About the Book
About the Author
List of Illustrations
Title Page
1 The power of parents, or how I learned to love competition
2 To be a coach, or how I found a way of getting out of the house
3 The power of play, or how to do a lot with very little
4 Determination, or the trouble with being a woman
5 Heading for America, or how they do it in the Sunshine State
6 The hardest decision as a parent, or how I learned when to say no
7 Leaving home, or how to have faith when others are losing theirs
8 Empty Nest Syndrome, or how I say
au revoir
to the boys
9 Never underestimate the power of adversity, or how we finally break through
10 A lifeline, or a new life altogether
11 Creative differences, or how to find the best for each of your children
12 When winning isn’t everything, or learning how to keep going
13 Girl up, or how to create opportunities for women
14 The right partner, or how to find the perfect match
15 Do what you want, or how to live a little
16 Love, better than victory
Picture Section