Chapter 46
At Rocket City Tech, there were so many orders pouring in for the Green Wave that Rocket City Tech was back-ordered for two months. Calls flooded in from marine companies wanting photos of Johnny Bruce to see what products they could make for boat restorations. Product demonstration requests came in from all over the country to see the Green Wave.
My email box was full of speaking requests from U.S. Suicide Prevention chapters across the country for their fundraisers and events.
Eileen and I agreed that I would go to meetings that were a reasonable driving distance from home so I would not miss very much of our family life. I told Bob King that I would train an eager travel team of salespeople. This team would present in the same spirit from the marine expo.
One day, Bob King called me into his office and handed me an envelope.
“Open it up, Dalton,” instructed Bob. “I’m making you marine division chief, and I’m offering you a partnership in Rocket City Tech. In addition to my family, you are our only partner. You showed more guts and leadership than I have seen from anyone in this company. We needed that boost and fresh life pumped into us. You earned it, Dalton.”
“Wow, Bob,” I gasped. “I . . . I . . . well, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I accept your offer.”
“You are officially part of the family. Dalton, you can do what you want now. Follow your passion and profit from what you create.”
When I came out of Bob’s office, Milo was waiting for me.
“Hey, come into my office for just a moment,” said Milo.
He had two boxes on his desk he was filling up with personal things.
“Dalton.” Milo sighed. “Congratulations! I was wrong about the Green Wave. I was wrong about you. Bob told me he was offering you partnership in the company, so I guess you are my boss now. To save you the trouble, I will get out of your way and resign because I’m sure you don’t want a naysayer around.”
“Stop right there, Milo,” I said. “I need you around here more than ever. You sharpen me. Yeah, we may butt heads, but that’s part of growth. You want to sharpen a knife; you rub it against a hard stone. You are more valuable to Rocket City Tech than ever. The launch of Green Wave came about by us working as a team. You are part of that team. Now, as your leader, I’m asking you to stay, if you desire to stay. Do you?”
Milo paused, looked out the window and then directly at me. “Yes, I want to stay and work with you,” replied Milo eagerly.
“Great, then put everything back on your desk and help keep this team afloat.” Milo shook my hand.
That same week, I received a phone call from Amber Millington.
Amber said, “Dalton, your story needs a broader audience. Would you write a book on your experiences and how you survived and rose above the two suicides of loved ones in your life? U.S. Suicide Prevention will publish it and give you a fifty-thousand-dollar advance. You can promote and market it wherever you like.”
“Amber, I would love to,” I answered, “but with two conditions—part of the proceeds of each book sale goes to suicide prevention. Second, you, your mom, and your brother come over to Huntsville and spend a weekend on Guntersville Lake with Johnny Bruce. Someone is waiting to see you. Deal?”
“Deal!” answered Amber.
“You won’t believe what his boat has done for us,” I replied knowingly. As I hung up, I knew that another grand adventure awaited us through the spirit of Johnny Bruce. That is a story for another time.
From that moment forward, Eileen and I did not have to worry about finances. God provided beyond our wildest imagination.
The book we wrote for U.S. Suicide Prevention is the one you are reading now. All of this happened when the miracle boat, Johnny Bruce, came to us. God doesn’t cause bad things to happen. He makes the most of those bad things.
Prayer is more than giving thanks and laying our requests before God. It is about listening for God’s answers. It’s about being ready to take action when His direction is given. It’s trusting that His way is better than our way.
Our life adventure to this point has been grand. The adventures that lay ahead are limitless and will be extraordinary. What adventure awaits you?
Rise! Pray! Listen! Act! Be!