Chapter 12

Once she was all cried out, Ophelia stood up slowly. She had to grab on to the handle of the refrigerator to stop from falling. It swung open, almost taking Ophelia with it. She was so weak she could barely hold on. The cold air rushed over her.

Ophelia saw food inside the fridge and thought briefly that she should eat something, but she wanted to get up to her room and hide. Her head was pounding.

She climbed the stairs with caution and finally made it to her room, collapsing on the bed. She could feel every rib sticking out. Her heart beat erratically.


After an hour or so, Ophelia took out her diary and began writing in it, detailing everything Jordan had told her. Tears streamed down her face again.

It just couldn’t be. Devon was hers and hers alone. How did Jordan even know his name? Ophelia would ask him that night. He would have to answer her then.

She set her alarm for eleven thirty and slept.

When the alarm went off, Ophelia sat up groggily and checked the clock. Adrenaline coursed through her. It was time to meet Devon. Butterflies danced in her stomach as she thought about her questions. But it was time. She had to know if what Jordan said was true.

She put on her dance clothes, feeling like an old woman. In the mirror, her hair was lank and lifeless. Her eyes were dark and sunken in. Her cheekbones looked like they could cut glass.

Kayley was right: Ophelia did look like death.

She walked up to the studio and made it there by ten to midnight, but she just didn’t have the energy to dance.

Ophelia stretched halfheartedly, and at twelve, she turned to the center of the room, determined to see Devon come in.

His voice came from a dark corner of the room: “My Giselle.”

She turned slowly around to look at him. His pale eyes beckoned her, and before she could utter a word, he brought her toward him.

They began to dance.

After about five minutes, Ophelia knew something was wrong. She could barely stand up.

Stars danced before her eyes. Her breath came out short and panicky. She tried to get Devon to stop, but he kept whirling her around. Finally, she broke away.

“Did you dance with Jordan Johnson too? With other girls?”

He smiled an indulgent smile and said, “I am always here for you. When you dance Giselle on the stage, I will be there for you too. We will be together, always.”

Ophelia shook her head. She felt foggy and disconnected. “Jordan Johnson said you tried to kill her.”

His once-sweet face contorted in anger. “How dare you question me!”

He grabbed her, then pushed her away. Ophelia had no strength left. She landed on the floor buttfirst, head snapping against the wood.

The lights in the studio snapped on.

Someone grabbed Ophelia’s shoulders, and she tried to back up, scared that Devon was going to hurt her.

Kayley’s face came into focus. “Ophelia! Ophelia, are you all right?”

Ophelia blinked rapidly, trying to get her bearings. “Devon?” she said, worried he’d left.

The faces of Madeleine, Sophie, and Emma came into view behind Kayley’s.

“Devon?” Madeleine said. “Who’s Devon?”

Kayley frowned and looked at Ophelia. “Devon is the one who tried to kill Jordan Johnson.”

With that, Ophelia passed out.