SCENE II. The sevana or heath.

Enter Wellman, Downright, Boozer, and Officers.

WELLMAN Have you dispatched the scouts, to watch the motions of the enemies? I know that Bacon’s violent and haughty, and will resent our vain attempts upon him; therefore we must be speedy in prevention.

DOWNRIGHT What forces have you raised since our last order?

BOOZER Here’s a list of them. They came but slowly in, till we promised every one a bottle of brandy.

[Enter Officer and Dunce.

OFFICER We have brought Mr Dunce here, as your Honour commanded us; after strict search we found him this morning in bed with Madam Flirt.

DOWNRIGHT No matter, he’ll exclaim no less against the vices of the flesh, the next Sunday.

DUNCE I hope, sir, you will not credit the malice of my enemies.

WELLMAN No more, you are free, and what you counselled about the ambush was both prudent and seasonable, and perhaps I now wish it had taken effect.

Enter Friendly and Hazard.

FRIENDLY I have brought an English gentleman to kiss your hands, sir, and offer you his service; he is young and brave, and kinsman to Colonel Surelove.

WELLMAN Sir, you are welcome, and to let you see you are so, we will give you your kinsman’s command, captain of a troop of horse-guards, which I am sure will be continued to you when the governor arrives.

HAZARD I shall endeavour to deserve the honour, sir.

Enter Dullman, Timorous, Whimsey and Whiff, all in buff,105 scarf and feather.

DOWNRIGHT So, gentlemen, I see you’re in readiness.

TIMOROUS Readiness! What means he, I hope we are not to be drawn out to go against the enemy, Major?

DULLMAN If we are, they shall look a new major for me.

WELLMAN We were debating, gentlemen, what course were best to pursue against this powerful rebel.

FRIENDLY Why, sir, we have forces enough, let’s charge him instantly, delays are dangerous.

TIMOROUS Why, what a damned fiery fellow’s this?

DOWNRIGHT But if we drive him to extremities, we fear his siding with the Indians.

DULLMAN Colonel Downright has hit it; why should we endanger our men against a desperate termagant?106 If he love wounds and scars so well, let him exercise on our enemies – but if he will needs fall upon us, ’tis then time for us enough to venture our lives and fortunes.

TIMOROUS How, we go to Bacon? Under favour I think ’tis his duty to come to us, an you go to that, gadzoors.

FRIENDLY If he do, ’twill cost you dear, I doubt, Cornet. – I find by our list, sir, we are four thousand men.

TIMOROUS Gadzoors, not enough for a breakfast for that insatiate Bacon, and his two lieutenant-generals Fearless and Daring.

[Whiff sits on the ground with a bottle of brandy.

WHIMSEY A morsel, a morsel.

WELLMAN I am for an attack, what say you gentlemen to an attack? – What, silent all? – What say you, Major?

DULLMAN I say, sir, I hope my courage was never in dispute. But, sir, I am going to marry Colonel Downright’s daughter here – and should I be slain in this battle ’twould break her heart; – besides, sir, I should lose her fortune.

[Speaks big.

WELLMAN I’m sure here’s a captain will never flinch.

[To Whimsey.

WHIMSEY Who I, an’t like your Honour?

WELLMAN Aye, you.

WHIMSEY Who, I? Ha, ha, ha. Why, did your Honour think that I would fight?

WELLMAN Fight? yes. Why else do you take commissions?

WHIMSEY Commissions! O Lord, O Lord, take commissions to fight! Ha, ha, ha; that’s a jest, if all that take commissions should fight –

WELLMAN Why do you bear arms then?

WHIMSEY Why, for the pay; to be called Captain, noble Captain, to show, to cock107 and look big and bluff as I do; to be bowed to thus as we pass, to domineer, and beat our soldiers. Fight, quoth he, ha, ha, ha.

FRIENDLY But what makes you look so simply, Cornet?

TIMOROUS Why, a thing that I have quite forgot, all my accounts for England are to be made up, and I’m undone if they be neglected – else I would not flinch for the stoutest he that wears a sword –

[Looks big.

DOWNRIGHT What say you, Captain Whiff?

[Whiff almost drunk.

WHIFF I am trying, Colonel, what mettle I’m made on; I think I am valiant, I suppose I have courage, but I confess ’tis a little of the d– breed, but a little inspiration from the bottle, and the leave of my Nancy, may do wonders.

Enter Seaman in haste.

SEAMAN An’t please your Honours, Frightall’s officers have seized all the ships in the river, and rid now round the shore, and had by this time secured the sandy beach, and landed men to fire the town, but that they are high in drink aboard the ship called the Good Subject; the master of her sent me to let your Honours know that a few men sent to his assistance will surprise them, and retake the ships.

WELLMAN Now, gentlemen, here’s a brave occasion for emulation – why writ not the master?

DULLMAN Aye, had he writ, I had soon been amongst them, i’faith; but this is some plot to betray us.

SEAMAN Keep me here, and kill me if it be not true.

DOWNRIGHT He says well – there’s a brigantine and a shallop108 ready, I’ll embark immediately.

FRIENDLY No sir, your presence is here more necessary, let me have the honour of this expedition.

HAZARD I’ll go your volunteer, Charles.

WELLMAN Who else offers to go?

WHIMSEY A mere trick to kidnap us, by Bacon, – if the captain had writ –

TIMOROUS Aye, aye, if he had writ –

WELLMAN I see you’re all base cowards, and here cashier ye from all commands and offices.

WHIMSEY Look ye, Colonel, you may do what you please, but you lose one of the best-dressed officers in your whole camp, sir –

TIMOROUS And in me, such a head-piece.

WHIFF I’ll say nothing, but let the state want me.

DULLMAN For my part I am weary of weighty affairs.

[In this while Wellman, Downright, Friendly and Hazard talk.

WELLMAN Command what men you please, but expedition makes you half a conqueror.

[Exit Friendly and Hazard.

Enter another Seaman with a letter, gives it to Downright, he and Wellman read it.

DOWNRIGHT Look ye now gentleman, the master has writ.

DULLMAN Has he – he might have writ sooner, while I was in command, – if he had –

WHIMSEY Aye, Major – if he had – but let them miss us –

WELLMAN Colonel, haste with your men and reinforce the beach, while I follow with the horse; – Mr Dunce, pray let that Proclamation be read concerning Bacon, to the soldiers.

DUNCE It shall be done, sir.

[Exit Downright and Wellman.

The scene opens and discovers a body of soldiers.

Gentlemen, how simply you look now.

TIMOROUS Why, Mr Parson, I have a scruple of conscience upon me, I am considering whether it be lawful to kill, though it be in war; I have a great aversion to it, and hope it proceeds from religion.

WHIFF I remember the fit took you just so, when the Dutch besieged us, for you could not then be persuaded to strike a stroke.

TIMOROUS Aye, that was because they were Protestants as we are, but gadzoors, had they been Dutch Papists I had mauled them; but conscience –

WHIMSEY I have been a Justice of Peace this six years and never had a conscience in my life.

TIMOROUS Nor I neither, but in this damned thing of fighting.

DUNCE Gentlemen, I am commanded to read the Declaration of the Honourable Council to you.

[To the Soldiers.

ALL Hum hum hum –

BOOZER Silence – silence –

[Dunce reads.

DUNCE ‘By an Order of Council dated May the 10th 1670: To all Gentlemen Soldiers, Merchants, Planters, and whom else it may concern. Whereas Bacon, contrary to law and equity, has to satisfy his own ambition taken up arms, with a pretence to fight the Indians, but indeed to molest and enslave the whole colony, and to take away their liberties and properties; this is to declare, that whoever shall bring this traitor dead or alive to the Council shall have three hundred pounds reward. And so God save the King.’

ALL A Council, a Council! Hah –

[Halloo. Enter a Soldier hastily.

SOLDIER Stand to your arms, gentlemen, stand to your arms, Bacon is marching this way.

DUNCE Hah – what numbers has he?

SOLDIER About a hundred horse; in his march he has surprised Colonel Downright, and taken him prisoner.

ALL Let’s fall on Bacon – let’s fall on Bacon, hay –


BOOZER We’ll hear him speak first – and see what he can say for himself.

ALL Aye, aye, we’ll hear Bacon speak –

[Dunce pleads with them.

TIMOROUS Well, Major, I have found a stratagem shall make us four the greatest men in the colony, we’ll surrender ourselves to Bacon, and say we disbanded on purpose.


WHIFF Why, I had no other design in the world in refusing to fight.

WHIMSEY Nor I, d’ye think I would have excused it with the fear of disordering my cravat string else –

DUNCE Why, gentlemen, he designs to fire James-Town, murder you all, and then lie with your wives, and will you slip this opportunity of seizing him?

BOOZER Here’s a tarmagant rogue, neighbours – we’ll hang the dog.

ALL Aye, aye, hang Bacon, hang Bacon.

Enter Bacon and Fearless, some Soldiers leading in Downright bound; Bacon stands and stares a while on the regiments, who are silent all.

BACON Well, gentlemen – in order to your fine Declaration you see I come to render myself –

DUNCE How came he to know of our Declaration?

WHIMSEY Rogues, rogues among ourselves – that inform.

BACON What, are ye silent all – not a man lift his hand in obedience to the council to murder this traitor, that has exposed his life so often for you? Ha, what! Not for three hundred pound, – you see I’ve left my troops behind, and come all wearied with the toils of war, worn out by summers’ heats and winters’ colds, marched tedious days and nights through bogs and fens as dangerous as your clamours, and as faithless, – what though ’twas to preserve you all in safety, no matter, you should obey the grateful council, and kill this honest man that has defended you?

ALL Hum, hum, hum.

TIMOROUS Like a cherubin, man.

BACON All silent yet – where’s that mighty courage that cried so loud but now, ‘A Council, a Council’? Where is your resolution, cannot three hundred pound excite your valour, to seize that traitor Bacon who has bled for you? –

ALL A Bacon, a Bacon, a Bacon –


DOWNRIGHT Oh villainous cowards – Oh the faithless multitude!

BACON What say you, parson – you have a forward zeal?

DUNCE I wish my coat, sir, did not hinder me from acting as becomes my zeal and duty.

WHIMSEY A plaguey rugged110 dog – that parson –

BACON Fearless, seize me that canting knave from out the herd, and next those honourable officers.

[Points to Dullman, Whimsey, Whiff and Timorous.

Fearless seizes them, and gives them to the Soldiers, and takes the Proclamation from Dunce and shows Bacon; they read it.

DULLMAN Seize us, sir, you shall not need, we laid down our commissions on purpose to come over to your Honour.

WHIFF We ever loved and honoured your Honour.

TIMOROUS So entirely, sir – that I wish I were safe in James-Town for your sake, and your Honour were hanged.


BACON This fine piece is of your penning, parson – though it be countenanced by the council’s names – Oh ingratitude – burn – burn the treacherous town – fire it immediately –

WHIMSEY We’ll obey you, sir –

WHIFF Aye, aye, we’ll make a bonfire on’t, and drink your Honour’s health round about it.

[They offer to go.

BACON Yet hold; my revenge shall be more merciful. I ordered that all the women of rank shall be seized and brought to my camp. I’ll make their husbands pay their ransoms dearly; they’d rather have their hearts bleed than their purses.

FEARLESS Dear General, let me have the seizing of Colonel Downright’s daughter; I would fain be plundering for a trifle called a maidenhead.

BACON On pain of death treat them with all respect; assure them of the safety of their honour. Now, all that will follow me, shall find a welcome, and those that will not may depart in peace.

ALL Hay, a General, a General, a General.

[Some Soldiers go off, some go to the side of Bacon.

Enter Daring and Soldiers with Chrisante, Surelove, Mrs Whimsey and Mrs Whiff, and several other women.

BACON Successful Daring welcome, what prizes have ye?

DARING The fairest in the world sir, I’m not for common plunder.

DOWNRIGHT Hah, my daughter and my kinswoman! –

BACON ’Tis not with women, sir, nor honest men like you that I intend to combat; not their own parents shall not be more indulgent, nor better safeguard to their honours, sir. But ’tis to save the expense of blood, I seize on their most valued prizes.

DOWNRIGHT But sir, I know your wild lieutenant-general has long loved my Chrisante, and perhaps, will take this time to force her to consent.

DARING I own I have a passion for Chrisante, yet by my general’s life – or her fair self – what now I act is on the score of war, I scorn to force the maid I do adore.

BACON Believe me, ladies, you shall have honourable treatment here.

CHRISANTE We do not doubt it sir, either from you or Daring. If he love me – that will secure my honour, or if he do not, he’s too brave to injure me.

DARING I thank you for your just opinion of me, madam.

CHRISANTE But sir, ’tis for my father I must plead. To see his reverend hands in servile chains – and then perhaps if stubborn to your will, his head must fall a victim to your anger.

DOWNRIGHT No, my good pious girl, I cannot fear ignoble usage from the general – and if thy beauty can preserve thy fame, I shall not mourn in my captivity.

BACON I’ll never deceive your kind opinion of me – ladies, I hope you’re all of that opinion too.

SURELOVE If seizing us, sir, can advance your honour, or be of any use considerable to you, I shall be proud of such a slavery.

MRS WHIMSEY I hope, sir, we shan’t be ravished in your camp.

DARING Fie, Mrs Whimsey, do soldiers use to ravish?

MRS WHIFF Ravish – marry I fear ’em not, I’d have them know I scorn to be ravished by any man!

FEARLESS Aye, on my conscience, Mrs Whiff, you are too good-natured.

DARING Madam, I hope you’ll give me leave to name love to you, and try by all submissive ways to win your heart?

CHRISANTE Do your worst, sir, I give you leave, if you assail me only with your tongue.

DARING That’s generous and brave, and I’ll requite it.

Enter Soldier in haste.

SOLDIER The truce being ended, sir, the Indians grow so insolent as to attack us even in our camp, and have killed several of our men.

BACON ’Tis time to check their boldness; Daring, haste draw up our men in order, to give ’em battle; I rather had expected their submission.

The country now may see what they’re to fear,

Since we that are in arms are not secure.

[Exeunt leading the ladies.



A temple, with an Indian god placed upon it, Priests and Priestesses attending; enter Indian King on one side attended by Indian men, the Queen enters on the other side with women, all bow to the idol, and divide on each side of the stage, then the music playing louder, the Priest and Priestesses dance about the idol, with ridiculous postures and crying (as for incantations). Thrice repeated, ‘Agah Yerkin, Agah Boah, Sulen Tawarapah, Sulen Tawarapah.’

After this soft music plays again, then they sing something fine, after which the Priests lead the King to the altar, and the Priestesses, the Queen; they take off little crowns from their heads, and offer them at the altar.

KING Invoke the god of our Quiocto111 to declare what the event shall be of this our last war against the English General.

[Soft music ceases.

The music changes to confused tunes, to which the Priest and Priestess dance anticly singing between, the same incantation as before, and then dance again, and so invoke again alternately; which dance ended a voice behind the altar cries, while soft music plays –

The English general shall be,

A captive to his enemy;

And you from all your toils be freed,

When by your hand the foe shall bleed;

And ere the sun’s swift course be run,

This mighty conquest shall be won.

KING I thank the gods for taking care of us; prepare new sacrifice against the evening, when I return a conqueror, I will myself perform the office of a priest.

QUEEN Oh sir, I fear you’ll fall a victim first.

KING What means Semernia, why are thy looks so pale?

QUEEN Alas, the oracles have double meanings, their sense is doubtful, and their words enigmas; I fear, sir, I could make a truer interpretation –

KING How Semernia! by all thy love I charge thee as you respect my life, to let me know your thoughts.

QUEEN Last night I dreamed a lion fell112 with hunger, spite of your guards, slew you, and bore you hence.

KING This is thy sex’s fear, and no interpretation of the oracle.

QUEEN I could convince you further.

KING Hast thou a secret thou canst keep from me? Thy soul a thought that I must be stranger to? This is not like the justice of Semernia; come, unriddle me the oracle.

QUEEN The English general shall be a captive to his enemy; he is so, sir, already to my beauty, he says he languishes for love of me.

KING Hah – the general my rival – but go on –

QUEEN And you from all your war be freed. Oh, let me not explain that fatal line, for fear it mean, you shall be freed by death.

KING What, when by my hand the foe shall bleed? – away – it cannot be –

QUEEN No doubt, my lord, you’ll bravely sell your life, and deal some wounds where you’ll receive so many.

KING ’Tis love, Semernia, makes thee dream; while waking I’ll trust the gods, and am resolved for battle.

Enter an Indian.

INDIAN Haste, haste great sir to arms, Bacon with all his forces is prepared, and both the armies ready to engage.

KING Haste to my general, bid him charge them instantly; I’ll bring up the supplies of stout Teroomians,113 those so well skilled in the envenomed arrow. [Exit Indian.] – Semernia – words but poorly do express the griefs of parting lovers – ’tis with dying eyes, and a heart trembling – thus – [Puts her hand on his heart.] They take a heavy leave, – one parting kiss, and one love pressing sigh, and then farewell – but not a long farewell; I shall return victorious to thy arms, – commend me to the gods and still remember me.

[Exit King.

QUEEN Alas! What pity ’tis I saw the general, before my fate had given me to the king – but now – like those that change their gods, my faithless mind ’twixt two opinions wavers; while to the gods my monarch I commend, my wandering thoughts in pity of the general makes that zeal cold, declined – ineffectual; – if for the general I implore the deities, methinks my prayers should not ascend the skies since honour tells me ’tis an impious zeal.

Which way soever my devotions move,

I am too wretched to be heard above.

[Goes in; all exeunt.


Shows a field of tents, seen at some distance through the trees of a wood; drums, trumpets and the noise of battle with hallooing. The Indians are seen with battle-axes to retreat fighting from the English and all go off, when they re-enter immediately beating back the English, the Indian King at the head of his men, with bows and arrows; Daring being at the head of the English. They fight off; the noise continues less loud as more at distance.

Enter Bacon with his sword drawn, meets Fearless with his sword drawn.

FEARLESS Haste, haste, sir, to the entrance of the wood; Daring’s engaged past hope of a retreat, venturing too far, pursuing of the foe; the king in ambush with his poisoned archers fell on and now we’re dangerously distressed.

BACON Daring is brave, but he’s withal too rash, come on and follow me to his assistance –

[Go out.

KING Turn, turn, ye fugitive slaves, and face the enemy; Oh villains, cowards, deaf to all command, by heaven I had my rival in my view and aimed at nothing but my conquering him – now like a coward I must fly with cowards, or like a desperate madman fall, thus singly, midst the numbers.

[Follows the Indians.

Enter Bacon enraged, with his sword drawn, Fearless, and Daring following him.

BACON – Where is the king? Oh ye perfidious slaves, how have you hid [him] from my just revenge? – Search all the brakes, the furzes and the trees, and let him not escape on pain of death.

DARING We cannot do wonders, sir.

BACON But you can run away –

BACON Forgive me, I’m mad – the king’s escaped, hid like a trembling slave in some close ditch, where he will sooner starve than fight it out.

Re-enter Indians running over the stage, pursued by the King who shoots them as they fly; some few follow him.

KING All’s lost – the day is lost – and I’m betrayed – Oh slaves, that even wounds can’t animate.

[In rage.

BACON The king!

KING The general here, by all the powers betrayed by my own men.

BACON Abandoned as thou art I scorn to take thee basely; you shall have soldiers’ chance, sir, for your life, since chance so luckily has brought us hither; without more aids we will dispute the day. This spot of earth bears both our armies’ fates; I’ll give you back the victory I have won, and thus begin anew, on equal terms.

BACON Hah, Semernia!

KING Your blushes do betray your passion for her.

DARING ’Sdeath, have we fought for this, to expose the victor to the conquered foe?

FEARLESS What, fight a single man – our prize already.

KING Not so, young man, while I command a dart.

BACON Fight him, by heaven no reason shall dissuade me, and he that interrupts me is a coward, whatever be my fate; I do command ye to let the king pass freely to his tents.

DARING The devil’s in the general.

FEARLESS ’Sdeath, his romantic humour will undo us.

[They fight and pause.

KING You fight as if you meant to outdo me this way, as you have done in generosity.

BACON You’re not behindhand with me, sir, in courtesy, come, here’s to set us even –

[Fight again.

KING You bleed apace.

BACON You’ve only breathed115 a vein, and given me new health and vigour by it.

[They fight again, wounds on both sides, the King staggers, Bacon takes him in his arms, the King drops his sword.

How do you, sir?

KING Like one – that’s hovering between heaven and earth, I’m – mounting – somewhere – upwards – but giddy with my flight, – I know not where.

BACON Command my surgeons – instantly – make haste. Honour returns and love all bleeding’s fled.

[Exit Fearless.

KING Oh Semernia, how much more truth had thy divinity than the predictions of the flattering oracles. Commend me to her – I know you’ll – visit – your fair captive, sir, and tell her – oh – but death prevents the rest.


Enter Fearless.

BACON He’s gone – and now like Caesar I could weep116 over the hero I myself destroyed.

FEARLESS I’m glad for your repose I see him there – ’twas a mad hot-brained youth and so he died.

BACON Come, bear him on your shoulders to my tent, from whence, with all the solemn state we can, we will convey him to his own pavilion.

Enter a Soldier.

SOLDIER Some of our troops pursuing of the enemy even to their temples, which they made their sanctuary, finding the queen at her devotion there with all her Indian ladies, I’d much ado to stop their violent rage from setting fire to the holy pile.

BACON Hang them immediately that durst attempt it, while I myself will fly to rescue her.

[Goes out, they bear off the King’s body, exeunt all.

Enter Whimsey pulling in Whiff, with a halter about his neck.

WHIMSEY Nay, I’m resolved to keep thee here till his Honour the General comes, – what, to call him traitor, and run away after he had so generously given us our freedom, and listed us cadees117 for the next command that fell in his army; – I’m resolved to hang thee –

WHIFF Wilt thou betray and ‘peach thy friend? Thy friend that kept thee company all the while thou wert a prisoner – drinking at my own charge –

WHIMSEY No matter for that, I scorn ingratitude and therefore will hang thee – but as for thy drinking with me – I scorn to be behindhand with thee in civility and therefore here’s to thee.

[Takes a bottle of brandy out of his pocket, drinks.

WHIFF I can’t drink.

WHIMSEY A certain sign thou would be hanged.

WHIFF You used to be on my side when a justice, let the cause be how it would.


WHIMSEY Aye – when I was a justice I never minded honesty, but now I’ll be true to my general, and hang thee to be a great man –

WHIFF If I might but have a fair trial for my life –

WHIFF ’Twas when I was drunk, an’t like your Honour.

WHIMSEY That’s no plea, for if you kill a man when you are sober you must be hanged when you are drunk. Hast thou anything else to say for thyself why sentence may not pass upon thee?

WHIMSEY The clergy, I never knew anybody that ever did benefit by them. Why, thou canst not read a word.

WHIFF Transportation then –

WHIMSEY It shall be to England then – but hold – who’s this?

[Dullman creeping from a bush.

DULLMAN So the danger’s over, I may venture out, – pox on’t, I would not be in this fear again, to be Lord Chief Justice of our court.

[Enter Timorous with battle-axe, bow and arrows, and feathers on his head.

Why, how now, Cornet – what, in dreadful equipage? Your battle-axe bloody, with bow and arrows?

TIMOROUS I’m in the posture of the times, Major – I could not be idle where so much action was; I’m going to present myself to the general with these trophies of my victory here –

DULLMAN Victory – what victory – did not [I] see thee creeping out of yonder bush, where thou wert hid all the fight – stumble on a dead Indian, and take away his arms?

TIMOROUS Why, didst thou see me?

DULLMAN See thee, aye – and what a fright thou wert in, till thou wert sure he was dead.

TIMOROUS Well, well, that’s all one – gadzoors, if every man that pass[ed] for valiant in a battle were to give an account how he gained his reputation, the world would be but thinly stocked with heroes. I’ll say he was a great war captain, and that I killed him hand to hand, and who can disprove me?

DULLMAN Disprove thee – why, that pale face of thine, that has so much of the coward in it.

WHIMSEY He called the general traitor and was running away, and I’m resolved to ’peach.

DULLMAN Hum – and one witness will stand good in law, in case of treason –

TIMOROUS Gadzoors, in case of treason he’ll be hanged if it be proved against him, were there ne’er a witness at all; but he must [be] tried by a council of war man – come, come let’s disarm him –

[They take away his arms, and pull a bottle of brandy out of his pocket.

WHIFF What, I hope you will not take away my brandy, gentlemen, my last comfort.

TIMOROUS Gadzoors, it’s come in good time – we’ll drink it off, here Major –

[Drinks; Whiff takes him aside.

WHIFF Hark ye, Cornet- you are my good friend, get this matter made up before it come to the general.

TIMOROUS But this is treason, neighbour.

WHIFF If I hang – I’ll declare upon the ladder, how you killed your war captain.

TIMOROUS Come, brother Whimsey – we have been all friends and loving magistrates together, let’s drink about, and think no more of this business.

DULLMAN Aye, aye, if every sober man in the nation should be called to account of the treason he speaks in his drink, the Lord have mercy upon us all – put it up – and let us like loving brothers take an honest resolution to run away together; for this same Frightall minds nothing but fighting.

WHIMSEY I’m content, provided we go all to the council and tell them (to make our peace) we went in obedience to the Proclamation to kill Bacon, but the traitor was so strongly guarded we could not effect it; but mum – who’s here? –

[To them, enter Ranter and Jenny, as Man and Footman.

RANTER Hah, our four Reverend Justices – I hope the blockheads will not know me – gentlemen, can you direct me to Lieutenant-General Daring’s tents.

WHIFF Hum, who the devil’s this – that’s he that you see coming this way. ’Sdeath, yonder’s Daring – Let’s slip away before he advances.

[Exeunt all but Ranter and Jenny.

JENNY I am scared with those dead bodies we have passed over; for God’s sake, madam, let me know your design in coming.

RANTER Why? Now I’ll tell thee – my damned mad fellow Daring who has my heart and soul – loves Chrisante, has stolen her, and carried her away to his tents. She hates him, while I am dying for him.

JENNY Dying, madam! I never saw you melancholy.

RANTER Pox on it, no; why should I sigh and whine, and make myself an ass, and him conceited? No, instead of snivelling I’m resolved –

JENNY What, madam?

RANTER Gad, to beat the rascal, and bring off Chrisante.

JENNY Beat him, madam? What, a woman beat a lieutenant-general?

RANTER Hang ’em, they get a name in war from command, not courage; how know I but I may fight? Gad, I have known a fellow kicked from one end of the town to the other, believing himself a coward, at last forced to fight, found he could, got a reputation and bullied all he met with, and got a name, and a great commission.

JENNY But if he should kill you, madam?

RANTER I’ll take care to make it as comical a duel as the best of them; as much in love as I am, I do not intend to die its martyr.

Enter Daring and Fearless.

FEARLESS Have you seen Chrisante since the fight?

DARING Yes, but she is still the same, as nice and coy as Fortune, when she’s courted by the wretched; yet she denies me so obligingly she keeps my love still in its humble calm.

RANTER Can you direct me, sir, to one Daring’s tent.


DARING One Daring – he has another epithet to his name?

RANTER What’s that, rascal, or coward?

DARING Hah, which of thy stars, young man, has sent thee hither, to find that certain fate they have decreed?

RANTER I know not what my stars have decreed, but I shall be glad if they have ordained me to fight with Daring, – by thy concern thou shouldst be he?

DARING I am, prithee who art thou?

RANTER Thy rival, though newly arrived from England, and came to marry fair Chrisante, whom thou hast ravished, for whom I hear another lady dies.

DARING Dies for me?

RANTER Therefore resign her fairly – or fight me fairly –

DARING Come on, sir – but hold – before I kill thee, prithee inform me who this dying lady is?

RANTER Sir, I owe ye no courtesy, and therefore will do you none by telling you – come sir, for Chrisante – draw.

[They offer to fight. Fearless steps in.

FEARLESS Hold – what mad frolic’s this? – Sir, you fight for one you never saw [To Ranter.] and you for one that loves you not.

[To Daring.

DARING Perhaps she’ll love him as little.

RANTER Gad, put it to the trial, if you dare. – If thou be’st generous bring me to her, and whom she does neglect shall give the other place.

DARING That’s fair, put up thy sword – I’ll bring thee to her instantly.


SCENE III. A tent.

Enter Chrisante and Surelove.

CHRISANTE I’m not so much afflicted for my confinement as I am that I cannot hear of Friendly.

SURELOVE Art not persecuted with Daring?

CHRISANTE Not at all. Though he tells me daily of his passion I rally him, and give him neither hope nor despair, – he’s here.

Enter Daring, Fearless, Ranter and Jenny.

DARING Madam, the complaisance I show in bringing you my rival will let you see how glad I am to oblige you every way.

RANTER I hope the danger I have exposed myself to for the honour of kissing your hand, madam, will render me something acceptable – here are my credentials –

[Gives her a letter.

CHRISANTE [Reads.] ‘Dear Creature, I have taken this habit to free you from an impertinent lover, and to secure the damned rogue Daring to myself; receive me as sent by Colonel Surelove from England to marry you – favour me – no more – your Ranter’ – Hah, Ranter? [Aside.] – Sir, you have too good a character from my cousin Colonel Surelove, not to receive my welcome.

[Gives Surelove the letter.

RANTER Stand by, General –

[Pushes away Daring and looks big, and takes Chrisante by the hand and kisses it.

DARING ’Sdeath, sir, there’s room – enough – at first sight so kind? Oh youth – youth and impudence, what temptations are you – to villainous woman?

CHRISANTE I confess, sir, we women do not love these rough fighting fellows, they’re always scaring us with one broil or other.

DARING Much good may [it] do you with your tame coxcomb.

RANTER Well, sir, then you yield the prize?

DARING Aye, gad, were she an angel, that can prefer such a callow fop as thou before a man – take her and domineer.

[They all laugh.

– ’Sdeath, am I grown ridiculous.

FEARLESS Why hast thou not found the jest? By heaven ’tis Ranter, ’tis she that loves you. Carry on the humour. [Aside.] Faith, sir, if I were you I would devote myself to Madam Ranter.

CHRISANTE Aye, she’s the fittest wife for you, she’ll fit your humour.

DARING Ranter – gad, I’d sooner marry a she bear, unless for a penance for some horrid sin; we should be eternally challenging one another to the field, and ten to one she beats me there; or if I should escape there, she would kill me with drinking.

RANTER Here’s a rogue–does your country abound with such ladies?

DARING The Lord forbid; half a dozen would ruin the land, debauch all the men, and scandalize all the women.

FEARLESS No matter, she’s rich.

DARING Aye, that will make her insolent.

FEARLESS Nay, she’s generous too.

DARING Yes, when she’s drunk, and then she’ll lavish all.

RANTER A pox on him – how he vexes me.

DARING Then such a tongue – she’ll rail and smoke till she choke again, then six gallons of punch hardly recovers her, and never but then is she good-natured.

DARING There’s not a blockhead in the country that has not –

RANTER – What? –

DARING – Been drunk with her.

RANTER I thought you had meant something else, sir.

[In huff.

DARING Nay – as for that – I suppose there’s no great difficulty.

RANTER ’Sdeath, sir, you lie – and you’re a son of a whore.

[Draws and fences with him, and he runs back round the stage.

DARING Hold – hold, virago – dear Widow hold, and give me thy hand.


DARING ’Sdeath, I knew thee by instinct Widow, though I seemed not to do so, in revenge for the trick you put on me in telling me a lady died for me.

RANTER Why, such a one there is, perhaps she may dwindle forty or fifty years – or so – but will never be her own woman again, that’s certain.

SURELOVE This we are all ready to testify, we know her.

CHRISANTE Upon my life, ’tis true.

DARING Widow, I have a shrewd suspicion that you yourself may be this dying lady.

RANTER Why so, coxcomb?

DARING Because you took such pains to put yourself into my hands.

RANTER Gad, if your heart were but half so true as your guess, we should conclude a peace before Bacon and the council will – besides this thing whines for Friendly and there’s no hopes.

[To Chrisante.

DARING Give me thy hand, Widow, I am thine – and so entirely, I will never – be drunk out of thy company – Dunce is in my tent – prithee let’s in and bind the bargain.

RANTER Nay, faith, let’s see the wars at an end first.

DARING Nay, prithee, take me in the humour, while thy breeches are on – for I never liked thee half so well in petticoats.

RANTER Lead on, General, you give me good encouragement to wear them.



SCENE I. The sevana in sight of the camp; the moon rises.

Enter Friendly, Hazard and Boozer, and a party of men.

FRIENDLY We are now in the sight of the tents.

BOOZER Is not this a rash attempt, gentlemen, with so small force to set upon Bacon’s whole army?

HAZARD Oh, they are drunk with victory and wine; there will be naught but revelling tonight.

FRIENDLY Would we could learn in what quarter the ladies are lodged, for we have no other business but to release them – but hark – who comes here?

BOOZER Some scouts, I fear, from the enemy.

Enter Dullman, Timorous, Whimsey and Whiff, creeping as in the dark.

FRIENDLY Let’s shelter ourselves behind yonder trees – lest we be surprised.

TIMOROUS Would I were well at home – gadzoors – if e’er you catch me a-cadeeing again, I’ll be content to be set in the forefront of the battle for hawks’ meat.122

WHIMSEY Thou’rt afraid of every bush.

TIMOROUS Aye, and good reason too. Gadzoors, there may be rogues hid – prithee, Major, do thou advance.

DULLMAN No, no, go on – no matter of ceremony in these cases of running away.

[They advance.

FRIENDLY They approach directly to us, we cannot escape them – their numbers are not great – let us advance.

[They come up to them.

TIMOROUS Oh, I am annihilated.

WHIFF Some of Frightall’s scouts; we are lost men.

[They push each other foremost.

FRIENDLY Who goes there?

WHIMSEY Oh, they’ll give us no quarter; ’twas ’long of you, Cornet, that we ran away from our colours.

TIMOROUS Me – ’twas the major’s ambition here – to make himself a great man with the council again.

DULLMAN Pox o’ this ambition, it has been the ruin of many a gallant fellow.

WHIFF If I get home again, the height of mine shall be to top tobacco; would I’d some brandy.

TIMOROUS Gadzoors, would we had, ’tis the best armour against fear – hum – I hear nobody now – prithee advance a little.

WHIMSEY What, before a horse officer?

FRIENDLY Stand on your lives –

TIMOROUS Oh, ’tis impossible – I am dead already.

FRIENDLY What are ye? – speak – or I’ll shoot.

WHIMSEY Friends to thee – who the devil are we friends to?

TIMOROUS E’en who you please, gadzoors.

FRIENDLY Hah – gadzoors – who’s there, Timorous?

TIMOROUS Hum – I know no such scoundrel –

[Gets behind.

DULLMAN Hah – that’s Friendly’s voice.

FRIENDLY Right – thine’s that of Dullman – who’s with you?

DULLMAN Only Timorous, Whimsey and Whiff, all valiantly running away from the arch rebel that took us prisoners.

HAZARD Can you inform us where the ladies are lodged?

DULLMAN In the hither quarter in Daring’s tents; you’ll know them by lanthorns on every corner – there was never better time to surprise them – for this day Daring’s married, and there’s nothing but dancing and drinking.

HAZARD Married! To whom?

DULLMAN That I ne’er inquired.

FRIENDLY ’Tis to Chrisante, friend – and the reward of my attempt is lost. Oh, I am mad, I’ll fight away my life, and my despair shall yet do greater wonders than even my love could animate me to. Let’s part our men, and beset his tents on both sides.

[Friendly goes out with a party.

HAZARD Come, gentlemen, let’s on –

WHIFF On, sir – we on, sir? –

HAZARD Aye, you on, sir – to redeem the ladies.

WHIFF Oh, sir, I am going home for money to redeem my Nancy.

WHIMSEY So am I, sir.

TIMOROUS I thank my stars I am a bachelor – why, what a plague is a wife!

HAZARD Will you march forward?

DULLMAN We have achieved honour enough already, in having made our campaign here –

[Looking big.

HAZARD ’Sdeath, but you shall go – put them in the front, and prick them on – if they offer to turn back run them through.

TIMOROUS Oh, horrid –

[The Soldiers prick them on with their swords.

WHIFF Oh, Nancy, thy dream will yet come to pass.

HAZARD Will you advance, sir?

[Pricks Whiff.

WHIFF Why, so we do, sir; the devil’s in these fighting fellows.


[An alarm at a distance.

WITHIN To arms, to arms, the enemy’s upon us.

A noise of fighting, after which enters Friendly with his party, retreating and fighting, from Daring and some Soldiers, Ranter fighting like a Fury by his side, he putting her back in vain; they fight out. Re-enter Daring with Friendly all bloody. Several Soldiers enter with flambeaux.

DARING Now, sir – what injury have I ever done you, that you should use this treachery against me?

FRIENDLY To take advantage any way in war was never counted treachery – and had I murdered thee, I had not paid thee half the debt I owe thee.

DARING You bleed too much to hold too long a parley – come to my tent, I’ll take a charitable care of thee.

FRIENDLY I scorn thy courtesy, who against all the laws of honour and of justice, hast ravished innocent ladies.

DARING Sir, your upbraiding of my honour shall never make me forfeit it, or esteem you less. – Is there a lady here you have a passion for?

FRIENDLY Yes, on a nobler score than thou darest own.

DARING To let you see how you’re mistaken, sir, who e’er that lady be whom you affect, I will resign, and give you both your freedoms.

FRIENDLY Why, for this courtesy, which shows thee brave, in the next fight I’ll save thy life, to quit the obligation.

FRIENDLY They’ll meet you on your way, sir –

DARING Come, my young soldier, now thou’st won my soul.

An alarm beats; enter at another passage Boozer with all the ladies; they pass over the stage, while Hazard, Downright, beating back a party of Soldiers. Dullman, Timorous, Whimsey and Whiff, pricked on by their party to fight, so that they lay about them like madmen. Bacon, Fearless and Daring come in, rescue their men, and fight out the other party, some falling dead. Bacon, Fearless and Daring return tired, with their swords drawn. Enter Soldier running.

SOLDIER Return, sir, where your sword will be more useful – a party of Indians, taking advantage of the night, have set fire on your tents, and borne away the queen.

BACON Hah, the queen! By heaven, this victory shall cost them dear; come, let us fly to rescue her.

[Goes out.


Scene changes to Wellman’s tent. Enter Wellman, Brag, Grubb and Officers.

WELLMAN I cannot sleep, my impatience is so great to engage this haughty enemy, before they have reposed their weary limbs. – Is not yon ruddy light the morning’s dawn?

BRAG ’Tis, and please your Honour.

WELLMAN Is there no news of Friendly yet, and Hazard?

BRAG Not yet – ’tis thought they left the camp tonight, with some design against the enemy.

WELLMAN What men have they?

BRAG Only Boozer’s party, sir.

WELLMAN I know they are brave, and mean to surprise me with some handsome action.

Enter Friendly.

FRIENDLY I ask a thousand pardons, sir, for quitting the camp without your leave.

WELLMAN Your conduct and your courage cannot err; I see thou’st been in action by thy blood.

FRIENDLY Sir, I’m ashamed to own these slender wounds, since without more my luck was to be taken, while Hazard did alone effect the business, the rescuing of the ladies.

WELLMAN How got ye liberty?

FRIENDLY By Daring’s generosity, who sends you word he’ll visit you this morning.

WELLMAN We are prepared to meet him.

Enter Downright, Hazard, Ladies, Whimsey, Whiff, Dullman, Timorous looking big; Wellman embraces Downright.

WELLMAN My worthy friend, how am I joyed to see you!

DOWNRIGHT We owe our liberties to these brave youths, who can do wonders when they fight for ladies.

TIMOROUS With our assistance, ladies.

WHIMSEY For my part I’ll not take it as I have done; gad, I find when I am damnable angry I can beat both friend and foe.

WHIFF When I fight for my Nancy here – adsfish I’m a dragon.

MRS WHIFF Lord, you need not have been so hasty.

FRIENDLY Do not upbraid me with your eyes, Chrisante, but let these wounds assure you I endeavoured to serve you, though Hazard had the honour on’t.

WELLMAN But, ladies, we’ll not expose you in the camp – a party of our men shall see you safely conducted to Madam Surelove’s; ’tis but a little mile from our camp.

FRIENDLY Let me have that honour, sir.

CHRISANTE No, I conjure you let your wounds be dressed; obey me if you love me, and Hazard shall conduct us home.

WELLMAN He had the toil, ’tis fit he have the recompense.

WHIFF He the toil, sir, what, did we stand for cyphers?

WHIMSEY The very appearance I made in the front of the battle awed the enemy.

TIMOROUS Aye, aye, let the enemy say how I mauled them – but gadzoors, I scorn to brag.

WELLMAN Since you’ve regained your honour so gloriously – I restore you to your commands you lost by your seeming cowardice.

DULLMAN Valour is not always in humour, sir.

WELLMAN Come, gentlemen, since they’re resolved to engage us, let’s set our men in order to receive ’em.

[Exit all but the four Justices.

TIMOROUS Our commissions again – you must be bragging, and see what comes on’t; I was modest, ye see, and said nothing of my prowess.

WHIFF What a devil, does the colonel think we are made of iron, continually to be beat on the anvil?

WHIMSEY Look gentlemen, here’s two evils – if we go we are dead men, if we stay we are hanged – and that will disorder my cravat-string – therefore the least evil is to go – and set a good face on the matter as I do –

[Goes out singing.


Scene: a thick wood. Enter Queen dressed like an Indian man, with a bow in her hand and quiver at her back, Anaria her confidante disguised so too, and about a dozen Indians led by Cavaro.

QUEEN I tremble yet; dost think we’re safe, Cavaro?

CAVARO Madam, these woods are intricate and vast, and ‘twill be difficult to find us out – or if they do, this habit will secure you from the fear of being taken.

QUEEN Dost think if Bacon find us he will not know me? Alas, my fears and blushes will betray me.

ANARIA ’Tis certain, madam, if we stay we perish; for all the wood’s surrounded by the conqueror.

QUEEN Alas, ’tis better we should perish here than stay to expect the violence of his passion; to which my heart’s too sensibly inclined.

ANARIA Why do you not obey its dictates then, why do you fly the conqueror?

QUEEN Not fly – not fly the murderer of my lord?

ANARIA What world, what resolution can preserve you? And what he cannot gain by soft submission, force will at last o’ercome.

QUEEN I wish there were in Nature one excuse either by force or reason to compel me: – For oh, Anaria – I adore this general, – take from my soul a truth – till now concealed – at twelve years old – at the Pauwmungian123 court I saw this conqueror. I saw him young and gay as new-born Spring, glorious and charming as the mid-day’s sun, I watched his looks, and listened when he spoke, and thought him more than mortal.

ANARIA He has a graceful form.

QUEEN At last a fatal match concluded was, between my lord and me; I gave my hand, but oh how far my heart was from consenting, the angry gods are witness.

ANARIA ’Twas pity.

QUEEN Twelve tedious moons I passed in silent languishment; honour endeavouring to destroy my love, but all in vain, for still my pain returned whenever I beheld my conqueror, but now when I consider him as murderer of my lord –[Fiercely.] I sigh and wish – some other fatal hand had given him his death – but now there’s a necessity I must be brave and overcome my heart. What if I do? ah, whither shall I fly, I have no Amazonian fire about me, all my artillery is sighs and tears, the earth my bed, and heaven my canopy.


[After a noise of fighting.

Hah, we are surprised, oh whither shall I fly? And yet methinks a certain trembling joy, spite of my soul, spite of my boasted honour, runs shivering round my heart.

[Enter an Indian.

INDIAN Madam, your out guards are surprised by Bacon, who hews down all before him, and demands the queen with such a voice and eyes so fierce and angry, he kills us with his looks.

CAVARO Draw up your poisoned arrows to the head, and aim them at his heart, sure some will hit.

QUEEN Cruel Cavaro, – would ’twere fit for me to contradict thy justice.


BACON [Within.] The queen, ye slaves, give me the queen and live!

He enters furiously beating back some Indians, Cavaro’s party going to shoot; the Queen runs in.

BACON Hah – a woman’s voice – what art thou? Oh my fears!

QUEEN Thy hand has been too cruel to a heart – whose crime was only tender thoughts for thee.

BACON The queen! What is’t my sacrilegious hand has done?

QUEEN The noblest office of a gallant friend, thou’st saved my honour and hast given me death.

BACON Is’t possible! ye unregarding gods, is’t possible?

QUEEN Now I may love you without infamy, and please my dying heart by gazing on you.

BACON Oh I am lost – for ever lost – I find my brain turn with the wild confusion.

QUEEN I faint – oh lay me gently on the earth.

[Lays her down.

BACON Who waits – [Turns in rage to his men.] make of the trophies of the war a pile, and set it all on fire, that I may leap into consuming flames – while all my tents are burning round about me. [Wildly.] Oh thou dear prize for which alone I toiled.

[Weeps and lies down by her.

Enter Fearless with his sword drawn.

FEARLESS Hah, on the earth – how do you, sir?

BACON What wouldst thou?

FEARLESS Wellman with all the forces he can gather attacks us even in our very camp; assist us, sir, or all is lost.

BACON Why, prithee let him make the world his prize, I have no business with the trifle now; it now contains nothing that’s worth my care, since my fair queen – is dead, – and by my hand.

QUEEN So charming and obliging is thy moan that I could wish for life to recompense it; but oh, death falls – all cold – upon my heart like mildews on the blossoms.

FEARLESS By heaven, sir, this love will ruin all – rise, rise and save us yet.

BACON Leave me, what e’er becomes of me – lose not thy share of glory – prithee leave me.

QUEEN Alas, I fear thy fate is drawing on, and I shall shortly meet thee in the clouds; till then – farewell – even death is pleasing to me, while thus – I find it in thy arms –


BACON There ends my race of glory and of life.

[An alarm at distance – continues a while.

BACON Hah – why should I idly whine away my life, since there are nobler ways to meet with Death? – Up, up, and face him then – Hark – there’s the soldiers’ knell – and all the joys of life – with thee I bid farewell –

[[Bacon and Fearless go out.]

The Indians bear off the body of the Queen.

The alarm continues. Enter Downright, Wellman, and others, swords drawn.

WELLMAN They fight like men possessed – I did not think to have found them so prepared.

DOWNRIGHT They’ve good intelligence – but where’s the rebel?

WELLMAN Sure he’s not in the fight, oh that it were my happy chance to meet him, that while our men look on, we might dispatch the business of the war. – Come, let’s fall in again now we have taken breath.

They go out. Enter Daring and Fearless hastily, with their swords drawn, meet Whimsey, Whiff, with their swords drawn, running away.

DARING How now, whither away?

[In anger.

WHIMSEY Hah, Daring here – we are pursuing of the enemy, sir, stop us not in the pursuit of glory.

[Offer to go.

DARING Stay – I have not seen you in my ranks today.

WHIFF Lord, does your Honour take us for starters?

FEARLESS Yes, sirrah, and believe you are now rubbing off – confess, or I’ll run you through.

WHIFF Oh mercy, sir, mercy, we’ll confess.

WHIMSEY What will you confess – we were only going behind yon hedge to untruss a point; that’s all.

WHIFF Aye, your Honours will smell out the truth if you keep us here long.

DARING Here, carry them prisoners to my tent.

[Exit Soldier with Whimsey and Whiff.

Enter Ranter without a hat, and sword drawn. Daring angrily goes the other way. [[Dullman and Timorous lying on the ground.]]

RANTER A pox of all ill luck, how came I to lose Daring in the fight? Hah. – who’s here? – Dullman and Timorous dead – the rogues are counterfeits – I’ll see what moveables they have about them, all’s lawful prize in war.

[Takes their money, watches and rings; goes out.

TIMOROUS What, rob the dead? – Why, what will this villainous world come to?

[Clashing of swords just as they were going to rise.

Enter Hazard bringing in Ranter.

HAZARD Thou couldst expect no other fate, young man, thy hands are yet too tender for a sword.

RANTER Thou lookst like a good-natured fellow, use me civilly, and Daring shall ransom me.

HAZARD Doubt not a generous treatment.

[Goes out.

DULLMAN So, the coast is clear, I desire to remove my quarters to some place of more safety –

[They rise and go off.

Enter Wellman and Soldiers hastily.

WELLMAN ’Twas this way Bacon fled. Five hundred pound for him who finds the rebel.

[Goes out.


Scene changes to a wood. Enter Bacon and Fearless, with their swords drawn, all bloody.

BACON ’Tis just, ye gods! That when you took the prize for which I fought, Fortune and you should all abandon me.

FEARLESS Oh fly, sir, to some place of safe retreat, for there’s no mercy to be hoped, if taken. What will you do? I know we are pursued, by heaven I will not die a shameful death.

BACON Oh, they’ll have pity on thy youth and bravery, but I’m above their pardon.

[A noise is heard.

WITHIN This way – this way – hay – halloo.

FEARLESS Alas, sir, we’re undone – I’ll see which way they take –


BACON So near! Nay then to my last shift. [Undoes the pommel of his sword.] Come my good poison, like that of Hannibal,124 long I have borne a noble remedy for all the ills of life. [Takes poison.] I have too long survived my queen and glory, those two bright stars that influenced my life are set to all eternity.

[Lies down.

Enter Fearless, runs to Bacon and looks on his sword.

FEARLESS – Hah – what have ye done?

BACON Secured myself from being a public spectacle upon the common theatre of death.

Enter Daring and Soldiers.

DARING Victory, victory, they fly, they fly, where’s the victorious general?

FEARLESS Here – taking his last adieu.

DARING Dying? Then wither all the laurels on my brows, for I shall never triumph more in war; where are the wounds?

FEARLESS From his own hand by what he carried here, believing we had lost the victory.

BACON And is the enemy put to flight my hero?

[Grasps his neck.

DARING All routed horse and foot, I placed an ambush, and while they were pursuing you, my men fell on behind and won the day.

BACON Thou almost makes me wish to live again, if I could live now fair Semernia’s dead, – But oh – the baneful drug is just and kind and hastens me away – now while you are victors make a peace – with the English council – and never let ambition – love – or interest make you forget as I have done – your duty – and allegiance – farewell – a long farewell –

[Dies embracing their necks.

DARING So fell the Roman Cassius125 – by mistake –

Enter Soldiers with Dunce, Timorous and Dullman.

SOLDIER An’t please your Honour, we took these men running away.

DARING Let ’em loose – the wars are at an end, see where the general lies – that great-souled man, no private body e’er contained a nobler, and he that could have conquered all America finds only here his scanty length of earth, – go bear the body to his own pavilion – [Soldiers go out with the body.] Though we are conquerors we submit to treat, and yield upon conditions; you, Mr Dunce, shall bear our Articles to the Council –

DUNCE With joy I will obey you.

[Exit Dunce.

TIMOROUS Good General, let us be put in the agreement.126

DARING You come too late, gentlemen, to be put into the Articles, nor am I satisfied you’re worthy of it.

DULLMAN Why, did not you, sir, see us lie dead in the field?

DARING Yes, but I see no wound about you.

TIMOROUS We were stunned with being knocked down; gadzoors, a man may be killed with the butt end of a musket as soon as with the point of a sword.

[Enter Dunce.

DUNCE The council, sir, wishes you health and happiness, and sends you these signed by their hands –

[Gives papers.

DARING [Reads.] ‘That you shall have a general pardon for yourself and friends, that you shall have all new commissions, and Daring to command as general; that you shall have free leave to inter your dead general, in James-Town, and to ratify this – we will meet you at Madam Surelove’s house which stands between the armies, attended only by our officers.’ The council’s noble and I’ll wait upon them.

[Exit Dunce.


Scene: A grove near Madam Surelove’s; enter Surelove weeping, Wellman, Chrisante, Mrs Flirt, Ranter as before, Downright, Hazard, Friendly, Boozer, Brag.

WELLMAN How long, madam, have you heard the news of Colonel Surelove’s death?

SURELOVE By a vessel last night arrived.

WELLMAN You should not grieve when men so old pay their debt to Nature, you are too fair not to have been reserved for some young lover’s arms.

HAZARD I dare not speak – but give me leave to hope.

SURELOVE The way to oblige me to’t is never more to speak to me of love till I shall think it fit –

[Wellman speaks to Downright.

WELLMAN Come, you shan’t grant it – ’tis a hopeful youth.

FRIENDLY He merits not this treasure, sir, can wish for more.

Enter Daring, Fearless, Dunce and Officers; they meet Wellman and Downright who embrace them. Dullman and Timorous stand.

DARING Can you forgive us, sir, our disobedience?

WELLMAN Your offering peace while yet you might command it, has made such kind impressions on us, that now you may command your propositions; your pardons are all sealed and new commissions.

DARING I’m not ambitious of that honour, sir, but in obedience will accept your goodness; but sir, I hear I have a young friend taken prisoner by Captain Hazard, whom I entreat you’ll render me.

HAZARD Sir – here I resign him to you.

[Gives him Ranter.

RANTER Faith, General, you left me but scurvily in battle.

DARING That was to see how well you could shift for yourself; now I find you can bear the brunt of a campaign you are a fit wife for a soldier.

ALL A woman – Ranter –

HAZARD Faith, madam, I should have given you kinder quarter if I had known my happiness.

FLIRT I have a humble petition to you, sir.

SURELOVE In which we all join.

FLIRT An’t please you sir, Mr Dunce has long made love to me and on promise of marriage has –


DOWNRIGHT What has he, Mrs Flirt?

FLIRT Only been a little familiar with my person, sir –

WELLMAN Do you hear, Parson – you must marry Mrs Flirt.

DUNCE HOW, sir, a man of my coat, sir, marry a brandy-monger?

WELLMAN Of your calling you mean, a farrier and no parson – [Aside to him.] she’ll leave her trade – and spark it128 above all the ladies at church; no more – take her and make her honest.

Enter Whimsey and Whiff, stripped.

CHRISANTE Bless me, what have we here?

WHIMSEY Why, an’t like your Honours, we were taken by the enemy – hah, Daring here and Fearless?

FEARLESS How now – gentlemen, were not you two condemned to be shot for running from your colours?

DOWNRIGHT From your colours?

FEARLESS Yes sir, they were both listed in my regiment.

DOWNRIGHT Then we must hang them for deserting us.

WHIMSEY So out of the frying pan – you know where, brother –

WHIFF Aye – he that’s born to be hanged – you know the rest, a pox of these proverbs.

WELLMAN I know ye well – you’re all rank cowards, but once more we forgive ye; your places in the council shall be supplied by these gentlemen of sense and honour. The governor when he comes shall find the country in better hands than he expects to find it.

WHIMSEY A very fair discharge.

WHIFF I’m glad ’tis no worse, I’ll home to my Nancy.

DULLMAN Have we exposed our lives and fortunes for this?

TIMOROUS Gadzoors, I never thrived since I was a statesman, left planting, and fell to promising and lying; I’ll to my old trade again, bask under the shade of my own tobacco, and drink my punch in peace.

WELLMAN Come my brave youths, let all our forces meet,

To make this country happy, rich, and great;

Let scanted Europe see that we enjoy

Safer repose, and larger worlds than they.


Spoken by a Woman

BY this time you have liked, or damned our plot;

Which though I know, my Epilogue knows not:

For if it could foretell, I should not fail,

In decent wise, to thank you, or to rail.

But he who sent me here, is positive,

This farce129 of government is sure to thrive;

Farce is a food as proper for your lips,

As for green-sickness,130 crumped131 tobacco pipes.132

Besides, the author’s dead, and here you sit,

Like the infernal judges133 of the pit:

Be merciful; for ’tis in you this day,

To save or damn her soul; and that’s her play.

She who so well could love’s kind passion paint,

We piously believe, must be a saint:

Men are but bunglers, when they would express

The sweets of love, the dying tenderness;

But women, by their own abundance, measure,

And when they write, have deeper sense of pleasure.

Yet though her pen did to the mark arrive,

’Twas common praise, to please you, when alive;

But of no other woman you have read,

Except this one, to please you, now she’s dead.

’Tis like the fate of bees, whose golden pains,

Themselves extinguished, in their hive remains.

Or in plain terms to speak, before we go,

What you young gallants, by experience, know,

This is an orphan child; a bouncing boy,

’Tis late to lay him out, or to destroy.

Leave your dog-tricks, to lie and to forswear,

Pay you for nursing, and we’ll keep him here.