absolute knowledge

Adorno, Theodor W

agency, mind-body problem and


American Revolution

analytic philosophy



antihumanist theory; Luhmann as radical antihumanist

Apology (Plato)

Argentina, economy of

Art as a Social System (Die Kunst der Gesellschaft) (Luhmann)

“autological” constructivist epistemology

autopoietic communication systems,

autopoietic systems

autopoietical generation

Bakhtin, Mikhail

Bateson, Gregory

Beck, Ulrich

being, consciousness and

“Beyond Barbarism” (Luhmann)


biological concepts

biological processes

biological systems

body, location of mind within

body-mind. See mind-body dualism; mind-body problem

brain: mind and; use of term


Brant, Sebastian

Brown, George Spencer

Büchner, Georg

capitalist economy: Marx on; self-steering of


Cartesian hypothesis

causal nexus



Chinese tradition

circle of power

civil society

Clam, Jean

Clarke, Bruce

climate change, politics and

closed systems


coevolutionary ecosystem


“Cognition as Construction” (Luhmann)

cognitive constructivism

cognitive functions

cognitive observation

cognitive openness

collectively binding decisions

communication: about; defined; functional theory of; Luhmann on; mass media; mind-body problem and; scientific communication; sense; society and; theory of

communication systems

communicative processes (operations)


complex machines

Comte, Auguste

consciousness: being and; Hegel on; Marx on; theory of


constructivist epistemology

constructivist realism




critical theory

Critique (Kant)

cybernetic mechanism


Czerwick, Edwin

Danton’s Death (Büchner)

Darwin, Charles

Dawkins, Richard

de Berg, Henk

decision-making, political

Declaration of Independence (U.S.),

declaring war


“Deconstruction as Second-Order Observing” (Luhmann)

Deleuze, Gilles

democracy; deconstruction of; despotic democracies; European; general elections; Luhmann on; mythical aspect of; political education and; political parties; political power

Derrida, Jacques

Descartes, Rene

despotic democracies

dialectical ontologies

difference, construction of

difference-theoretical multiple rationality

Der Diskurs des radikalen Konstruktivismus (Schmidt, ed.)

“dissolution of systems rationality,”


Dockstader, Jason

doctors, systems-environment theory and

“domination-free discourse,”

drugs. See medication

Drury, Maurice

Ecological Communication (Ökologische Kommunikation) (Luhmann)

ecological evolution

ecological genealogy

ecological systems theory


economic stability

economic systems

economy: as communication system; Luhmann on; sense in; steering of by politics; See also capitalist economy

The Economy of Society (Die Wirtschaft der Gesellschaft) (Luhmann)

ecosystems: about;coevolutionary; immanent ecosystem

education: Kant on; political education

Einführung in die Systemtheorie (Introduction to Systems Theory) (Luhmann)



Enlightenment (historical period)

Enlightenment (process)

environment: system-environment multiplicity; use of term

environment/subsystem relations


Die erfundene Wirklichkeit (Watzlawick, ed.)

Esposito, Elena

ethical philosophy

ethical theory

ethics, Luhmann on

Ethics (Spinoza)

European democracies

evolution: Luhmann on; of society; vs. history

evolutionary biology

evolutionary ecology

evolutionary theory. See theory of evolution

“Excursus on Luhmann’s Appropriation of the Philosophy of the Subject through Systems Theory” (Habermas)

Farias, Ignacio

feedback loop


Feuerbach, Ludwig

financial crisis of 1997

first-order cybernetics

first-order systems theory


Foucault, Michel


Frankfurt-Bielefeld controversy

free market politics, Gray on

Freud, Sigmund

Freud’s insults to human vanity

functional differentiation

functional theory of communication

functions, in simultaneously operating systems

G8 summit


general elections

general systems theory

general will

genetic engineering

Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft (The Society of Society) (Luhmann)

global warming


“Globalization or World Society? How to Conceive of Modern Society?” (Luhmann)

government: circle of power; opposition and; See also democracy; political power; political systems; politics

government regulations

Gray, John

Gray, William

Grosse-Ruyken, Jari

Guy, Jean-Sebastien

Habermas, Jürgen: about; on language; Luhmann and; on metaphysics; on reality; on reason; on society

Habermas-Luhmann controversy

Haraway, Donna J.,

Hardt, Michael

Hayles, N. Katherine

heart, as seat of human consciousness

Hegel, Georg W.F.: about; absolute knowledge; Bildung; on cognition; on consciousness; on knowledge; Luhmann and; Marx and; on necessity; Phenomenology of Spirit; on philosophy; on science; on spir; super-theory of; on system; “topsy-turvy world,”; writing style of

Hegel’s Recollection: A Study of Images in the Phenomenology of Spirit (Verene)

Heidegger, Martin

Hellmann, Kai-Uwe

historical progress



Hobbes, Thomas

Hopi Indian rain dances

human beings: brainwaves of; communication by; idea of; as self-creators

human body, as system

human consciousness. See consciousness

human mind

humanism: refutation of; in Western Enlightenment

Hume, David

Husserl, Edmund

identity-difference distinction


immanent ecosystem

immanent epistemology

immune system

insults to human vanity

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Introduction to Systems Theory (Einführung in die Systemtheorie) (Luhmann)

ironical ethics

ironical reason



Jokisch, Rodrigo


Kant, Immanuel: on education; on epistemology; on knowledge; Luhmann and; on metaphysics; ontology of; on philosophy; Prolegomena; on reality; on social reality; supertheory of; on system; on transcendent/transcendental theories

King, Michael

Knodt, Eva

knowledge; defined; Hegel on; Kant on; in society

knowledge society

Kuhn, Thomas

Die Kunst der Gesellschaft (Art as a Social System) (Luhmann)


Law as a Social System (Das Recht der Gesellschaft) (Luhmann)

legal system

Liebe als Passion Love as Passion (Luhmann)

living systems

Locker, Alfred

Logique du sens (Deleuze)

Love as Passion (Liebe als Passion) (Luhmann)

Luhmann, Niklas: attempts to soften radicalism; biographical information; conceptual vocabulary of; criticisms of; death of; declaration of radical intentions; Habermas and; Hegel and; honors; ideas of; impact of; inaccessible language of; Kant and; modesty of; nonlinearity of texts; note cabinet of; opponents of; political position in modern Germany; as posthumanist; as radical antihumanist; radicalism of; reactions to; refutation of humanism; vagueness of writing; writing method of; writing style of; writings of

Luhmann Explained: From Souls to Systems (Moeller)

Luhmann’s ideas: on autopoietic systems; on circle of power; on cognition; on communication; on contingency; on democracy; on ecological evolution; on economy; on epistemology; on errors; on ethics; on evolution; Habermas-Luhmann controversy; on humanism; irony in; metabiological nature of theory; on mind-body relation; on morality; on ontology; on philosophy; on political power; on political systems; on postmodernism; on radical constructivism; on rationality; on realism; on reality; on science; on sense; on Sinn; on social systems; on society; on sociology; supertheory; on systems; on theory; theory of society

Lyotard, Jean-François

Marx, Karl: about; analysis of capitalist economy; Hegel and; on history; on mind-body dualism; on philosophy; on political theory; on social progress; on society

mass media

Maturana, Humberto

McLuhan, Marshall

mechanistic cybernetics

medication, side effects of

mental systems

“metabiological” approach


metaphysics: Habermas on; Kant on; ontological metaphysics

military system

mind: autopoietic systems and brain and; location within the body; workings of

mind-body dualism: Marx on; in nineteenth century; Plato on; in twentieth century

mind-body problem; Descartes on; Luhmann on; See also mind-body dualism; mind-body triadism

mind-body triadism

modern state


Moeller, Hans-Georg

Monk, Ray

moral communication

morality: Luhmann on; reflective theory of

Narrenschiff (Ship of Fools) (Brant)

Native American rituals, comparison to

natural selection

Nazi ideology


negative ethics

Negri, Antonio


Nietzsche, Friedrich: on “four great errors,”; on historical progress; on mind-body dualism

nonironical ethics

nonironical reason

nontheoretical reflective knowledge

nontrivial machines

North America: reception of Luhmann’s theories in; social systems theory in

Observando Sistemas (Farias and Ossandon, eds.)


official circle of power

Ökologische Kommunikation (Luhmann)

ontological differentiation

ontology: about; Kant on Luhmann on

openness of systems

operationally closed systems

opposition, government and

Ossandon, Jose


Parsons, Talcott

passion, mind-body problem and,

The Passions of the Soul (Descartes)

“people’s parties,”

Phenomenology of Spirit (Hegel)

The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity (Habermas)

philosophical ethics

Philosophical Investigations (Wittgenstein)

philosophical science

philosophical systems: Hegel on; Luhmann on

philosophy; carnivalization of; as cognitive science; ethics and; Hegel on; history of; irony in; Kant on; Luhmann on; Marx on; as purveyor of “actual knowledge,”; as scientific activity; self-inclusion of; sense in

philosophy of necessity

physical systems

physiological processes

pineal gland

“plant of immanence,”

Plato: on mind-body dualism; ontological differentiation of; Republic


pluralist realism

political education

political parties

political power: circle of power; climate change and; declaring war; government regulations; Luhmann on; “reflexivity of power relations,” ; will of the people

political systems; elements of; Luhmann on; single-party systems; steering of; See also democracy; government; politics

political theory, Marx on

political utopia

politics: climate change and; deconstruction of; economy steered by; general elections; society and; See also democracy; government; political power; political systems


post-Darwinian ecological evolutionary theory

Posthuman Metamorphosis: Narrative and Systems (Clarke)

posthumanist theory



power: declaring war; diffusion of; political decision-making



Prolegomena to any Future Meta physics That Will Be Able to Present Itself as Science (Kant)

psychic systems

psychological processes

psychopharmacological drugs, side effects of

psychosomatic continuum; See also mind-body dualism; mind-body problem; mind-body triadism

public opinion

purified language

radical antihumanist, Luhmann as

radical constructivism

radical immanence

radicalism, of Luhmann

rain dances

rationality, Luhmann on

Rawls, John

real language


realist ontology

Die Realitas der Massenmedien (The Reality of the Mass Media) (Luhmann)

reality: construction of; Haber-mas on; Luhmann on; Wittgenstein on

The Reality of the Mass Media (Die Realitas der Massenmedien) (Luhmann)

reason, Habermas on

Das Recht der Gesellschaft (Law as a Social System) (Luhmann)

redundancy, in government

reflective theory of morality

“reflexivity of power relations”(Luhmann)



Republic (Plato)

res cogitans

res extensa

Rhees, Rush

Risk: A Sociological Theory (Soziologie des Risikos) (Luhmann)

risk society

Rizzo, Nicholas D.,

Rousseau, Henri

rule of the people

Saint-Simon, Henri de

Schelsky, Helmut

Schmidt, Johannes

Schmidt, Siegfried J.,

science: embedding in society;esoteric nature of; Hegel on; Kuhn on; Luhmann on; self-inclusion of; sense of

The Science of Society (Die Wissenschaft der Gesellschaft) (Luhmann)

science of the spirit

scientific communication

scientific knowledge

second-order cybernetics

second-order emergence

second-order systems

second-order systems theory




self-critical reason







semantic evolution



sense of life

Ship of Fools (Narrenschiff) (Brant)

shock and awe morality

side effects, of a medication

single-party system


social constructivism

social Darwinism

social engineering

social evolution

social institutions

social modification, technological change and

social ontology

social reality

social sciences

social sense

social steering: limits of; pretension of control and

social systems: about civil society; communication systems as; Luhmann on; McLuhan on; as observing systems; theory of

social systems theory: Luhmann on; postmodernism compared to

Social Systems: Outline of a General Theory (Luhmann)

social theory: about; anthropocentrism; Luhmann’s approach to; “metabiological” approach; modern; transcendental

social values

socialist economies, self-steering of

society: based on unity; civil society; cognition and; communication and; evolution of; Habermas on; Luhmann on; Marx on; metabiological analysis of; modern transcendental theories; Plato on; politics and; reality of; science embedded in; self-descriptions of; sense in; social steering; steering theory and; stratification of; theory of; uses of knowledge in

The Society of Society (Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft) (Luhmann)

sociological insult

sociology: about; dis-humanization of; Luhmann on


soul: Platonic reign over physical; See also mind-body dualism

Soziale Systeme (Social Systems) (Luhmann)

Soziologie des Risikos (Luhmann)

Spencer, Herbert

Spinoza, Baruch

spirit: about; Hegel on

spiritual systems

“stability by flexibility,”


steering: cybernetics and; limits of; operational closure and; of political systems; pretension of control and; See also self-steering; social steering

steering theory

stratified differentiation

Straw Dogs (Gray)

structural coupling

subsystem/environment relations



survival of the fittest

symbolic democracy

symbolic rule

system-environment multiplicity

system-environment relations

systematic philosophy

systematic theory

systemic triadism

systems: about; change in; Hegel on; Luhmann on; use of term

systems-environment theory: about; doctors and; medication side effects as example; probability and

systems rationality

systems theory: about; contemporary; Hegel on; Luhmann on; second-order systems theory; as system/environment theory Systemtheorie der Demokratie (Czerwick)

technological change, social modification and

theoretical ethics

theoretical expertise

theoretical knowledge

theoretical reason

Theorie der Gesellschaft oder Sozialtechnologie (Habermas and Luhmann)

theory, Luhmann on

theory architecture

theory of autopoiesis

theory of communication

theory of consciousness

theory of contingency

theory of ecosystems

theory of evolution

theory of social systems

theory of society

Theory of Society or Social Technology (Theorie der Gesellschaft oder Sozialtechnologie) (Habermas and Luhmann)

Thornhill, Chris

Tieck, Ludwig

“topsy-turvy world,”

totalitarian democracies

Tractatus Logico Philosophicus (Wittgenstein)

transcendent/transcendental theories


trivial machines

true knowledge


Twilight of the Idols (Nietzsche)

unexamined life

Unity Through Diversity: A Festschrift for Ludwig von Bertanlanffy (Gray and Rizzo, eds.)

“Universality of Spirit,”

unofficial circle of power


Varela, Francisco

variety, in government

Verene, Donald Phillip

von Foerster, Heinz

von Glaserfeld, Ernst

voting; See also elections

war: declaring; as social system

war on drugs

war on terror

Watzlawick, Paul

“weak soul,”

Weimar Republic

Western Enlightenment. See Enlightenment

Whitehead, Alfred North

will of the people

Wilson, E. O.,

Die Wirtschaft der Gesellschaft (The Economy of Society) (Luhmann)

Die Wissenschaft der Gesellschaft (The Science of Society) (Luhmann)

Wittgenstein, Ludwig

Wohlfart, Günther

Zolo, Danilo