Kull’s mother gave me a curt nod as I entered the library’s open area at the center of the room. The cold marble tiles echoed under my booted feet, and though we were surrounded by towering bookcases, I felt isolated as I stood under the woman’s gaze.
“Olive,” she said, “I’m glad you’ve come. We were just discussing you.”
“You were?”
I glanced at Kull, but he offered no explanation. Heidel also kept her mouth shut.
“Yes, we were,” she answered. “My name is Halla, by the way, although I feel like we already know one another. I’ve heard so much about you.”
“Oh. That’s good, I guess.”
“Yes, it is. It means we can avoid awkward small talk and get to the actual conversation.” She had a musical voice, although I couldn’t mistake her tone of warning. “Now,” she said, “Kull has just informed me that the sword of his ancestors is lost to us forever, and that you are the one responsible.”
I cringed. This so isn’t good.
Kull spoke up. “She had a good reason.”
“I don’t care,” Halla answered. “There is no greater act of betrayal than destroying a sacred sword. She would have known this if she were Wult.”
She turned to me. “I want to hear how it happened. Maybe it will give me some sort of comfort to know how the deed was done.”
My thoughts turned frantic. What should I say? I suddenly lost the ability to make coherent words come out of my mouth.
“I never meant to destroy it. It was… because if I’d known, if there had been any other way… because if I’d had any other choice, I…”
She held up a hand, stopping me. “That’s enough,” she said quietly. “Olive, I know you are not familiar with our ways. You see merely a weapon. In truth, the ancestral swords are sacred family heirlooms. There were seventeen swords forged by Kull’s great-great-great grandfather in the fires of the volcanoes of the outer isles. He gave the swords to his children and grandchildren. Before he died, he left each of his children and grandchildren with a warning. To destroy one of the swords would bring a great curse to our entire family.
“To this date, only one of our swords has been destroyed. Bloodbane.”
Well, darn.
I would never in a million years dig myself out of this one. Any good impression I might have had on her was completely wasted.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered. It was the only thing I could think to say.
She gave me a small smile before leaving the room and shutting the doors behind her.
My hands had grown clammy and my stomach soured. Worse, I had the insane thought that I would never marry Kull—not that he’d even asked—but if he were to ask, now it seemed he would never gain his mother’s permission.
I slouched against a bookcase as the floor felt unsteady. Kull walked to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
“This will blow over,” he said.
“There, you see?” Heidel said as she walked toward us. “Olive, you should have saved the sword and left my brother to die.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, maybe you’re right.”
“We should have thought this through better,” Heidel said. “You could have conjured a new sword with magic and Mother never would have known.”
“She would have known,” Kull answered. “She always finds out.”
Heidel sighed. “Well, it was a thought at least.”
“Don’t let my mother worry you,” Kull told me. “This wedding happened all of a sudden, and she’s been doing nothing but making preparations since she found out about it. I’m pretty sure she hasn’t slept for the last three days. She always says things she doesn’t mean when she’s like this. I can ask her for her blessing another time.”
I glanced up at Kull. “Her blessing for what?”
He ran his thumb across my cheek. “Her blessing for…” he paused, “for Björn’s one-year consecration.”
“I see.”
“All babies of noble blood are required to get the queen mother’s permission before their consecration blessing. Did you think I would say something else?”
“No, Kull. I didn’t. I never know what will come out of your mouth.”
He gave me a lopsided grin. “You’re so pretty when you’re upset.”
“I don’t feel very pretty.” Sighing, I stared at the floor. “I don’t have much luck with your parents, do I?”
“Don’t worry about it. As I said, give her some time and let her get some sleep. She’ll come to her senses.”
“Sure. She’ll miraculously forgive me for destroying an irreplaceable family heirloom. Aren’t you the one who told me she holds grudges?”
Heidel spoke up. “Only for a decade or two.”
Kull shot her a dark look. “You’re not making this any better.”
“I’m only being honest.”
“Stay out of this, Sister, or I may start asking you questions, like what happened between you and that thief in Earth Kingdom.”
Heidel’s face paled. “Nothing happened.”
“You know my memories were erased,” Heidel said.
“Yes, but remembering memories and recalling emotions are two different things, aren’t they?”
“Nothing happened,” she ground out.
“Right. If that’s true, then tell me why you two can’t stop looking at one another, or why he’s still hanging around the keep after returning the staff, when he should have left hours ago?”
“I’ll not be spoken to in such a manner. You know I will never love any man ever again.”
“Then why are you falling for him?”
“I’m not. I hate him.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Heidel stormed out of the room and then slammed the doors behind her.
“You sure know how to push her buttons,” I said.
Kull stared at the doors, working his jaw back and forth, the way he did when something was bothering him.
“That thief can’t be trusted,” he said. “He’s got too many secrets, and no one seems to know anything about him. I don’t even know where he comes from or who his family is, much less what he’s capable of. I hope she’s not losing her head over him.”
“She’s a grown woman. I’m sure she knows what she’s doing.”
“She is also still recovering from an abusive relationship that took her years to get out of. She can’t afford to fall for someone who will hurt her again.”
“Even so, it’s her choice.”
“But I’m her brother. It’s my duty to protect her.”
“Do you think she wants your protection?”
“She’s getting my protection whether she wants it or not. I failed to protect her from Geth, and I will never let that happen again.”
“Fine,” I said, “but before you execute Maveryck, don’t you think maybe you should find out who he is first?”
“You never know—he could be completely harmless.”
“A man who makes a living stealing from others is not harmless.”
“True, but maybe you’re worrying about nothing. She claims to hate him.”
“Yes, you’re right.” He took my hand. “You’re always right.”
“I’m not always right.”
He kissed my knuckles. “You’re also very wise. It’s why I love you.” He sighed as he turned toward the doors. “They’re dancing in the main hall and expecting me to make an appearance. Would you like to join me?”
“Not really. After attending the balls in the witch’s castle, I’ve had enough of dancing.”
“It will only take a minute, and then after that, I’ve been meaning to show you something. Would you like to follow me down to the river?”
“What’s at the river?”
A twinkle lit his eyes. “It’s a surprise. You’ll see.”
He led me out of the library and down the hall to a staircase that took us to the main floor where the party engulfed the entire bottom portion of the keep. I stayed close to Kull, noticing when two men appeared from the crowd and followed us. Glancing back, I recognized the man with the tall, thin frame, bad skin, and hawkish nose as one of Kull’s bodyguards.
“You’ve still got those two trailing you?” I asked.
“Yes, unfortunately. Mother insists they follow me everywhere I go. I would argue the point, but she’s impossible to reason with right now.”
Sounds of lutes and harps mingled with laughter, and I found myself wishing for a Tylenol when Rolf appeared suddenly from the crowd. He clapped Kull on the shoulder and flashed his broad, still-boyish grin. Maybe the kid hadn’t changed as much as I’d thought. That beard couldn’t mask the naïveté in his eyes. While Rolf meant well, he’d always reminded me of a teenager with more testosterone than was good for him.
“I’ve found you, old man.” He slapped Kull on the shoulder and barked a loud laugh, making my headache pound. “I’d almost started to think you were avoiding me.”
“Old man? Is that what I am now?”
“Yes! As you’re still a bachelor and I am not, I guess my status outranks yours, doesn’t it?”
Rolf’s bride walked from the crowd to stand by her husband’s side. She was an attractive girl with a bright smile and long locks of dark hair, but I couldn’t fathom what would drive her to marry Rolf. I only hoped she had great reserves of patience.
“Cousin Kull,” Rolf said, “I’d like you to meet Brynhild, my bride.”
“The pleasure is mine,” Kull said as he took her hand.
She gave him a warm smile.
“Well,” Rolf said, speaking with a little too much enthusiasm, “it looks like I’ve finally beaten you at something, eh cousin? You may have slaughtered the largest jagamoor on record, but you’ve yet to capture a wife as I have.”
“I assure you, I am in no rush to find a wife.”
“And it is well you aren’t! You certainly have a kingdom to worry over, what with the elves and all. No time for courtship, I’m sure. Have you tried the boarhound?”
“Yes, it was delicious.”
“Good, good—and Olive! You’ve come, too. I’m surprised to see you here. What brings you to the capitol?”
Kull wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “She’s with me.”
Rolf raised an eyebrow. “Is she? What is she—your advisor or something?”
“A bit more than that, Rolf.”
“Ah! Back together again. I’m very relieved to hear it. Let’s just hope it lasts longer than last time, eh? Well, Brynhild and I are off to make more introductions. Married life can be so demanding.”
Rolf laughed as he turned away from us to navigate through the crowd. I stared after him, wishing I could’ve given him a piece of my mind.
“Cocky little punk, isn’t he?” I said.
“He’s family.”
“I still can’t believe you gave the throne to him.”
“It seemed like a good idea at the time.”
The music and laughter grew louder, or maybe my headache grew worse, I wasn’t sure which.
“Would it be all right if we go now?” I asked. “I think I need some fresh air.”
“Yes, good idea.”
He took my hand and led me through the crowd, but it took a full twenty minutes just to get outside, as every person in the kingdom felt that now was the time to stop and chitchat with the king. Kull handled it better than I could have, and I got a few polite hellos, but for the most part, I got the usual comments.
Is he with that half-breed again? I heard a few people whisper. When do you think he’ll settle down and find a real Wult woman?
The gossip was enough to make me want to mouth off and tell everyone to mind their own damn business, but Kull thankfully led me outside into the crisp evening air, where my annoyance faded.
We walked along a path overshadowed by tall trees with branches that creaked in the wind. Brittle leaves curled from the branches, and as the wind tugged on the limbs, they were set free to spiral to the ground. The trail sloped downward, and we hiked the path with the sound of the leaves crunching beneath our feet.
The evening sun dipped toward the horizon as we traded the mountain path for a flat, rocky trail that led into an unfamiliar part of the forest. In the distance, I heard the sound of running water, and several times I spotted the river’s white-capped, glacier water rushing over smooth stones.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked.
“You’ll see.”
Vines and green plants grew along the ground, choking the path and making it hard to see in the failing light.
“No one uses this trail anymore,” Kull said, “but a hundred years ago, this was a major thoroughfare linking the castle with the village.”
“Why doesn’t anyone use it now?”
“You’ll see.”
He pointed straight ahead. I followed his line of sight and found a large structure hidden by vines.
“What is that?” I asked.
He took my hand and pulled me along with him. “I’ll show you.”
We walked to the building and then circled the outer wall, which was when I realized the structure was massive and seemed to stretch in all directions.
“What was this place?”
“The old abbey. It was built almost three centuries ago. No one uses it now.”
He led me to a section of wall that had been cleared of vines, and we entered through an open doorway, where smells of damp earth filled the interior. His two bodyguards followed us, although I tried not to notice. Large, coral-colored flowers bloomed in some sections, while in other places, stones created floors and walls that looked almost untouched by time. In some places, the roof was still intact.
“What do you think?” Kull asked.
“It’s interesting, but I’m still not sure why you brought me here.”
“Because, Olive, you are standing on the site of Faythander’s very first universal library.”
“Well, soon-to-be library. I’ve already gotten the architects to take a look, and they say the foundation is still good. Most of the walls will have to be rebuilt, but give it a month or two, and it should be cleaned up and in good enough shape to start the construction. What do you think?”
“I… I’m a little shocked, to be honest.”
“Yes. I had no idea you wanted to build a library. What prompted this?”
“I was running out of room in my own library, for one thing. Plus, I’ve had to keep Kitten locked up in a vault downstairs, which isn’t really fair to anyone.”
“Kitten—your pet T-Rex?”
“Exactly. My hope was to have the ancient dragon bones on display in a place where everyone could learn from their history, but as it is, the keep is hardly a museum. It’s heavily defended and difficult for anyone but Wults to enter. My library is bursting at the seams, so I thought, what if I build a place where everyone could come? And not the way elves do it, where knowledge is kept under lock and key, but what if I made it a place open to everyone who wants to learn?” He ran his hands along one of the walls. The stones had turned a deep amber in the light from the setting sun. “And then one day, while I was out for a walk, I spotted the old abbey, and it just sort of hit me. This would be the perfect place for the library. What do you think?”
I smiled. It was good to see him happy about something.
“Yes, I have to admit, it would be a wonderful place for Faythander’s library. I only hope the elves don’t get involved.”
“I can handle the elves. They’ve controlled knowledge in Faythander for far too long.”
“Yes, and if they find the weapons of the Madralorde, they will be controlling it for a much longer time. Are you sure the elves will allow a place like this?”
“It doesn’t matter. Elves do not rule Faythander.”
“Not yet.”
“No, not yet. And not ever if I have anything to do with it.”
“Then we’d better find the sword before they do, or else they’ll control more than just knowledge.”
“Are you worried they’ll find the sword?”
“I don’t know. Fan’twar seems to think it’s safe, but even he knows they’re desperate enough to try and take Theht’s power without it.”
“Do you really think they would try such a thing?”
“Yes. It’s only a matter of time before they find Tremulac Island and initiate the spell to call Theht back to our world. Even without the sword.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“My dad’s an elf. I’m part elf. I hate to admit it, but I know how elves work. They don’t give up. Once the queen sets her mind to something, she’ll have her way. We’d be smart to stay wary of her.”
“I’m always wary of her.”
In the distance, the sound of the thundering river echoed—the sound of something we couldn’t see yet knew was there, just like the threat from the elves. Euralysia scared me. She’d caused the extinction of an entire race. She would stop at nothing to see her purposes fulfilled.
“Can you think of any way to stop her?” Kull asked me.
“Yes. Keep the staff safe. And I also think we should find the lost isle before she does.”
“Do you know where to look?” he asked.
“No, but I do know who to ask. Maveryck knows more than he’s telling us. If anyone knows where to start, it’s him.”
“Very well, when we return to the castle, I’ll ask him.” He grabbed my hand. “But before that, I’ve got one more thing to show you.”
He led me through a weed-choked room to a tower. Half the walls had crumbled, but the stairs were still intact. We climbed up the stairs with the sounds of our booted footfalls echoing through the surrounding forest. Kull’s two bodyguards trailed behind.
The stairs spiraled up the tower, and I ran my hands along the warm stones to keep my balance. As the last rays of light disappeared completely, leaving only the bright glow of the moon to light our way, we finally made it to the top.
When I stepped onto the floor beneath the partially open roof, I caught my breath. The view was more than I’d expected. The towers of the Wult keep rose in the distance, surrounded by white-capped mountain peaks. Moonlight reflected off the river as it snaked down the mountain. Treetops swayed gently in a breeze heavy with the rich scent of sap. Above us, the stars twinkled red and blue, brighter than I’d ever seen them before, so close I wanted to reach out and touch them.
“This,” Kull said, “will become the observatory. We’ll build a telescope that will allow us to see the stars, the planets, and distant galaxies. The elves may have built a station up there somewhere on the moon, but we’ll be the first to see if the rumors are true.”
I stared at the moon as it glowed over the forest. Its distant light hinted at the secrets it harbored.
“Do you think it’s true that the elves built a station up there?”
“No idea. But someday soon, I hope to find out.”
A gust of wind brushed a few strands of hair across my face. Kull reached out and tucked them behind my ear.
“You look so beautiful in the moonlight,” he said. “Almost as if…”
“As if what?”
“Nothing. Never mind.”
“Nothing? Tell me.”
He smiled and leaned forward, pressing his lips to my ear. “Almost as if you were made of magic.”
An explosion came from the Wult keep’s towers. A giant orange fireball ignited the topmost parapet, and in its glow, I saw the silhouette of a silver dragon.
Kull’s face fell. All the happiness I’d seen in him disappeared, replaced once again with the haunted look—a look conjured from his nightmares.
“Silvestra has returned,” he said quietly.