
On Monday morning, I took my seat on the bus next to Annabel and Kimmi, still not feeling great after possibly the worst weekend ever.

‘Looks like you had a good weekend,’ I said to Annabel, trying to manage a smile. I’m not sure why I mentioned it, because I didn’t want to hear about Annabel’s weekend. If she went on about how much fun she’d had with Liam, I wasn’t sure how I’d handle it.

‘Not too bad,’ she said mysteriously, giving us a slight smile.

‘Cute pic of you in Liam’s helmet,’ said Kimmi. ‘What’s going on?’

Annabel shrugged. ‘He’s like a cryptic crossword – so hard to work out. But I think I’m getting it. I’m hoping to unlock his secrets at the Wild Club meeting at lunchtime.’

‘Yeah, should be a great chance,’ I muttered.

‘Something wrong?’ Annabel asked. ‘You don’t mind me hanging out with Liam, do you? You said you were just friends.’

I laughed. ‘Me? Mind? Of course I don’t mind.’

I could see Kimmi was about to say something, but she closed her mouth when I glared at her. I didn’t want Annabel to know what was really going on in my head. If Liam and Annabel were into each other, I’d deal with it. I’d just go back to being friends with Liam. I didn’t want to fight with Annabel over a guy.

Annabel looked out the window dreamily. ‘Liam’s so gorgeous. You should have seen him at the skate park.’

‘Wish I’d been there,’ I said, relieved that Annabel was too caught up in Liam to notice how my voice wobbled. I took a deep breath, determined to be a good friend. ‘So, what did you find out about him?’

Annabel shrugged. ‘He doesn’t talk much, really. More of an action man.’

I nodded. But I was surprised to hear that Liam was quiet. He was always chatty with me in the Wild Club and he’d had loads to say when we were building the mermaid together. Once I started thinking about that, all I could feel was the electric current that had run through my body when our fingers touched in the tunnel. I looked away from Annabel in case she could tell what I was thinking. Why had it taken me so long to work out that I liked Liam?

‘Do you think we make a good couple?’ Annabel asked.

‘Aren’t you forgetting about someone?’ Kimmi interrupted before I had a chance to answer.

Annabel raised her eyebrows.

‘A certain guy called Ryan Baker?’ Kimmi said. ‘We’re going to his party on Saturday, remember?‘

Annabel giggled. ‘Of course I haven’t forgotten about Ryan. But he’s at Highgrove and Liam’s at Westway. And I get to see Liam at lunchtime to talk about the slushie stall. I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it. Weird, huh?’

‘Yeah,’ I said. But I knew just how she felt, because I was feeling exactly the same way. The hairs on my neck stood on end at the thought of meeting up with Liam. ‘When are you going to tell him you’re not going to the movie night?’ I couldn’t stop myself from asking.

Annabel grimaced, looking uncomfortable. ‘Not today. Do you mind not saying anything to them yet? I don’t want Liam to think I’m an airhead who only cares about parties.’

I glanced across at Kimmi. She was shaking her head at me.

‘Sure,’ I smiled, ignoring Kimmi. But a little bit of me was dying inside. Now I wasn’t just standing aside to let Liam and Annabel get to know each other, I was actually agreeing to deceive Liam, so he would like Annabel more.

But what else could I do? I had to stick by my friend. I’d told her Liam and I were just friends. It was too late to change my tune now.

I gazed out the window, trying to work things out in my mind. At least I’d have Liam to myself at the movie night. But I wondered how I’d survive until then. Watching Annabel flirt with him was going to drive me crazy.

Beside me, Annabel was telling Kimmi about how she was getting into skating now. She had some money saved, and was going to buy a board. Liam was going to teach her how to ride it.

I sighed to myself. There was no way I’d be able to endure this all week.


‘All set to meet the guys?’ Annabel asked as the bell rang for lunchtime. ‘I can’t wait to tell them my ideas for the slushie stall.’

‘I think we should tell them that we’re not going to the movie night,’ Kimmi said. ‘It’s not fair to spring it on them at the last minute. They’ll be expecting us to help.’

Annabel stopped in her tracks. ‘Please,’ she said, grabbing Kimmi by the arm. ‘We’ll tell them later. Soon, I promise. Just not today.’

Kimmi rolled her eyes. ‘Fine. But Liam’s going to find out sooner or later, and he’s going to be more annoyed if it’s later.’

Annabel didn’t seem to hear. She was striding ahead towards the science block where the meeting was being held. I knew I couldn’t follow. There was no way I could sit in a room with Annabel and Liam.

‘Oh my god!’ I cried suddenly. Kimmi and Annabel both turned to look at me. ‘I’ve just remembered I’ve got a debating team meeting today,’ I said, slapping my forehead.

‘But what about our Wild Club meeting?’ Kimmi asked.

I shook my head. ‘I can’t make it after all.’ I turned and started running in the opposite direction. ‘Say sorry to Liam and Jack for me!’


‘How was your meeting?’ I asked when I saw Annabel and Kimmi at the lockers after lunch. ‘Learn anything interesting about Liam?’

Annabel frowned. ‘I learnt not to ask Liam about endangered animals. Turns out he isn’t so quiet when it comes to that topic.’

I smiled to myself. I was sorry I’d missed it – I loved hearing Liam talk about wildlife. Trying not to dwell on that, I asked. ‘Anything else?’

‘I found out that Jack’s really good at painting,’ Kimmi said, blushing slightly as she mentioned Jack’s name. ‘We’re working on the banner for the slushie stall together. He’s really talented.’

Kimmi banged her locker shut and checked her phone. I couldn’t help noticing that she was reading a message from Jack.

‘Is there another Wild Club romance blossoming?’ I asked, looking at Kimmi.

She pressed her phone to her chest. ‘Wouldn’t you like to know.’

‘Yes, I would,’ I said, pretending to be indignant.

‘You’ll have to come to the next meeting and find out for yourself,’ she said. ‘We’re seeing the guys again on Wednesday.’

I grabbed my books. ‘Okay, sounds good.’

But in the end I didn’t go. That week at school was the worst. Annabel talked about Liam so much on Monday and Tuesday that by the time Wednesday came around, I couldn’t bear the idea of going along and watching her flirt with him. Just as the girls were headed off to the meeting, I made up another debating emergency and rushed off in the other direction. Then on Friday, when everyone was meeting up again, I pretended to be sick and spent lunchtime in the toilets.

It was awful. I really wanted to help out with the stall, but I didn’t want to be around when Annabel was making eyes at Liam. I decided it was best to help Kimmi and Annabel out with the things they were organising for the slushie stall, and not see Liam at all.

The most important thing was that I would be there on the night to help out with the stand. Kimmi and Annabel would be at the party, and I would be able to hang out with Liam, without Annabel twirling her hair and getting in the way. Sure, Liam and I could only be friends, but that was better than nothing. I wished I’d never talked Annabel into joining the Wild Club in the first place.


‘You feeling okay now?’ Kimmi asked as we headed off to French after I’d spent lunchtime in the toilets.

‘Much better, thanks. Did I miss anything important in the meeting?’ I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know, but I had to ask.

‘Jack drew me the cutest little monkey. Look how intricate it is.’ She handed me a picture of an emperor tamarin.

‘It’s beautiful,’ I said, handing back the drawing. ‘But I meant, did I miss any stuff I need to know for tomorrow night?’

‘It’s all pretty sorted,’ Annabel said. ‘But there’ll be a bit to set up, so we’ll need to get there early tomorrow.’

We?’ I asked. ‘I thought you were going to Ryan’s party?’

Kimmi and Annabel glanced at each other. ‘Totes,’ Annabel said. ‘But we’ll give you a hand to set up first. There’ll be a lot to do.’

It wasn’t really what I wanted to hear. I wanted them to go to the party and have fun with Marco and Ryan. I didn’t need them at the slushie stall. But Annabel was adamant. She and Kimmi would help set up.


‘So, how are things going with Liam?’ I asked Annabel, torturing myself some more on the bus trip home.

‘Oh, so great,’ Annabel replied. ‘I feel like we’ve known each other forever. We’ve just clicked this week. He’s so cute and clever. I can’t wait until we’re properly going out. I’m hoping he’ll ask me tomorrow.’ She gave me a smile that almost made me sick. Just listening to her talk about Liam like that was enough to turn my stomach.

‘Of course, it’s going to be tricky with you two in different grades,’ I said. ‘That never works out.’

‘There’s no law against it, you know,’ Annabel replied calmly.

‘Yeah, obviously,’ I said. ‘But it’s kind of an unwritten code. You can’t break those.’

‘Is everything okay?’ Annabel asked. ‘You kind of seem in a bad mood.’

‘Fine,’ I replied, feeling guilty. I knew I was being nasty, but I couldn’t help myself – it made me feel a bit better.

‘I know it’s hard when your friends get boyfriends, you kind of feel left out,’ Annabel said.

Kimmi put her arm around me. ‘You’re actually looking a bit pale. Sure you’re okay?’

‘It’s fine. I’m fine. I’m not like you two, anyway. I don’t need a boyfriend.’ I didn’t want anyone right now. I just wanted to run away to a jungle and hang in a tree with an orangutan.

‘We’re just trying to help,’ Kimmi sighed, taking her arm away.

‘Yeah, I know. Sorry.’ I felt bad for being mean. Again. It wasn’t Annabel’s fault that Liam liked her. And Kimmi was just being sweet. I knew they were just trying to help, but they were making things worse.


I was still feeling annoyed the next day. The movie night was just a few hours away and I felt uneasy about going. Seeing as Annabel and Kimmi were going to help set up before going to the party, the plan was to meet at Kimmi’s place and go to the movie night together from there.

I took a deep breath. I just had to suck it up and get used to things. Annabel and Liam were almost an item. I couldn’t hide from it forever.

I had just pulled on some clothes, ready to head to Kimmi’s, when my phone buzzed with a text. I was running late, so I figured it would be Annabel telling me to hurry up. But the message was from Liam.

Are you still coming to the movie night?

It seemed a strange question, but I hadn’t been to the meetings all week, so maybe he’d guessed something was wrong.

Yes!! Just getting ready to leave now, I replied, pushing away any ideas about not going until later. The guys would need my help.

A text pinged back almost immediately. Where have u been all week?

I felt a little bit excited that Liam had actually noticed that I’d been missing.

Soz, debating commitments. Couldn’t get out of them.

Nothing to do with your boyfriend commitments? he replied.

My heart skipped a beat. Boyfriend? Where did he get the idea that I had a boyfriend?

No boyfriend commitments. U know me. I only have eyes for Bunga the orangutan.

I stared at the screen for a minute, waiting for a reply. When it finally came, I almost dropped my phone.

Annabel said u had a boyfriend.

I felt my stomach churn. What was going on? Surely Annabel hadn’t told Liam I had a boyfriend. He must have misunderstood.

What?? I dashed back.

She said u had a boyfriend at Highgrove. That’s y ur too busy for the Wild Club.

I read the message again, then again and again. But there seemed only one way to interpret it. Annabel had lied. But why?

I definitely don’t have a boyfriend, I replied. C u tonight. Never too busy for Wild Club!

I flopped onto my bed, almost too stunned to move. Liam’s texts kept going round and round in my head.

I picked up my phone to text Annabel. I had to understand why she’d lied. Then I changed my mind, packed up my bag and headed to Kimmi’s. I couldn’t work this out by text. I had to talk to Annabel in person.
