

A-B-C (Answer, Back it up, Comment) strategy

ABC Fast Phonics (online phonics practice)

Academic vocabulary; instruction: word charts and word walls

“Accelerated reading” programs

Acquisition, language, versus learning

Action projects

Adenauer, Konrad

All about Animals (animals online site)

All About Me Bag activity

Alphabet Game

Analytic Writing Placement Examination (AWPE)

Anansi (folktale)

Ancient China data set

Anecdotes and observations

Animal report example: parrots

Annenberg Media

“Are You Sleeping?” (song)

Asher, James J.

Assessment. See also ELLs, assessing

Audioboo (online audio recording)

AWPE. See Analytic Writing Placement Examination (AWPE)


Back to the Screen technique

Banking on Your Future (online money site)

Bassano, Sharron

BBC Roar (online animals site)

Bear, The (movie)

Beatles (rock group)

“Best Digital Storytelling Resources” (

“Best Good, Inexpensive, and Simple Classroom Technology Tools” (

“Best Multilingual and Bilingual Sites for Math, Social Studies, and Science” (

“Best Music Websites for Learning English” (

“Best Places Where Students Can Write Online” (

“Best Resources for Helping Teachers Use Bloom's Taxonomy in the Classroom” (

“Best Resources for Learning How to Best Give Feedback to Students” (

“Best Videos Illustrating Qualities of a Successful Language Learner” (

“Best Videos Showing the Importance of Being Bilingual” (

“Best Ways ESL/EFL/ELL Teachers Can Develop Personal Learning Networks” (

“Best Ways to Access Educational YouTube Videos in School” (

“Best Websites for Developing Academic English Skills and Vocabulary” (

“Best Websites for K-12 Writing Instruction Reinforcement” (

BICS (basic interpersonal communicative skills)

Big Book

Big Lebowski (movie)

Bilingual dictionaries

Bing Translator

“Bingo Was His Name” (song)

Birkenstein, Cathy

Bloom's Taxonomy

Book selection

Book Talks

Book trailers, online

Booth, David Wallace

“Bowling Song” (Raffi)

Boyle, Owen

Brown, H. D.

Bruner, Jerome

Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama


Caine, Geoffrey

Caine, Renate Nummela

Calendar data set

Calhoun, Emily

California; Writing Project

CALP (cognitive academic language proficiency)

Cambourne, Brian

Career One Stop (online jobs and careers online)

Carrot Search Engine

Category poster for data set

Causes category

Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)


Chaplin, Charlie

Chase, Chevy

Chavez, Cesar

Cheaper by the Dozen (movie)

Child Called It (Pelzer)


Chinese language

Christ, Jesus

Christmas songs

Churchill, Winston

Classroom management

Classroom picture sentences

Clozes; creating, online; and formative assessment process; initial or diagnostic assessment of; and Persuading My Parents cloze and mimic write


Collaborative story writing

“Collection of 'The Best...' Lists for Online Books Accessible to Ells” (

Common Core State Standards Initiative

Communicative competence. See also CALP (cognitive academic language proficiency)

Communicative Dictation Activities; and Dictogloss; and interactive dictation; and picture dictation

“Compelling input”

Computer lab work

Concept attainment

Concept map


Connect with English (Annenberg Media)

Conner, Jenny

Constructivist approaches

Content areas

Conversation “Cheat Sheet”

Conversation Log

Corkboard Me (online tool)

“Corner Grocery Store” (song)

“Course of Study for English Language Development” (Sacramento City Unified School District)

“Crazy over Vegetables” (song)

Crime Suspect Game

Critical pedagogy

Critical thinking questions

Cummins, Jim


Data set, category poster for

de Lotbiniere, M.

Deci, Edward

“Describing Things” data set

Dialogue journals

Dialogues; example of

Dictations for Learning English (online dictation exercise)

Differentiating Instruction and Assessment for English Language Learners: A Guide for K-12 Teachers (Fairbairn and Jones-Vo)

Dipity (online timeline)

Discovery, guided

Dodgson, Dave

“Doo Wah Diddy” (song)


Dracula (movie)

Dreifus, C.

Dresser, Norine

Dweck, Carol




Education data set

Effects category

EFL (English as a foreign language): definition of

El Civics


ELD (English language development), definition

ELD Domains, California; clozes correlation with; concept attainment correlation with; critical pedagogy correlation with; dialogues correlation with; Free Voluntary Reading correlation with; Language Experience Approach correlation with; mimic writing correlation with; music correlation with; Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) correlation with; teaching phonics correlation with; Text Data Sets correlation with; Total Physical Response correlation with; use of 3 correlation with; use of chants correlation with; and use of dialogues; use of images to generate writing correlation with; use of improvisation correlation with; use of “Speed Dating” presentation correlation with; and use of video clips and questions; use of video correlation with; use of word charts and word walls correlation with; writing collaborative stories correlation with

ELL Classroom (graphic organizer resource)

ELLs (English language learners): adolescent; and definition of ELL (English Language Learner); long-term (LT-ELLS); in mainstream classroom; search engines for; some facts about population of; and standardized testing

ELLs, assessing: and summative assessment; and formative assessment process; and grading; and initial or diagnostic assessments; key principles in; and standardized testing

ELLs, curriculum for beginning: and 3 exercise; and chants; and Communicative Dictation Activities; and Concept attainment; and dialogues; and Free Voluntary Reading and reading strategies; and improvisation; key elements of; and Language Experience Approach (LEA); listening and speaking in; and music; and phonics; and Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM); reading and writing in; and video; and writing collaborative stories

ELLs, curriculum for intermediate: and book review trailer; and clozes; and dialogues; key elements of; and Library Goal Sheet; listening and speaking domain of; and mimic writing; and persuasive word chart; and read-alouds and think-alouds; reading and writing domain of; reading goals for; reading strategies data set for; and sentence frames; and “Speed Dating” presentation; Text Data Sets for; and using images to generate writing

ELLs, daily instruction for beginning; and academic vocabulary; and assessing class and teacher; and assessment; and dialogue journals; and field trips; and giving instructions, wait time, using gestures, and checking for understanding; and higher-order thinking; and homework; and idioms; and K-W-L charts; and Past, Present, and Future Chart; and Picture Word Inductive Model Unit Plan; and puppets; and Readers Theater; and reflection; and relevance; and sample week in two-period beginning ESL class; and self-assessing; and summarization; and teaching words within spectrum; and tongue twisters; and Venn diagrams; and “Words You Want To Know”; and year-long schedule; year-long schedule for

ELLs, daily instruction for intermediate; assessment; and fields trips; and gallery walks; and graphic organizers; and homework; and inductive lesson plan; and quick-writes; and reflection; and Revised Bloom's Taxonomy; sample unit: problem-solution; and sample week in two-period intermediate class; and sentence modeling; and sequencing activities; and using text to generate analytical writing plan; weekly reading sheet for

End of Quarter evaluation

Engagement activity

English as a foreign language. See EFL (English as a foreign language)

English as a second language. See ESL (English as a Second Language)

English Central (online video tool)

English Club Dictations (online dictation exercise)

English language development. See ELD (English language development)

English Language Development Standards

English language learner. See ELL (English language learner)

English Language Learners: Teaching Strategies That Work (Ferlazzo)

English Listening Lesson Library Online (online dialogue)

English Online Dictations (online dictation exercise)


Error correction

ESL (English as a Second Language) instruction: big picture of; and definition of ESL; and sample week in two-period beginning ESL class

ESL best practices: and checking for understanding; and encouraging development of L1; and giving instructions; and modeling (demonstrating); quick tour of; and rate of speech and wait time; and use of nonlinguistic cues

ESL classroom basics: and building positive and effective learning environment; and building relationships; and establishing routines; and primary language use in ESL classroom; and resources; and sample week in two-period intermediate ESL class

ESL Courses, Festivals, and Celebrations

ESL Education Games

ESL Holiday Lessons

ESL Kids (online worksheet)

ESL research: and BICS and CALP; and L1 (primary language); and L2 (acquired language); and language acquisition versus language learning; primer on; and proficiency levels; and stages of language development




Everyday Life (online money site)

Exploratree (graphic organizer resource)

Extensive Reading. See Free Voluntary Reading


Fairbairn, S.

Family Literacy Project (Luther Burbank High School)

Farr, Roger

“Feelings” (song)

Ferlazzo, L.

Field trips

Figurative language data set

Final Jeopardy (game)

“Find Someone in This Class Who...” scavenger hunt

Fleishman, P.



Fluency assessments

Foldables (graphic organizers)

Folding Story (online collaborative storytelling)

Food pyramid data set

Formative assessment process; and cloze and fluency assessments; and goal sheets; and observation; and online audio recording; rubrics for; and student conferences; and student self-assessment and reflection; and weekly “tests”; and writing prompts

Fotobabble (online audio recording)

Four squares activity

Four Words sheet

4 Fluency Activity


Frankenstein (movie)

Free Sound (online sound effects)

Free Voluntary Reading

Free Willy movies

Freire, Paulo

Friday test, sample

Friends of the Library Program (Davis, California)

Funniest Home Videos


Gallery walks


Gandhi, Mahatma

Gavin, Mary L.

Gaylord, Susan Kapuscinski



Glasser, William

Global School Net

Goal sheets

“Going to the Zoo” (song)

Goldenberg, Claude

“Gonzalo” (Fleishman)

Google Earth Virtual Field Trips

Google Maps

Google Maps Historic Sites

Google Street View

Google Translate


Graff, Gerald

Graham, Carolyn

Graphic organizer


Hadja, Nasreddin

Halloween data set

Halloween dialogue

Hammond, Lorie

Hangman (game)

“Happy and You Know It” (song)

“Happy Birthday” (song)

“Happy Days” (song)

“Happy Together” (song)

“Hawthorne effect”

Haynes, J.


Headline Clues (Michigan State University)

“Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” (song)

Healthy Roads Media

“Hello, Goodbye” (Beatles)

Helping Students Motivate Themselves: Practical Answers to Classroom Challenges (Ferlazzo)

Herron, Jan

Hess, Natalie

Holiday data set

Holt (graphic organizer resource)

“Homeward Bound” (song)


Hooks data set; types of

Hot Shot Business (online jobs and careers site)

How Stuff Works


I Am activity

“I Feel Good” (song)

I Felt Like I Was from another Planet: Writing from Personal Experience (Dresser)

“I Just Called to Say I Love You” (song)

I Spy (game)

Idioms 4 You (online idiom practice)

Idioms activity

iEarn (online sister classes)

“I'm Your Puppet” (song)

Improvisation activity

In 2 English (online idiom practice)


Inductive Lesson Plan

Initial assessment

Instructional Strategies (Pebble Creek Labs)

Internet4Classrooms Virtual Trips

Into Thin Air (Krakauer)

Introducing Me: Three Object activity

“It's a Small World” (song)

“I've Been Working on the Railroad” (song)


Jazz chants, concept of

Jefferson County Schools

Jellema, Henny

Jibbigo Voice Translation


J@M from the British Council (online dialogues)

Johnson, David W.

Johnson, Roger T.

Jones-Vo, S.

Jordan, Michael

Journal of Educational Psychology

Joyce, Bruce



Kathy Shrock's Assessment Rubrics

Keaton, Buster

Kindersay (online vocabulary reinforcement)

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Krakauer, John

Krashen, Stephen

K-W-L charts


L1 (primary language): encouraging development of; ESL research and

Labeling Game

Language Experience Approach (LEA)

Language Guide (online vocabulary reinforcement)

Lanternfish (online worksheet)

Lao Tsu

LEA. See Language Experience Approach (LEA)

Learning Chocolate (online vocabulary reinforcement)

Learning Edge (online jobs and careers site)

Learning games, using; and board games; and classroom games; and games that focus on speaking practice; and games that require students to create materials; and games using small whiteboards; and online learning games; and qualities of good learning game; research support for

“Leaving on a Jet Plane” (song)

LEP (limited English proficiency)

Les Miserables (theater)

Lesson cycle

Lincoln, Abraham

Linoit (online tool)

Linquanti, Robert

“Lion Sleeps Tonight” (song)

Listen and Write (online dictation exercises)

Literacy Techniques for Building Successful Readers and Writers (Booth and Swartz)

“Lollipop” (song; Chordettes)

Look Again Pictures: For Language Development and Lifeskills (Olsen)

Luther, Martin

Luther Burbank High School (Sacramento, California)


Make and Break activity (Pebble Creek Labs)

Making Books (graphic organizer resource)

Mallow, Amy

Marsh, D.

Martin, Margary

Marzano, J. S.

Marzano, Robert J.

Math, teaching; and building relationships with students and accessing prior knowledge; and identifying and mentoring students' leadership potential and learning by doing; and making math relevant; and mathematics worksheet; and reflection

Matrix movies

Me Bag activity

Medline Plus (National Institutes of Health)

MES English (online worksheet)

Messenger and Scribe (game)

Metaphors, categorized


Michelle Henry Holidays (online holiday information)

Mimic writing



“Money, Money, Money” (song)

Money cloze and data set

Money Pit (movie)

“Monsey and Michelle”; prereading strategies; summarization sheet; writing prompt

“Moonshadow” (song)

Mr. Bean videos; “Back to School”; “Christmas Dinner”; “Hair by Mr. Bean of London”

Mr. Ferlazzo's Family cloze

Multilevel classes


My Big Fat Greek Wedding (film)

My Bodyguard (movie)

My Textbook (online homework)


Nasrudin, Mulla

Nation, Paul

National Geographic

National Geographic Creature Features

National Institutes of Health

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (movie)

National Writing Project

Native Americans


New York

New York Times

Nike commercial (Michael Jordan)

Ninety-Five Theses

Note-taking strategies


Obesity read-aloud


“Old McDonald Had a Farm” (song)

On the Tip or My Tongue (online idiom practice)

“On Top of Spaghetti” (song)

On-demand writing practice

Online audio recording

Online resources. See Tech tools

Online translating resources

Only Connect (BBC game show)

Oral outlining

Organizing Cycle; add-ons; and assessing prior knowledge (especially through stories); and building strong relationships with students; description of; and identifying and mentoring students' leadership potential; and learning by doing; and reflection



Packmule (uploading field trip photos)

Pappas, Peter

Parent-Teacher-Home Visit Project

Past, Present, and Future chart

Pebble Creek Labs

Peer tutors

People to People (online sister classes)

Peregoy, Suzanne

Personification, categorized

Persuasive word chart

Phantasy Quest



Photocollect (uploading field trip photos)

Pictionary (game)

Picture data sets

Picture Stories for Adult ESL Literacy (Center for Applied Linguistics)

Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM); and classroom picture sentences; example of photo used in

Picture Word Inductive Model Unit Plan

Pimentel, Allyson

Pink Panther (movie)

Pollard, Laurel

Popham, W. James

Portfolio directions


Potential challenges, handling; and advantages of being bilingual or multilingual lesson plan; and bilingual or multilingual advantages read-aloud; and bilingual or multilingual survey; and error correction; and limited access to educational technology; and multilevel classes; and student motivation; and textbook integration

Practice essays

Practicing English Sheet


Problems All Around quick-write

Problem-solution, sample unit (daily instruction for intermediate ELLs); and autobiographical incident word chart; and building background knowledge and academic language; and completed problem-solution cloze; and key elements of writing genre unit; and problem dialogue; and problem-solution cloze; and problem-solution features data set; and problem-solution interview; and problem-solution outline; and problem-solution peer checklist; and problem-solution sample essay; and problem-solution word chart; and problem-solution writing prompt; and response-to-literature word chart; and scaffolding writing process; and student connections and prior knowledge

Protagonize (online collaborative storytelling)

Protestant Reformation

Pryzbylewski, Roland


Puppets, use of



Qualities of a Successful Language Learner Plan


Quintura (search engine)

Qwiki (search engine)


R Campus (online rubrics)

Raffi (singer) (online sister classes)

“Ram Sam Sam” (song)

Rasinski, Timothy V.

Raz-Kids (online homework)

Read a Children's Book sheet


Readers Theater

Reading, Writing, and Learning in ESL (Peregoy and Boyle)

Reading Bear (online phonics practice)

Reading Log

Recreational reading. See Free Voluntary Reading

REEPWorld Health English

Reflection; and assessing class and teacher; and higher-order thinking; and relevance; and self-assessment; and summarizing

Relationships, building; activities for; evaluations of; and student-student relationships; supporting research on; and teacher-parent relationships; and teacher-student relationships

Renshaw, Jason


Resources: and basic art supplies; and bilingual dictionaries; and binders and folders; and classroom library; and classroom walls; in ESL classroom; and peer tutors; and technology basics

Rethinking Homework: Best Practices That Support Diverse Needs (Vatterott)

“Review of 'When Being Overweight is a Health Problem” (

Revised Bloom's Taxonomy


“Rock Around the Clock” (song)

Rodier, Anne

Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)

Roseth, Cary

Routines, establishing; and computer routines; and modeling routines and making modeling routine; and opening and ending procedures; and posting agenda and schedules; and procedures for distributing materials

Rubistar (online rubrics)


Sacramento City Unified School District

San Diego County Office of Education

San Diego Zoo Animal Bytes (online animals site)

Santa Claus dialogue

Saunders, William

Savings Quest (online money site)

Science, teaching; and building relationships with students and accessing prior knowledge; and identifying and mentoring students' leadership potential; and learning by doing; and one size does not fit all; and reflection


Scribble Maps

Second language acquisition, stages of

Seedfolks (Fleishman)


Sellers, Peter


Sentence modeling

Sequencing activities

SIFE (students with interrupted formal education)

Silent Sustained Reading. See Free Voluntary Reading

Similes, categorized

“Sing” (song; Carpenters)

SLAP (game)

Social Studies, teaching; and accessing prior knowledge through stories; and Ancient China data set; and building relationships with students; and connecting personal stories in other ways; and graphic organizers; and identifying and mentoring students' leadership potential; and K-W-L charts and presentations; and learning by doing; reflection in; and reviews and summaries

Sock Puppets (online audio recording)

Solutions category

Sound Bible (online sound effects)

Sound Effects Game

Sound feedback

Sound Snap (online sound effects)

Sounds Easy! Phonics, Spelling, and Pronunciation Practice (Bassano)

Soungle (online sound effects)

South Carolina

Spanish speakers

Speaking and listening assessments

Speaking rate

Spectrum exercise

“Speed dating”

Spot the Difference (classroom game)

Sprinkle, Melinda

“Stand By Me” (song)

Standardized testing

Stations (game)

STOMP videos

StoryTimed (online collaborative storytelling)

Student self-assessment and reflection

Study Ladder (online homework)

Suarez-Orozco, Carola

Successful Language Learner Goal Sheet

Successful Language Learner Assessment

Summative assessment; and end-of-semester or end-of-year exam; and portfolios

Survival language

Swartz, Larry


Synthesis chart poster, student sample of


Taboo (board game)

“Take Me Out to the Ballgame” (song)

Talk to Me-Text to Speech

Talking and Walking activity

Taxonomy of Student Reflection (Pappas)

Teacher from the Black Lagoon (Thaler)

Teacher-Student Letter Exchange activity; sample letter for

Teaching English Language Learners: Across the Content Areas (Haynes and Zacarian)

“Teaching English Language Learners: What the Research Does-and Does Not-Say” (Goldenberg)

Tech & Learning journal

Tech tools: and academic vocabulary online resources; for Bloom's Taxonomy; and classroom blogs; and creating clozes online; and digital storytelling; and graphic organizer resources; and interactive content class resources; and learning about animals online; and learning about health online; and learning about holidays online; and learning about jobs and careers online; and learning about money online; and learning music and art online; and making online maps and timelines; and music sites for ELLs; and online audio recording; and online book trailers; and online books; and online collaborative storytelling; and online compare-and-contrast tools; and online dialogues; and online dictation exercises; and online homework; and online idiom practice; and online multilingual support; and online resources: translating; and online rubrics; and online sister classes; and online sound effects; and online Total Physical Response; and online videos; and online worksheets; and online writing practice; and online writing resources; and phonics practice; and photos on Web; and search engines for English Language Learners; and uploading field trip photos; and using online video sites in classroom; and virtual field trips; and vocabulary reinforcement

Technology, limited access to educational

Telephone (game)

Terrell, Tracy


Text data sets

Textbook integration

Thaler, Mike

Thematic teaching

Thesis category

They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing (Graff and Birkenstein)

Think-alouds; persuasive

ThinkLink (online tool)

Think-write-pair-share reflection activity

“This Land Is Your Land” (song)

3 exercise

Thumbscribes (online collaborative storytelling)

Time data set

Tongue twisters activity

Total Physical Response

TPR. See Total Physical Response (TPR)

Transfer assignments

Tripline (online maps and timelines)

Troovi (uploading field trip photos)

Turturro, John (actor)

“Tutti Frutti” (song)

“Twist and Shout” (song)

Two Truths and a Lie activity


“Under the Boardwalk” (song)

“Unit Project on Reformers” (online compare-and-contrast tool)

University of California

University of Toronto

U.S. Department of Education

USA Learns (online homework)

Using Text To Generate Analytical Writing Lesson Plan

Utah Education Network Virtual Field Trips


Vatterott, Cathy

“Velcro Ball Dartboard”

Venn diagrams

Video activity

Vietnamese language


Vocabhead (Website)

Vocaroo (online audio recording)

Voki (online audio recording)

“Vowel Song”


Wait time

Wallwisher (online tool)

Wang, S. S.

Washington, George

“We Are Family” (song)

Web 2.0 sites

Weekly Reading Sheet

Weekly Reflections activity


“What a Wonderful World” (song)

“What Are You Doing in That Computer Lab?” (Tech & Learning)

“What Are Your Reasons for Learning English?” (video;

When in Time (online timeline)

Willis, Judy

Wire, The (television series)

Word charts

Word walls

“Words You Want To Know” activity

Wrigley, Heide Spruck

WRITE Institute (San Diego, California)

Writing, initial or diagnostic assessment of

Writing prompts


X Timeline (online timeline)


Yahoo Babel Fish

Yatvin, Joanne

Yogile (uploading field trip photos)

“You Are So Beautiful” (song)

“You Can Get It If You Really Want” (song)

Young, Kelly


“You've Got a Friend” (song)


Zacarian, D.

Zanate, Juan (folk tale)

Zero Prep: Ready-To-Go Activities for the Language Classroom (Pollard, Hess, and Herron)

Zondle (online homework)