crucis (Neuhaus), 230–231
- Pia Società San Paolo, 237
- Picasso, Pablo, 17, 39
- Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde), 161–165
- Piemme Editions, 245
- Pietà illustrata (Mattioli), 107–108
- pilgrimages, 261
- Pipes, Daniel, 248
- Pitigrilli [Dino Segre], 153–156
- plagiarism, 260–261
- Plantard, Pierre, 256–257, 258, 259, 260
- Plato, 15, 47, 112–113, 173. See also Neoplatonism
- Platonism, Renaissance, 15
- Pleasures and Days (Proust), 219–220
- Pliny the Elder, 35
- Plotinus, 102–103
- plots, 245. See also conspiracy; conspiracy theory
- Poesia, La (Croce), 204–206
- poets, absolute and, 79–80
- Polidoro, Massimo, 245
- politicians, 224–225
- Politicians’ Breviary, The (Mazarin), 224–225
- Polonaises (Chopin), 209
- poor, ugliness and, 54
- Popper, Karl, 246–248, 261
- Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A (Joyce), 75, 117, 118
- positivism, 86
- postmodernism, 17–18
- Poussin, Nicolas, 258
- powerlessness, 78–79
- pragmatists, 87
- Prague Cemetery, The (Eco), 171
- Precepts of the Poets, The, 7
- Pre-Raphaelites, 16
- Princesse de Clèves, 137
- Priory of Sion, 255–261
- privacy, 225–226
- progress, 13–14
- Prometheus, 112–113, 115
- proof of silence, 245
- proportion: in abstract art, 40; beauty and, 29–31, 38–39. See also beauty
- Protagoras, 149
- Protagoras (Plato), 112–113
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 188–189, 234, 247, 248
- Proust, Marcel, 28, 219–220
- pseudepigraphs, 187–188
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, 32, 79, 80, 103, 266–267
- pseudo-doubles, 185
- Psychoanalysis of Fire (Bachelard), 100–101
- Ptolemy, 171
- puppet theatre, 181
- purification, 120–121
- Pythagoras, 15, 29–30, 227
- racial enemies, 54–57
- racism, 54–57
- Rahn, Otto, 255
- ramshackle works, 215
- Raphael, 184
- Ratzinger, Joseph, 89, 91, 92–93, 281–284. See also Benedict XVI (pope)
- reactionary, Renaissance as, 15
- realism, minimal, 86
- reality, perspective and, 88
- Record of a Journey from Paris to Jerusalem and Back (Chateaubriand), 202–203
- Redon, Odilon, 26
- relative: ambiguity of term, 74; meaning of term, 73–74. See also absolute
- relativism, 85–86, 172; anti-relativists, 93; cultural, 88–91; moral, 90–91; secular critique of, 89–90; use of term, 74
- relativity: of beauty, 39, 43; of ugliness, 45, 71
- religions, characters of, 142–143
- Renaissance, The (Pater), 116
- Renaissance Platonism, 15
- Rennes-le-Château, 255–261
- reserve, 225–227, 238
- resurrection, 197–198
- Rifkin, Jeremy, 13
- Rimbaud, Arthur, 8
- Romance of Alexander, 35
- Romantics, 16, 104
- Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 209–210
- Romero, George, 70
- Rosenkrantz, Karl, 45
- Rosenkreutz, Christian, 228
- Rosicrucians, 227–231
- Rostand, Edmond, 58
- Rubinstein, Arthur, 78
- ruins, aesthetics of, 202–203
- Russell, Bertrand, 148
- sacred: direct experience of, 268–284; erotic experience of, 272–273; female saints and, 277; fundamental problem with, 264; historical period and representation of, 277–283; invisibility of, 262; philosophy and, 262–263; Pseudo-Dionysius on, 266–267; reactions to experience of, 263–264; representations of, 262–284; understanding of, 262–263; visions of, 277
- Sacred Heart, 278
- Sadiq, Ja’far al-, 222
- Sagrada Família, 69, 218
- saints, female, 277
- Salon of 1767 (Diderot), 203
- Sanguineti, Edoardo, 6
- Sarkozy, Nicolas, 136–137
- Sartre, Jean-Paul, 182–183
- Saturn, 1
- Saunière, Bérenger, 255–256, 259
- Savio, Dominic, 279
- Scala d’Oro series, 131
- Schelling, F. W. J. von, 74
- Schiller, Friedrich, 48
- Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 263
- Scholastics, 11
- Schwarz, Berthold, 121
- Scusa l’anticipo ma ho trovato tutti verdi, 166–167
- Secret Book of Artephius, The, 110
- secrets, 222–242; cryptographies, 223–224; difficulty of keeping, 246; empty, 238, 244; of Fatima, 236–237 (see also Fatima); gods of, 222; lying and, 238; mystery, 227; open, 224; power derived from, 238; privacy, 225–226; reserve, 225–227, 238; revealed, 237–242, 245–246; Rosicrucians, 227–231. See also conspiracy; Da Vinci Code, The (Brown)
- secret societies: Carbonari, 230; Freemasons, 231–233, 245, 254; Illuminati, 230, 234, 249; invisibility and, 230; Knights Templar, 231, 234, 248, 257, 259; Rosicrucians, 227–231
- semiotic objects, fictional characters and, 139, 140
- “Sentry” (Brown), 70–71
- Senza radici (Pera and Ratzinger), 89
- September 11, 2001. See 9 / 11
- Sermons (Tauler), 269
- Sgarbi, Elisabetta, 262
- Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of, 38
- Shakespeare, William: Hamlet, 217; Macbeth, 70; Romeo and Juliet, 209–210; The Tempest, 57; A Winter’s Tale, 129
- Shelley, Mary, 59
- shoulders of giants, 1–24; origins of metaphor, 11–13. See also ancestors / ancients; father-son conflicts; generational clash / generations; giant-dwarf metaphor; past
- signals of fictionality, 180–181
- signifier, 130, 131
- signs, 264–265; lies and, 170–171; meaning of, 28
- Simmel, Georg, 225, 230, 238
- Smullyan, Raymond, 150
- “Social Consequences of Conspiracism, The” (Douglas and Jolley), 252
- Socrates, 176
- “Song of Hate, The” (Guerrini), 64–65
- Songs of Maldoror (Lautréamont), 65
- sons, conflict with fathers. See father-son conflicts; generational clash / generations; giant-dwarf metaphor
- Sontag, Susan, 68
- Sorrows of Young Werther, The (Goethe), 135
- Soubirous, Bernadette, 173, 278
- Spillane, Mickey, 49–50
- Spinoza, Baruch, 74, 252
- stained-glass windows, 32
- stamps, imperfect, 199
- Stoics, 119
- Stout, Rex, 137
- Straus, Isidor, 249
- structure / support, 204–214
- sublime, 38–39; in The Count of Monte Cristo, 214; imperfection and, 219; inability to express, 79
- Sue, Eugène, 28–29, 249
- Summa logicae (William of Ockham), 265
- Summa theologiae (Aquinas), 176
- Supper in Emmaus (van Meegeren), 188
- Supplementum (Aquinas), 197
- Swift, Jonathan, 180–181, 194–195
- Symbols Public and Private (Firth), 278
- Tagliapietra, Andrea, 170
- Tanizaki, Junichiro, 200–201
- Tarski, Alfred, 81, 134
- Tauler, Johannes, 269
- Technical Manifesto of Futurist Literature, The (Marinetti), 65
- technology, generations and, 21
- television, 20
- Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 57
- Templars, 231, 234, 248, 257, 259
- Teresa of Avila, Saint, 272–273
- themes, recurring, ix; in medieval culture, 13
- Themis aurea (Maier), 228
- theology, 9; negative, 35–37. See also philosophy
- theophanic attitude, 266
- Theory of Semiotics, A (Eco), 170
- Thersites, 50
- Three Musketeers, The (Dumas), 140, 211
- Thyestes, 1
- time, Augustine on, 25
- Time of Indifference, The (Moravia), 210
- Titanic, 249–250
- tokens, 185
- tolerance: acceptability of truth and, 85; cultural relativism and, 90
- Tolstoy, Leo, 126, 134. See also Karenina, Anna (fictional character)
- torture, fire and, 120
- Tractatus de bono et malo (William of Auvergne), 197
- Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (Spinoza), 252
- Tramaglino, Renzo (fictional character), 128
- transgenerational models, 20–21
- Traviata, La (opera), 69
- triadic relationship, lies based on, 183
- Triumphs of Death, 48
- Trovatore, Il (opera), 69
- True History (Lucian of Samosata), 181
- truth, 171; absolute and, 81–85; authority and, 10; vs. consensus, 93; criteria of verification, 172–173; fictional characters and, 130, 131–132, 138; historical statements and, 132; irony and, 183; maxims / aphorisms and, 152–153, 155–156; notions of, 91–92; paradox and, 152–153, 156; pragmatists and, 87; revision of, 132; as secret, 227; theory of, 81; tolerance and, 85; verifying, 172. See also absolute; lies
- Turba Philosophorum, 110
- Turing, Alan, 223
- ugliness, 45–72; aesthetic of, 35–39; in art, 51, 57–62; in avant-garde art, 65–67; bad caused by, 59; camp, 68–69; in children’s stories, 62; in Christianity, 51–52; criterion for, 45; of Cyrano de Bergerac, 58; identified with moral ugliness, 50; imperfection and, 197; kitsch, 66–68; in life, 70–71; Marx on, 45–46; of modern cities, 62–63; as passion, 47; physiognomy and, 53–57; pleasure in, 48; relativity of, 45, 71; understanding / sympathy for, 57. See also monsters
- Ulysses (Joyce), 17
- Un’etica senza Dio (Lecaldano), 95
- unicorns, 36
- Universal History of the Destruction of Books, A (Báez), 121
- Unkempt Thoughts (Lec), 168–169
- Untimely Meditations (Nietzsche), 17
- Uomo Delinquente, L’ (The Criminal Man; Lombroso), 53
- Valla, Lorenzo, 191
- van Meegeren, Han, 188, 191
- Veidt, Conrad, 218
- Venice, beauty of, 117
- Venus de Milo, 202
- Vercingetorix, 10
- vernacular, 6–8, 19
- Vico, Giambattista, 15
- Victory of Samothrace, 16, 19, 39
- Vicuña, Laura, 279
- Vie de Monsieur Descartes (Baillet), 230
- Vignoli, Roberto, 245
- villains, Bond, 61–62
- Virgil, 5–6, 9
- virtue, beauty as element of, 31
- Vision of Ezekiel (Raphael), 184
- visions. See Fatima; Lourdes; Medjugorje
- Vitry, Jacques de, 46
- Vittorino, Mario, 190
- Voltaire, 46
- Wagner, Richard, 56
- Wandering Jew, The (Sue), 249
- Webster, Nesta, 188–189
- Weinrich, Harald, 183
- West, defense of, 90
- Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 87
- Wiesel, Elie, 80, 96
- WikiLeaks, 226
- Wilde, Oscar, 157–166
- William of Auvergne, 45, 197
- William of Conches, 12
- William of Ockham, 264–265
- Winter’s Tale, A (Shakespeare), 129
- words, meaning of, 75–77
- World Trade Center, 235–236. See also 9 / 11
- Xenophanes of Colophon, 26
- Zeno, 147
- zeppa, 203–204, 205
- Zero. Perché la versione ufficiale sull’11 / 9 è un falso (Zero: Why the Official Version of 9 / 11 is a Fake; Chiesa and Vignoli), 245
- Zibaldone (Leopardi), 199