
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have profoundly altered many aspects of life, including the nature of entertainment, work, communication, education, health care, industrial production and business, social relations and conflicts. As a consequence, they have had a radical and widespread impact on our moral lives and hence on contemporary ethical debates. Consider the following list: PAPA (privacy, accuracy, intellectual property and access); ‘the triple A’ (availability, accessibility and accuracy of information); ownership and piracy; the digital divide; infoglut and research ethics; safety, reliability and trustworthiness of complex systems; viruses, hacking and other forms of digital vandalism; freedom of expression and censorship; pornography; monitoring and surveillance; security and secrecy; propaganda; identity theft; the construction of the self; panmnemonic issues and personal identity; new forms of agency (artificial and hybrid), of responsibility and accountability; roboethics and the moral status of artificial agents; e-conflicts; the re-prioritization of values and virtues. . .these are only some of the pressing issues that characterize the ethical discourse in our information societies. They are the subject of information and computer ethics (ICE), a new branch of applied ethics that investigates the transformations brought about by ICTs and their implications for the future of human life and society, for the evolution of moral values and rights, and for the evaluation of agents’ behaviours.
Since the seventies, ICE has been a standard topic in many curricula. In recent years, there has been a flourishing of new university courses, international conferences, workshops, professional organizations, specialized publications and research centres. However, research, and the corresponding teaching materials, have so far been largely influenced by professional and technical approaches, addressing mainly applied problems in legal, social and technological contexts. This trend is understandable. ICE emerged in recent decades not as a mere intellectual exercise, or something cooked up in the ivory tower of academia, but as an increasingly felt need for clarifications and guidelines in the ethically messy world generated by the fastest changes ever experienced by humanity. This bottom-up process has given to ICE an enviable platform of real and substantial evidence with which to work, from industry standards to social issues, from political decisions to legal requirements. However, this wealth of empirical data and grounding problems has come at a theoretical cost. Today, ICE is like a pyramid: it has a very large empirical base, but a rather slim top of theoretical insights. To use a different metaphor, imagine three runners on a typical oval track. In information societies around the world we find that one of the runners is well ahead, and that is technology and its applications. ICT has outpaced the second runner, represented by national and international legal systems and legislation, which are following, rather than leading, the race in almost any technological context. Last comes our conceptual understanding, the third runner. In ICT, we often innovate first, then try to regulate, and finally seek to understand what is actually happening. In theory, we all know perfectly well that the safest and most reasonable way of proceeding would be exactly the opposite. In practice, each runner requires different amounts of resources: thinking is always a slower process than deciding, which inevitably takes more time than doing. This book seeks to redress the situation. It is an attempt to give a substantial push to the third runner, to make sure that the distance between technology and the full, conceptual comprehension of it is as short as possible. For this reason, it is entirely and exclusively dedicated to conceptual approaches to ICE.
The book provides a philosophical introduction to the most important conceptual issues in ICE. It is to be hoped that it will serve as a groundbreaking resource as well as a timely, comprehensive review for both students and general readers alike. It is meant to engage a wide audience, from undergraduates, who need to study the new computational and informational turn in ethics, to teachers in need of a reliable textbook, to researchers interested in broadening their expertise, and to members of the general public, who might be curious about the ethical aspects of the information society in which they live.
The book comprises fifteen newly commissioned chapters. Each of them provides an authoritative, philosophical survey of the fundamental themes, problems, arguments and theories, which constitute the innovative field of ICE. Combining the virtues of careful scholarship and lucid exposition, each chapter is planned to be usable as a self-standing introduction to its topic. In line with a more theoretical approach, examples are used to illustrate and substantiate conceptual analyses, not to support a mere case-based approach, which often turns out to be insufficiently enlightening and generalizable. The first chapter is an introduction explaining the nature of the new paradigm in applied ethics. The chapters are followed by an epilogue in which I have outlined the possible development of the field, in a world increasingly globalized.
The book does not provide purely abstract discussions with no practical applications, but rather offers a broad and objective introduction to the conceptual understanding of the real-world problems that affect life in the information society, in a style that is both accessible and didactically useful. Here is a quick guide to its contents.

Part I Introduction and background

The first two chapters guide the reader, from a top-down perspective, towards a critical and informed appreciation of the moral problems discussed in ICE.
Chapter 1 Ethics after the Information Revolution, Luciano Floridi
Keywords: computer revolution, infosphere, inforgs.
This chapter provides a general introduction to the field, its origins and scope.
Chapter 2 The historical roots of information and computer ethics, Terrell Ward Bynum
Keywords: history of computer ethics, professional ethics, Norbert Wiener.
This chapter outlines the development of the field, starting with the work of Norbert Wiener and the computer revolution in the fifties. The historical perspective is not only scholarly interesting but also important to introduce and contextualize the development of the philosophical problems discussed in the following chapters.

Part II Ethical approaches

Still moving towards the specific issues investigated by computer ethics, the three chapters in this section introduce the ethical theories and methodologies commonly used in the area.
Chapter 3 Values in technology and disclosive computer ethics, Philip Brey
Keywords: disclosive computer ethics, ethics of design, interdisciplinary research, value-sensitive design.
The chapter introduces disclosive computer ethics, one of the new approaches that has been developed within the field. Disclosive computer ethics is independent of the usual approaches in normative ethics. It shows how one of the important tasks of computer ethics is to uncover values and moral decisions embedded in ICT artefacts and practices. The chapter also covers recent investigations into design procedures and their ethics.
Chapter 4 The use of normative theories in computer ethics, Jeroen van den Hoven
Keywords: applied ethics, Aristotle, Consequentialism, Deontologism, Kant, Rawls, Virtue Ethics.
Chapter 5 Information ethics, Luciano Floridi
Keywords: artificial agents, environmental ethics, foundation of computer ethics, information ethics.
Since the nineties, a new approach to computer ethics, known as information ethics, has been developed by several researchers and especially by the IEG (Information Ethics Group) in Oxford. Information ethics may be briefly described as an extension of environmental ethics to artificial contexts (cyberspace, or more generally the so-called infosphere) inhabited by artificial agents. This chapter outlines the nature and scope of information ethics, some of the difficulties it faces in its application to practical issues in computer ethics, and the criticisms that have been brought against it.

Part III Ethical issues in the information society

This section is dedicated to specific topics and problems, in ICE, characterizing social and individual life in the information society. These are organized by dividing them into standard thematic areas and hence six chapters.
Chapter 6 Social issues in computer ethics, Bernd Carsten Stahl
Keywords: ownership, intellectual property, copyright and open source software.
The computer revolution, by de-materializing artefacts, products and services and transforming them in strings and streams of digits, has profoundly affected concepts such as ownership, intellectual property, copyright, fair sharing and use, as well as voluntary collaboration and open source software. This chapter discusses some of the classic problems arising in these contexts.
Chapter 7 Rights and computer ethics, John Sullins
Keywords: freedom of speech and pornography; privacy, surveillance and trust.
Chapter 8 Conflict, security and computer ethics, John Arquilla
Keywords: cryptography, cyber terrorism, hacktivism, information warfare.
Information has always played a crucial role in warfare and in national security issues. Naturally, information warfare – namely the use and management of information resources in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent – has followed the development both of information technologies and of society. The more advanced the former are, and the closer the latter is to being an information society, the more important information warfare and security become. Society has been using ICT not only to develop but also to defend itself from internal and external threats (terrorism and war). How is this changing the nature of security and conflicts? What are the ethical issues involved? This chapter deals with these fundamental questions by discussing, among others, topics such as the collection of tactical information, the reliability of vital information and their sources, and the spreading of propaganda or disinformation among the enemy.
Chapter 9 Personal values and computer ethics, Alison Adam
Keywords: community, diversity, gender, personal identity.
ICT, digital environments and virtual communities allow the creation of entirely new scenarios for the construction and re-definition of one's self and for the analysis of gender issues. The cyborg, post-humanist debate has expanded our understanding of the moral questions posed in contexts where individuals have so much more freedom to characterize and shape themselves in a variety of ways. At the same time, social constructions have acquired an entirely new and challenging dimension, thanks to online services such as and role games such as World of Warcraft. This chapter investigates the new challenges posed by ICT and the consequent ethical debate about personal identity and community, gender issues and diversity.
Chapter 10 Global information and computer ethics, Charles Ess and May Thorseth
Keywords: equal access, digital divide, deliberative democracy, East–West issues, globalization, pluralism.
Chapter 11 Computer ethics and applied contexts, John Weckert and Adam Henschke
Keywords: applied ethics, bioethics, business ethics, environmental ethics medical ethics.
ICE, seen as a branch of applied ethics, is really a transdisciplinary field, which touches on several issues also discussed in other areas of applied ethics. ICT plays a key role in bioethics, business ethics, environmental ethics and medical ethics. This chapter investigates these areas of overlapping ethical concerns, to identify the key problems that can be fruitfully approached from an ICE perspective, including biometrics and genetics, the use of computers and computerized control systems in workplaces, environmental issues caused by the IT revolution, and the relation between IT and ethical dilemmas in medical contexts.

Part IV Ethical issues in artificial contexts

This section is dedicated to specific topics and problems, in ICE, characterizing artefacts and synthetic environments. These have been organized into three chapters.
Chapter 12 The ethics of IT artefacts, Vincent Wiegel
Keywords: intentionality, technological artefacts, values.
Chapter 13 Artificial life, artificial agents, virtual realities: technologies of autonomous agency, Colin Allen
Keywords: AI, ALife, artificial reality.
ICT has not only modified the reality which we inhabit, it has also created new realities, new agents and new ways of exploring the world of life. These, in turn, have caused old moral issues to be revisited (e.g. responsibility, moral artificial agency) and generated new issues (e.g. action at distance, known as telepresence, virtual crimes). The chapter covers the debates on the ethics of artificial intelligence applications, on the nature of moral life in artificial reality environments, and ethical implications of Alife (artificial life) studies.
Chapter 14 On new technologies, Steve Clarke
Keywords: distributed computing, nano-technology, new emerging technologies.
Nano-technologies and distributed computing (such as RFID tags) promise to blur the boundary between the real (offline) and the virtual (online) by blending the two types of environment into a single ‘infosphere’. This radical transformation is already heralding the evolution of new ethical problems, concerning, for example, risk assessment, decisional delegation and heteronomous control. This chapter explores the ethical issues that are arising from these new emerging technologies.

Part V Metaethics

Chapter 15 The foundationalist debate in computer ethics, Herman T. Tavani
Keywords: uniqueness debate, foundation of computer ethics.
As all new disciplines, computer ethics has generated a lively debate on its status as an independent field of philosophical research. Is computer ethics just ethics applied to ICT-related problems? Or does it give rise to a new, independent field of investigation? Is it just another branch of applied ethics, or should it be seen as a version of professional ethics? In this chapter, the debate and the various positions are analysed, in order to provide the reader with clear grasp of the various perspectives from which the main conceptual issues in the field have been approached. It is a difficult and theoretical topic, which advanced students may wish to study only at the end of their course.
Luciano Floridi