Unbound is the world’s first crowdfunding publisher, established in 2011.
We believe that wonderful things can happen when you clear a path for people who share a passion. That’s why we’ve built a platform that brings together readers and authors to crowdfund books they believe in – and give fresh ideas that don’t fit the traditional mould the chance they deserve.
This book is in your hands because readers made it possible. Everyone who pledged their support is listed below. Join them by visiting unbound.com and supporting a book today.
Chris Armstrong
Jason Ballinger
Dr Deepti Bhuwanee
Nelly Bostock-Low
Mark Bracegirdle
Adam Buchler
Rachel Butterworth
James M Calnan
Ed Carter
Nick Clifton-Welker
Laurence Collings
Craig Cooper
Jane Curtis
Jerome De Silva
Phil ‘The Duke’ Donert
Luke Doran
Robert Dowling
Nick Dugdale-Moore
Kevan Edinborough
Michael Fidler
Clare Franks
Mark Sparks Bruiser Bubba Freeman
Steve Gibbon
David Gladstone
Florence, Lola, Nadia and Alice Gladstone
Joel Gladstone
Michael Gladstone
Simon Glover
David Goodman
Tom, Sarah and Leo Goodman
Millie Graham-Campbell
The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation
Ed Gunner
Jeremy Hill
Takashi Hirata
Philippa Holland
Janice Holve
John Howell
Aleks Hughes
Claire Hugman
Kate Humber
Brian and Rhona Hurst
Jacob Hurst
Mooki and Peter Hurst
Rebecca Hurst
Sam, Roz and Savannah Hurst
Alastair Hutchison
Matthew Irvine
Johari Ismail
Vin Jauhal
Tristan John
Rémy Jugault
Vinnie Khairallah
Dan Kieran
Joanne Kilgour
Blanka Kolenikova
Ivan Langham
Jilly Leech
Emma Lester
Phil Lewis
Arthur McGibbon
John Mitchinson
Isabel Morgan
David Napier
Bruno Noble
Krysia Oastler
Peter Oastler
John Osmotherly
Scott Pack
Clare Pattenden
Ashim Paun
Dan Peters
Justin Pollard
Tara Pritchard
Alun Rishko
Lucy Ashken & Duncan Rowden
Robert Sheaf
Duncan Smith
Ben South
Karen Stenning
Nick Stickland
Paul Stirling
David Strafford
David Strafford and Dr Deepti Bhuwanee
CG Tan
Kim Tan
Tzvia Teller
John Gethin & Felicity Theobald
Dan Thwaites
Grahame Tinsley
Andy Todd
Rob Veling
Neville Wall
Gwen Watson
Cassy Waugh
River Hurst Wells
River, Tania & Matthew Hurst Wells
Paul Willett
Derek Wilson
Gareth Wilson
Benjamin Zola