Some of the stories in this collection have been previously published.
Bartleby Snopes: “Darnell (Waiting on the Day)”
Bending the Rules, edited by Alex Davis: “Toad Baseball”
Horror Sleaze Trash: “Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch”
Out of the Gutter: “Never One to Do Things by Half” and “Ten Off the Top”
Out of the Gutter Online: “Alma,” “And Now, Back to the Program,” “Fire in the Hole,” “Front, Then Center,” “A Full, Upright and Locked Position,” “Heavy Lego,” “I Remember. “#TheMediumIsTheMessage,” “More Than They Could Know,” “An Older Type of Care,” “The Only Thing That Fits,” “The Place Before the Place,” and “Size Matters”
Sein Und Werden: “In Preparation”
Shotgun Honey: “Coffee, Tea, and Me” and “Knit One, Purl Two”
Spelk Fiction: “No Offense to Mr. Neeson,” “Recompense,” and “Regrets, I’m Thinkin’ Yeah”
The Molotov Cocktail: “A Better Kind of Hate,” “Gank,” and “Loose Impediment”
Underground Voices: “Bobby Charles”