Surprise, said Maureen. Hello, said Lucian. Me too, said Penny. Who’s for champagne? said Paul. I brought you the papers, said Tim. What a lovely surprise, said Lucian. We heard you were injured, said Maureen. Oh, what are those? asked Lucian. Peppers stuffed with anchovies and capers, said Maureen. And these are lamb and eggplant balls, said Penny. How’s the leg? asked Tim. It’s nothing serious, said Lucian. Is everyone having champagne? asked Michael. Of course everyone is having champagne, this is a party, said Paul. A get-well party, said Maureen. You don’t mind do you? They kept asking if they could pay you a visit, said Michael. Mind? With meatballs like these? said Lucian. See, I told you he’d love them, said Paul. I just thought it might be too early in the day, said Penny. Let’s have some music, said Maureen. To mountain climbers everywhere, said Paul. Cheers, said Michael. Cheers, said Maureen. Cheers, said Tim. Cheers, said Penny. Cheers, said Lucian. I’m just going to get in some more wood for the fire, said Michael. Well that goes down nicely, said Tim. I forgot the music, said Maureen. The CD in the player should be perfect, said Lucian. Is this your library? asked Tim. It’s cold today, isn’t it? said Penny. Logs coming through, said Michael. They’re predicting snow, said Paul. You’ve read all those books? asked Tim. Have a meatball, said Penny. I need to wash my hands first, said Michael. You should have told us about your ankle, said Maureen. Down Sadie, said Michael. We could have made you something to eat, said Penny. I can cook, said Michael. I heard about it from Paul, said Tim. I thought you told me, said Paul. You’re not drinking? asked Maureen. I haven’t heard music like this in years, said Paul. It’s a little early for me, said Penny. Who is it again? asked Paul. Dorothy Ashby, said Lucian. Afro-Harping, added Michael. We should play something like this in the pub, said Paul. I can finish my own sentences, said Lucian. My, these chairs are deep, said Penny. I know you can, said Michael. Did you hear that snow was predicted this week? asked Tim. Paul said, said Michael. Better get ready for the shut in, said Tim. What’s that? asked Michael. The road sometimes gets closed when there’s a heavy snowfall, said Maureen. What a beautiful painting, said Penny. Yes, I forget where I got it from though, said Lucian. Barcelona, said Michael. Could you pass me another of those peppers? asked Paul. Fill her up please, said Tim. I’m fasting twice a week and it’s really helping me to lose weight, said Penny. When I was a boy it seemed to rain all the time in Tasmania, said Paul. See how many shops are closing down along Elizabeth Street? asked Maureen. You can’t tell me things were better when Gunns was around, said Penny. House prices won’t climb much higher, said Tim. Sorry, I’ll clean it up, said Michael. Stop fussing, said Lucian. Matthew is with his grandmother today, said Penny. My leg has been aching all week, said Michael. Pretty good for local bubbly, said Tim. Doctor says I’m not to sit at my desk at the moment, said Lucian. What are you two whispering about? asked Tim. Nothing, said Maureen. I was just saying that you get the government you deserve, said Michael. You’ve been hanging around Lucian too much, you’re starting to sound like him, said Paul. Where’s the bathroom? asked Penny. Any discussion of Australian literature that doesn’t include Alexis Wright’s Carpentaria is irrelevant, said Lucian. We need a new CD, said Michael. Carl is coming in this week to learn the ropes, said Tim. Have you started packing yet? asked Paul. I love this Nathan Davis album, said Maureen. Your kitchen is so clean, said Penny. That’s Michael’s doing, said Lucian. I should be going. We open up in half an hour, said Paul. That’s my cue too, said Penny. We’d better go too, said Tim. Really? asked Lucian. Sadie stay, said Michael. Reminds me of the parties I used to attend in London, said Lucian. When was that? asked Tim. Thanks for coming, said Michael. Oh a long time ago now, another lifetime, said Lucian. We had a lovely time, said Penny. Thanks, said Tim. See you soon, said Paul. He seemed to enjoy himself, said Michael. If there’s anything you need, just ask, said Maureen. Come on flirty, he’s doing fine, said Tim. That goes for me too, said Paul. I will, thanks, said Michael.