The Exam Dream

In a season of deaths,

when the dead ones, the great ones

were falling all around,

when the leaves were turning

scarlet, crimson, brown as blood,

when the birches trembled

& the oaks turned gold,

I dreamed,

perhaps for the last time,

the old exam-dream:

a history course

& I had not read a word.

Though I took my degree Phi Bete

with every honor,

I trembled in my dream

that I would fail.

Oh the terror

in the college corridor!

The fear of reprisals,

the fear of death.

The history of the world

is blank to me.

The only thing I know

is certain


How are we tested?

Why do our minds

go blank?

Why the exam room,


why the witness stand?

Even the Phi Bete kids

must fail in dreams;

A’s & F’s are equalized

by sleep.

Perhaps we are tested by mortality.

No childhood of anxiety

& pain,

no eyes behind glasses

searching flyspeck print

can spare us

from the certain truth

we fail.

Teach us to live

each day

as if our last.

Teach us the present tense,

teach us the word.

Teach us to take air in

& let it out

without the fearful catch

of breath on death.

Truce with the cosmos,

soul at peace within,

we may stop dreaming

that we fail

life’s school.

Our lives are in your hands,

our deaths assured.

Between this knowledge

& our schooldays

fall our dreams.