Thank you, always, to Stephanie Delman, who regularly makes my dreams come true. Thank you to Erin Wicks—your eye is impeccable, and your compassion is endless. Working with you two, yet again, has exceeded all possible expectations.
Thank you to the team at Sanford J. Greenburger Associates—Stefanie Diaz, Heide Lange, Sami Isman, Abigail Frank, and more—for your continued support. At Harper: Jonathan Burnham, Doug Jones, Christina Polizoto, Elina Cohen, and so many more. I appreciate how you’ve all gone to bat for me, and I’m so lucky to be in your hands. My immense thanks to Miranda Ottewell, copyeditor extraordinaire, for all your help with yet another structural puzzle.
Thank you to everyone who expressed enthusiasm when, three months postpartum, I decided that I had to write a ghost story about Margaret Wise Brown. Sophie Brochu and Brian Zimmerman, your early reads once again got me on track and asked the questions I needed to hear. Adam Morgan, please never stop hounding me about when the next book is coming—I promise always to do the same for you.
My “mom friends” who very quickly became good friends: Sam Dawson, Cara Turner, Mara Winston Grigg, McKenzie Roman, Kristen Seward, Katie Harte, Kailee Kremer, Rosemary Pritchard—you’ve saved me so many times, and in so many ways. I’m proud to be raising our next generation alongside you.
Thank you to Hannah Lee, for talking candidly, for reading carefully, and for being a wonderful role model. To Allison Somogyi, for teaching me about history PhD programs and reading my “dissertation.”
Thank you to my parents, who are nothing like Megan’s parents, and my in-laws, who are nothing like Megan’s in-laws. I love you all, and you’ve helped me grow into the parent and person I am today.
Thank you to Elliott, who napped so nicely while I worked on this book, who brings me such joy, and is so (relatively) patient. And thank you to Margot, who has turned our lives upside down yet again in the most beautiful way.
Lastly, thanks to Rick, who juggles parenthood and career and good citizenship with overwhelming grace and generosity. It all works because of the work you put in. I love you deeply, and could not do this without you.