Chapter 37



Quinn strode past the burned tents and into the center of the camp, sparing a brief glance for the silent tomb.

I’m sorry Kizira. I will find a way to keep you and our secret safe from our enemies.

When Reese left his side, wandering over to look at the tomb, he held his breath.

What powers, yet unseen, did she possess with that medallion?

She must have felt his eyes on her, because she turned around. She said, “Go. This is safe ... from everyone.”

He had to trust her.

If she could spirit it away, she would have, right?

“Quinn?” Daegan called sharply.

Quinn stepped over to where Tristan and Daegan hovered near the person Tristan had identified as Lorwerth, who was no longer stuck to the tree. Quinn stopped short at the sight of a steel rod sticking out his back.

The tip jutted from his chest. “Can he be saved?”

Daegan shook his head. “I tried once and the wound ripped open. That is his doing.

Rain faded to a light drizzle as Daegan asked, “Where have you been since I last saw you, Lorwerth?”

Tristan looked as surprised as Quinn. Daegan knew Lorwerth?

The dying man snickered in a nasty way. “I can’t believe you’re still alive. I get sent to Anwynn and you end up living like a king. Literally. Again.” He coughed and blood ran from the corner of his mouth.

“You don’t deserve any life, not after what you did to help Maeve capture me. My sisters died because of you and Maeve. Did you kill my father, too?”

Again, Quinn exchanged a look with Tristan at this new information on Daegan’s past.

Lorwerth twisted up his face in disgust. “The three of you deserved what you got. I didn’t kill the king. Miserable brother that he was, he left me nothing.”

Daegan lifted an eyebrow. “You weren’t even blood related. My father took you in as one of his father’s bastards, then treated you as a full brother, and we respected you as our uncle. You inherited the crown. Were you so greedy that not even that was enough?”

“A crown is nothing but decoration. Your father hid the fortunes he’d amassed. I was left with enough to feed the castle each month. Nothing more. It was his fault I made the deal that landed me in Anwynn to begin with and your fault your sisters died. Not mine.”

The man had to be insane to say such a thing to Daegan at this point.

Surprisingly, Daegan agreed. “Aye, it was as much my fault. My arrogance as much as your betrayal, but you acted in hate and I acted in love. I don’t care why you ended up in Anwynn, but who pulled you from that place and for what reason? Was it Macha?”

“That goddess still around? I have nothing to do with her.”

Storm had joined them and announced, “Truth.”

Daegan nodded his thanks and asked, “What about Queen Maeve?”

“I was to deliver the body to her.”

“Truth,” Storm confirmed then added, “but he’s holding something back.”

“Who else is involved?” Daegan pressed.

Lorwerth stared at him with bold defiance.

Daegan told the dying man, “This ends here and now. You tell me who is behind this.”

Lorwerth laughed hysterically, which turned into racking coughs.

Everyone looked to Daegan, who stared at Lorwerth with hate that was palpable.

Quinn asked, “Is he so far gone that he doesn’t realize he’s about to die?”

Lorwerth breathed in and out, his lungs gurgling. The smell of his blood tinged air left fresh by the rain. “I know exactly what will happen, but you don’t, Daegan. This is not the end. This is the tip of what’s coming. I’ve wanted to die for thousands of years. I’m ... I’m getting the best of the deal. I finally get to rest.”

Daegan turned a dark face on Quinn.

Quinn warned, “If the same person who shielded the minds of these guards protected his as well, his mind may disintegrate as soon as I break through that layer. I can try, but I’ll very likely just kill him when the shield implodes.”

“You can’t get through,” Lorwerth rasped with smug authority. “My mind is more secure than any of the guards. I can control my own protective layer.”

Quinn checked Storm, who nodded.

Standing up, Quinn said, “Well, that answers that. But ... I can try, if you wish for me to finish this.”

Evalle said, “Quinn?”

He lifted a hand to silence her.

If Lorwerth died because of refusing to allow Quinn to enter when the man knew who was killing innocent people at will, then so be it.

Daegan shook his head. “I will never ask you to do a task that is mine alone.”

Lorwerth looked confused. “What are you saying?”

Daegan reached over his head and withdrew a sword from the sheath on his back. “As the last of the dragon kings, I declare you guilty. You shall die by the sword, as that is the punishment as decreed during the time of dragons.” Daegan lifted the sword.

Fear flushed color into Lorwerth’s pale face, then a thought lit his eyes with mean amusement. “You don’t know, do you?”

The sword hesitated in midair. “What are you talking about, Lorwerth?”

The crazy guy cackled a dead man’s laugh. He coughed up more blood and spoke in a ragged voice. “I love it. You don’t even know about the others.”

Quinn watched Daegan’s face lose its calm determination and turn into the face of one who looked like he’d been given unexpected hope.

Daegan ordered, “Who are you talking about?”

The sickening sounds coming from Lorwerth were getting softer. “Blood kin ... she ... ”

Daegan lowered the sword and dropped to a knee. “Tell me. Of whom do you speak?”

Lorwerth’s eyes rolled up.

Cursing the man, Daegan stood and shoved the sword into its scabbard.

Quinn would have liked to find out more about that exchange, but he had to make sure no one had tampered with the tomb. He needed a plan for what to do about the Tribunal meeting breathing down his neck.

So little time left to make such a big decision.

He told Daegan. “Give me a minute to check the tomb.”

Daegan waved him off, then the dragon king turned to Evalle and Storm, talking about cleanup.

Quinn’s gaze went straight to where he’d last seen Reese.

Where was she?