My exploration of Fake Buddha Quotes has been aided and abetted by many people over the years. A Buddhist friend, Jnanagarbha (aka Alan Ashley) was the first person to discuss with me the phenomenon of misattributed quotes on Twitter, and the fun we had together was what first led to me documenting them on my personal blog. Thanks, brother!

Unfortunately I can no longer recall (and haven’t been able to track down) the name of the person who first suggested that I create a dedicated blog to the topic. I’m grateful for the encouragement.

Many people over the years have submitted quotes for verification or debunking. Thank you! Several researchers have come to my aid with information about quotes, most notably renowned etymologist Barry Popik, who tracked down the source of “When the student is ready the teacher will appear,” and Garson O’Toole of the Quote Investigator website, who found the author of the quote that begins “Resolve to be tender with the young.”

My editor at Tricycle, Emma Varvaloucas, was the first to approach me to publish a number of Fake Buddha Quote columns at that magazine. Rod Meade Sperry of Lion’s Roar magazine asked me to write a similar article in that publication. Thank you, Emma and Rod. The Lion’s Roar piece is what caught the attention of the fine folks at Parallax, which brings me to express my gratitude to my editor there, Jacob Surpin, who has been a delight to work with.

Lastly, I’m deeply indebted to, and in awe of, the many people who have expended so much effort and put so much love into translating the Buddhist scriptures and making them available to the modern world. Three contemporary translators stand out for me: Bhikkhu Bodhi, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, and Bhikkhu Sujato. These three men are, to me, Dharma Superheroes, and I hereby dub them “The League of Extraordinary Gentle-Bhikkhus.”