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ABC News
Evening News
Academy Awards
Finch and
Network and
Redgrave and
Action News
Addy, Wesley
Affleck, Ben
After the Fall (Miller)
Alfred, William
Ali, Muhammad
Allen, Irwin
Allen, Jay Presson
Allen, Woody
All the President’s Men
Altered States
Chayefsky novel and
Chayefsky’s disputes with Russell and
screenplay pseudonym and
Altman, Robert
Alves, Joe
Americanization of Emily, The (Chayefsky screenplay)
Amjen Entertainment
Anderson, Maxwell
Anderson Cooper
Anderson Tapes, The
Andrews, Dana
Anti-Defamation League
Arafat, Yasir
Arledge, Roone
Arlen, Michael J.
Ashby, Hal
Ashley, Ted
Assault on Precinct
As Young as You Feel (Chayefsky screenplay)
Atlantic Monthly
Avildsen, John G.
Bachelor Party, The (Chayefsky screenplay)
written as teleplay
Barnes, Clive
Barrett, Christopher. See Finch, Christopher
Bassey, Shirley
Beale, Howard (character)
Bradbury on
Chayefsky on
critics on
Finch on
influence of
Beatty, Ned
Beatty, Warren
Beck, Glenn
Begelman, David
Behn, Noel
Belafonte, Harry
Bellow, Saul
Bergen, Candice
Berle, Milton
Berman, Ingmar
Bernstein, William
Birnbaum, Agnes
Blacks, The (Genet)
Blossom, Roberts
Bogdanovich, Peter
Bolen, Lin
Bonnie and Clyde
Borgnine, Ernest
Born on the Fourth of July
Born Yesterday
Bradbury, Ray
Brando, Marlon
Brecht, Bertolt
Bridge on the River Kwai, The
Brinkley, David
Broadcast News
Broken Trail
Brooks, James L.
Brooks, Mel
Brown, Blair
Bruce, Lenny
Brynner, Yul
Buckley, William F., Jr.
Buffalo Bill and the Indians
Burghardt, Arthur
Burnett, Carol
Burstyn, Ellen
cable television
Canby, Vincent
Capra, Frank
Carlin, George
Carnegie Deli
Carpenter, John
Carson, Johnny
Carter, Jimmy
Castaneda, Carlos
“Catch My Boy on Sunday” (Chayefsky teleplay)
“Catered Affair, The” (Chayefsky teleplay)
Network TV debut on
CBS News
Evening News
CFTO-TV (Toronto)
Champ, The
Chancellor, John
Chapin, Kay
Chayefsky, Dan (son)
Chayefsky, Gussie (mother)
Chayefsky, Harry (father)
Chayefsky, Sidney Aaron “Paddy”
Academy Awards and
Academy Awards for Network and
Academy Award won by Redgrave and
on alienation
Altered States and
Americanization of Emily and
anger and
appearance of
control demanded by
criticisms of Network and
Cronkite and
death of
death of Finch and
depression and
drive to make Network and
Dunaway and
early life and career of
early TV satire idea of, and Imposters
film critics awards and
on film industry
film industry of today and
financial problems of
Finch’s portrait of
Finch’s son and
Fosse and
Gideon and
Goddess and
Golden Globe Awards and
Gottfried partnership and
Great American Hoax and
Habakkuk Conspiracy and
heart attack of
Holden on
Hospital and
interviews of
Jewish identity and
Latent Heterosexual and
Lieberman lawsuit vs.
on love
Lumet and
“Mad as hell” speech and
marriage and family life of
Marty and
NBC TV pitches and
Network as magnum opus of
Network as revenge by
Network cast and director and
Network contract and
Network credits and
Network dialogue written by
Network novelization and
Network outline and treatment by
Network promotion and
Network rehearsals and
Network research and
Network script embargoed by
Network shooting and
Nixon letter and
office of
“Paddy” nickname and
Paint Your Wagon and
Passion of Josef D. and
personality of
Philco-Goodyear Television Playhouse and
press and
price of self-expression and
projects declined by, post-Network
prophetic nature of Network and
Put Them All Together and
Reds treatment and
Simcha Productions and
Susan’s notes to, on Network script
Tenth Man and
Tony nominations and
travels to Israel
travels to Soviet Union
TV criticized by
TV industry response to Network and
TV news industry researched by
World War II and
on writing
writing style and work habits of
Your Place or Mine and
Chayefsky, Susan Sackler (wife)
Children’s Hour, The (Hellman)
Christensen, Diana (character)
casting of
women in TV and
Christian Science Monitor
Chubbuck, Christine
Cinque, Field Marshal (Donald DeFreeze)
Headline News
Cobb, Lee J.
Coco, James
Coe, Fred
Cohn, Sam
Colbert, Claudette
Colbert, Stephen
Columbia Pictures
Comedy Central
Communications Corporation of America (CCA, fictional company)
Conway, Curt
Cooper, Anderson
Coppola, Francis Ford
Coughlin, Russ
Counterfeit Traitor
Couric, Katie
Crawford, Christina
Crawford, Joan
Crist, Judith
Cronkite, Kathy
Cronkite, Walter
Crosby, Bing
Crucible, The (Miller)
Cukor, George
Daily Show, The
Dallas Times Herald
Danger (CBS anthology)
Dann, Mike
Davies, Arthur B.
Davies, Lucy Virginia Meriwether
Davies, Russell
Davis, Angela
Dead Sea Scrolls
Death of a Salesman (Miller)
Broadway revival
CBS special
De Laurentiis, Dino
Dewhurst, Colleen
Diamonds Are Forever
Dickinson, Angie
Dirty Dozen, The
Disney, Walt
Dog Day Afternoon
Dougherty, Marion
Dunaway, Faye
Academy Awards and
cast as Diana Christensen
early life and career of
Golden Globe Awards and
ITV threat by
life and career of, post-Network
Network promotion and
Network shooting and
rehearsals and
reviews and
salary of
TV debut of Network and
wig controversy and
Duvall, Robert
Eastwood, Clint
Easy Rider
Ecumenical Liberation Army (fictional radicals)
Ed Sullivan Productions
Elephant Walk
Elliott, Stephen
Elmhirst, Dorothy Payne Whitney Straight
Enforcer, The
Evans, Edith
Executive Suite
Exorcist, The
Eyes of Laura Mars
Eyewitness News
Fairness Doctrine
Falk, Peter
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Felker, Clay
Ferrell, Conchata
Finch, Christopher
Finch, Eletha Barrett
Academy Awards and
Finch, George Ingle-
Finch, Peter
Academy Awards and
cast as Howard Beale
death of
early life and career of
estate of
Golden Globe Awards and
Network promotion and
Network shooting and
Raid on Entebbe and
rehearsals and
reviews and
TV debut of Network and
Finch-Braley, Diana
Finchy (Turner)
Fisher, Alicia Gladys
Fletcher, Louise
Flynn, Errol
Foch, Nina
Fonda, Henry
Fonda, Jane
Foote, Horton
Ford, Gerald
Fosse, Bob
Foster, Jodie
Fox News
Frankfurt, Stephen
Franklin, Aretha
French Connection, The
Friedkin, William
Friedman, Paul
Friendly, Fred W.
Front, The
Gabor, Eva
Gallagher, Barbara
Gardella, Kay
Gardner, Herb
Geffen, David
Germaine, Susan
Gersh, Phil
Gideon (Chayefsky stage play)
Gifford, Mary Ann (character)
Goddess, The (Chayefsky screenplay)
Godfather, The
Golden Boy (Odets film)
Golden Globe Awards
Goldwyn, Samuel
Gone with the Wind
Goodson, Mark
Gordon, Ruth
Gottfried, Howard
Academy Awards and
Altered States and
Beale named after
Chayefsky partnership with
death of Finch and
Hospital and
Network budget and
Network development and
Network director and cast and
Network promotion and
Network sale to UA and MGM and
Network shooting and
responses to Network and
travels with Chayefsky
Gottfried, Mary Lynn
Great American Hoax, The (Chayefsky treatment)
Great White Hope, The
Group, The
Grover, Stanley
Guardian newspaper
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
Habakkuk Conspiracy, The (Chayefsky screenplay)
Hackett, Frank (character)
Hackman, Gene
Hamilton, Joe
Harman, Lee
Harris, Richard
Hatch, Robert
Hayden, Sterling
Hearst, Patty
Heaven Can Wait
Hecht, Harold
Hefner, Hugh
Heim, Alan
Hellman, Lillian
Henry, Buck
Hepburn, Audrey
Hewitt, Don
Hickman, Darryl
Hill, George Roy
Hiller, Arthur
Hiss, Alger
Hobbs, Laureen (character)
Hoffman, Abbie
Hoffman, Dustin
Holden, William
Academy Awards and
cast as Max Schumacher
death of
death of Finch and
early life and career of
life and career of, post-Network
Network promotion and
Network shooting and
rehearsals and
reviews and
salary of
Holliman, Paul
Hollywood Code Office
Hope, Bob
Hopkins, Alan
Horne, Lena
Hospital, The (Chayefsky screenplay)
Academy Awards and
Network idea and
profits of
reviews of
TV rights and
two-film deal and
written as teleplay
Howard, Trevor
Huie, William Bradford
Huston, John
Huxley, Aldous
ICM agency
Ifill, Gwen
I Love Lucy
Imaginary Invalid, The (Molière)
Imposters, The (Chayefsky TV series proposal)
Internal Revenue Service
In the Heat of the Night
ITV (British network)
Jackson, Michael
Jensen, Arthur (character)
Jewish culture
Jewish Defense League (JDL)
J. Geils Band
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jordan, Barbara
Just Tell Me What You Want
Kael, Pauline
Kahn, Great Ahmed (character)
Kahn, Richard
Kanin, Garson
Kazan, Elia
Kazin, Alfred
Kelly, Grace
Kennedy, John F.
Kerr, Walter
Kershner, Irvin
Kesey, Ken
KGO-TV (San Francisco) Channel 7 News Scene
Kimmins, Kenneth
King Kong
Kiritsis, Anthony
Kramer vs. Kramer
Krim, Arthur B.
Krost, Barry
Kubrick, Stanley
Kunstler, William
Lancaster, Burt
Landau, Susan
Lansing, Sherry
Last Picture Show, The
Last Tango in Paris
Latent Heterosexual, The (Chayefsky stage play)
Laurents, Arthur
Laurie, Piper
Lean, David
Lear, Norman
Leary, Timothy
Leigh, Norman
Leigh, Vivien
Lerner, Alan Jay
Lieberman, Jeffrey
Life magazine
Lilly, John C.
Little Big Man
Littlefeather, Sacheen
Livingston, Jimmy
Loews Corporation
Logan, Joshua
Lonesome Dove
Long Day’s Journey into Night
Looking for Gatsby (Dunaway)
Los Angeles Film Critics Association
Los Angeles magazine
Los Angeles Times
Lost Horizon
Love Story
Loy, Myrna
Lumet, Gail Jones
Lumet, Sidney
Academy Awards and
Altered States and
Bradbury and
career of
Chayefsky and
on Chayefsky and Fosse
Cronkite and
death of Chayefsky and
death of Finch and
early life and career of
Golden Globe Awards and
hired to direct Network
LA Film Critics award and
on Network
Network casting and
Network credits and
Network crew and
Network editing and
Network promotion and
Network shooting and
rehearsals and
reviews and
MacDonald, Richard
MacLaine, Shirley
Maddow, Rachel
Mad magazine
Mailer, Norman
Malamud, Bernard
Mallory, George
Mamoulian, Rouben
Man for All Seasons, A (Bolt)
Mann, Delbert
Mao Tse Tung Hour, The (fictional TV show)
Marathon Man
Marchand, Nancy
Marshall, Brenda
Marty (Chayefsky screenplay)
artistic control of
awards and
reviews and
written as teleplay
Marvin, Lee
Marx, Groucho
Maslansky, Michael
Mastroianni, Marcello
Matthau, Walter
McCall’s magazine
McCarthy, Joseph
McCarthy, Mary
McGee, Frank
McLuhan, Marshall
McQueen, Steve
Meara, Anne
Medavoy, Mike
Medea (Euripides)
Melnick, Daniel
Mengers, Sue
Mercado, Walter
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)
Middle of the Night (Chayefsky screenplay)
written as teleplay
Midnight Cowboy
Miller, Arthur
Miracle Worker, The
Misalliance (Shaw)
Mitchell, Sean
Mitchum, Robert
Mommie Dearest
Montgomery, Robert
Mostel, Zero
Munich Olympics (1972)
Murder on the Orient Express
Murrow, Edward R.
Nasatir, Marcia
National Association of Broadcasters
Nation magazine
NBC News
Nightly News
Network. See also Chayefsky, Sidney Aaron “Paddy”; Lumet, Sidney; and specific cast, characters, crew, and producers
Academy Awards and
anger and paranoia in
Bradbury on
budget of
casting of
Chayefsky on
Chayefsky’s control on
Colbert on
crew hired
critics on
death of Finch and
Dunaway wig and
editing of
enduring resonance of
FCC and
film industry and
financial success of
Golden Globe Awards and
ITV and Dunaway nude scenes and
Lumet hired to direct
“Mad as hell” catchphrase and
Mad parody of
monologues in
novelization of
NY and LA film critics awards and
opening credits of
premiere and first run of
production designer for
promotion for
prophetic nature of
rehearsals for
screenplay researched and written
screenplay sold to UA and MGM
script embargo and
shooting and locations for
shooting of, and Beatty-Finch scene
shooting of, and Dunaway-Holden love scenes
shooting of, and Holden-Straight “winter romance” scene
shooting of, and UBS scenes
Susan’s notes on
themes of
title of
TV debut of
TV industry responses to
visual look of
working women stereotype and
wrap party for
Newman, Edwin
Newman, Howard
Newman, Paul
Newsroom, The
New York Daily News
New Yorker magazine
New York Film Critics Circle
New York Giants
New York Herald Tribune
New York magazine
New York Post
New York Public Library
New York Stock Exchange
New York Sunday News
New York Times
Nichols, Mike
Nicholson, Jack
Nixon, Richard M.
Noonan, Peggy
Not for Women Only
No T.O. for Love (Chayefsky musical)
Nun’s Story, The
O’Brien, Donn
O’Brien, Edna
Odets, Clifford
Olbermann, Keith
Olivier, Laurence
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
O’Neill, Eugene
O’Neill, Liam Dunaway
O’Neill, Terry
One Is a Lonely Number
Ophüls, Marcel
O’Reilly, Bill
O’Reilly Factor, The
O’Toole, Peter
Outlaw Josey Wales, The
Paint Your Wagon
Pakula, Alan J.
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Palestinian, The
Paley, William S.
Paper Moon
Parade magazine
Passion of Josef D. (Chayefsky stage play)
Pawnbroker, The
Penn, Arthur
Pentimento (Hellman)
People magazine
Person to Person
Philco-Goodyear Television Playhouse, The
Picker, Arnold M.
Picker, David V.
Poitier, Sidney
Polanski, Roman
Police Woman
Polillo, Pat
Pollack, Sydney
Powers, Stefanie
Preminger, Otto
Price, Frank
Priestley, Tom, Jr.
Prince, William
“Printer’s Measure” (Chayefsky teleplay)
Producers, The
Pryor, Richard
Put Them All Together (first Chayefsky play)
Puzzle of a Downfall Child
Rabbi Mystery Show, The (Chayefsky TV series idea)
Rachel Maddow Show, The
Raid on Entebbe
Rather, Dan
Reagan, Nancy Davis
Reagan, Ronald
Reasoner, Harry
Redgrave, Vanessa
Reds (Chayefsky treatment)
Reed, Carol
Reed, John
Reed, Oliver
Reed, Rex
Reinking, Ann
“Reluctant Citizen” (Chayefsky teleplay)
Reynolds, Debbie
Rich, Frank
Rigg, Diana
Rio Lobo
Rissner, Dan
Ritchie, Michael
Robards, Jason
Robinson, Jackie
Roizman, Owen
Rolling Stone
Rose, Reginald
Rosemary’s Baby
Rosenberg, Philip
Rosenfelt, Frank E.
Ross, Diana
Rukeyser, M. S., Jr.
Russell, Ken
Salant, Richard
Sanford, Bobby
Sargent, Alvin
Saroyan, William
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Review
Scarborough, Chuck
Schaffner, Franklin
Schary, Dore
Schatzberg, Jerry
Schlein, Herbie
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Schlesinger, John
Schuler, Fred
Schumacher, Caroline (character)
Schumacher, Harold “Prince Hal”
Schumacher, Louise (character)
Schumacher, Max (character)
casting of
Scorsese, Martin
Scott, George C.
Screen Actors Guild
See It Now
Serling, Carol
Serling, Rod
Sevareid, Eric
Shales, Tom
Shalit, Gene
Sheehan, William
Sherlock Holmes (Conan Doyle)
Shore, Dinah
Simcha Productions
Simon, John
60 Minutes
Smith, Howard K.
Smith, Lane
Smith, Liz
Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, The
Social Network, The
Sommers, Joanie
Sorkin, Aaron
South Pacific
Soviet Union
Spanbock, Maurice
Sports Night
Spy Who Loved Me, The
Stage Mother, The (Chayefsky TV series idea)
Stage Struck
Stalin, Josef
Stallone, Sylvester
Stanley, Kim
Stanton, Frank
Stanwyck, Barbara
Star Is Born, A
Stars and Stripes newspaper
Star Wars
Steiger, Rod
Steinberg, David
Stewart, Jimmy
Stewart, Jon
Stiller, Jerry
Stone, Oliver
Straight, Beatrice
Streep, Meryl
Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams)
Suncoast Digest
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Sunset Boulevard
Swanson, Gloria
Sydney Sun
Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)
Taking of Pelham One Two Three, The
Taxi Driver
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Juliet
Tchinarova, Tamara
Tebet, David
television industry
changes in, post-Network
Chayefsky’s vision of
regional newscasts and
Ten Days That Shook the World (Reed)
Tender Mercies
Tenth Man, The (Chayefsky stage play)
Texaco Star Theater
That Kind of Woman
That’s Entertainment
Thomas, Marlo
Thomas Crown Affair, The
Three Days of the Condor
Threepenny Opera, The (Brecht and Weil)
Tidyman, Ernest
Time magazine
Tisch, Laurence A.
Tisch, Robert Preston
Today Show
To Kill a Mockingbird
Tomlin, Lily
Tonight Show
Tony Awards
Toronto Sun
Towering Inferno, The
Tracy, Spencer
Transamerica Corporation
Trials of Oscar Wilde, The
True Glory, The
Turner, Yolande
Turning Point, The
TV Guide
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)
12 Angry Men
20th Century-Fox
Twilight Zone
Ullmann, Liv
United Artists
United Broadcasting System (UBS, fictional TV network)
Network News Hour
U.S. Army
U.S. Senate
U.S. Special Services
U.S. Supreme Court
Universal Studios
Univision Primer Impacto
Uris, Leon
Vanderbilt, Gloria
Van Devere, Trish
Van Runkle, Theadora
Verdon, Gwen
Vidal, Gore
Vietnam War
Voight, Jon
WAGA-TV (Atlanta)
Wald, Richard
Wallace, Mike
Walters, Barbara
Waltons, The
War Against the Jews, The (NBC project proposed)
Warfield, Marlene
Warner Bros.
Warren, Harry
Washington Post
Washington Week
Watergate scandal
Weaver, Fritz
Weeks, Edward
Weill, Kurt
Wertmüller, Lina
Westinghouse Studio One
West Side Story
West Wing, The
Where’s Poppa?
Whitehead, Robert
Whitney, William Collins
Wiesel, Elie
Wilder, Billy
Williams, Brian
Williams, Tennessee
Willingham, Calder
Wilson, Earl
Wiz, The
Wizard of Oz, The
W magazine
WNAC-TV (Boston)
WNBC-TV (New York)
Wohl, Burton
Wolf, Peter
Wolff, Bill
Women in Love
Women’s Wear Daily
Wood, Natalie
Woods, James
Woodward, Joanne
Woolley, Monty
World of Suzie Wong, The
World War II
Writers and Artists for Peace in the Middle East
WXLT-TV (Sarasota)
Yablans, Frank
Yiddish theater
Yom Kippur War
You Are There
Your Place or Mine (Chayefsky teleplay)
Zinnemann, Fred