
Chapter 3


“Something wrong with your fish?” Preacher asked, concerned when Travis set his knife and fork down.

“No, it’s perfect. I just never thought you’d bring me to a pricey restaurant like this,” Travis said, then closed his mouth. A blush spread across Travis’ cheeks and neck. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful. I was just surprised, that’s all.

Preacher normally didn’t do fancy but he wanted to make an exception for Travis. “I wanted to bring you somewhere nice. You know, not my usual spots.”

If Preacher had his way, he would’ve taken Travis to his favorite roadhouse in Black River Bend. They’d have some locally-brewed beer and greasy cheeseburgers. He overhead one of the boxers in the gym mention the joint was still there. Maybe they could do that the next time. Preacher wanted to show Travis he wasn’t an asshole who was only interested in fucking him. Well, they’d get to that part sooner or later.

“Thank you for bringing me here. I’ve always wanted to try Sebastian’s, but they’re always booked months ahead,” Travis said.

“I got lucky the owner was a fan,” he admitted.

“I’m glad he is. First, the flowers, then this. This is turning out to be a wonderful date, Preacher.”

Seeing Travis enjoying his meal and wine, made him smile. This meal might cost him an arm and leg but it wasn’t like Preacher was broke. Since he didn’t have a permanent address and only spent his earnings on food and beer, he had a neat little nest egg in the bank.

“Glad you feel that way.” Preacher took a sip of the white wine the server recommended. It tasted surprisingly alright but he was still a beer man.

“Can I ask you a personal question?” Travis asked.


“Why did you ask me out? You could ask any guy you want on a date but you picked me.”

“I don’t want to date anyone else but you,” Preacher said, looking Travis in the eye. “I don’t normally do this. I only used to do hook-ups. My last relationship, if it could be called that, lasted a week.”

“Then why—”

“You’re different, Travis,” Preacher simply said. “The last time we’ve seen each other was ten long years ago and yet I’ve never forgotten the night you stole a kiss from me.”

“Really?” Travis asked. “I was such a nerdy kid back then. I still am. I never hide my hobbies. I enjoy my games and anime. I still don’t get along with people. That’ll never change. I’m nothing like you or my brother. I’m a loser.”

“You’re not a loser. Don’t ever call yourself that. Everyone enjoys different things. People are overrated,” Preacher said with a shrug. “Let me remind you that you’re one of the few success stories  this stupid little town managed to produce. Travis, you graduated from MIT, got into a big game design company.”

Travis toyed with the remaining asparagus on his plate.

“You done selling yourself short?” Preacher asked him.

“Stop making me sound so wonderful. I’m not. I’m flawed like everyone else.” Travis finished his glass of wine. Good thing they ordered a bottle. Preacher poured him another glass because Travis looked like he needed it. If Travis wanted to let some stuff off his chest, then Preacher would be a good listener.

“You asked me yesterday why I quit.” Travis started.

He nodded.

“I dated my boss. It was against company rules but back then, I didn’t care. I mistook admiration for desire. I never wanted Miles that way but he kind of pressured me.”

Preacher stilled. He figured it was something like that. Travis was a nice guy, the kind of man who’d help an elderly lady cross the road, who wouldn’t abandon a stray cat on the sidewalk. Kurt always worried someone would take advantage of Travis. Kurt called Travis a pushover but to Preacher, Travis was just good-natured. There ought to be more people like Travis in the world.

Hell, Preacher had no business messing with an angel like Travis but it was too late to change his plans now. Travis had him hooked. Obsessed might be the better word.

“Define pressured,” he said.

Preacher cracked his knuckles, unable to help himself. Travis jumped at the sound.

“As you said, I’m a grown man. I made a bad call. That was all. Miles couldn’t stand rejection. I used to love coming to the Gold Griffon Gaming offices every day but he made my life hell. I knew I couldn’t keep working there, so I quit,” Travis admitted.

“That’s a pretty brave move,” he said with approval. “A wise one. No one should keep working for a shitty boss.”

“Everyone at work called me crazy, told me I was wasting an opportunity of a lifetime. Any programmer would kill to work in Gold Griffon,” Travis said, sagging his shoulders.

“There’ll be other opportunities. They probably regret letting you go. I won’t pretend I understand a single thing about coding, but Kurt tells me, you’re pretty good at what you do.”

Travis scoffed. “Of course he’d say that. He’s my brother.”

“You graduated top of your class.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t know what I want to do anymore.”

“There’s nothing wrong with taking a step back,” he said. “You’ll figure it out.”

“What about you? You’re top of your game. Are you,” Travis paused. “Happy?”

He laughed. “That’s not a word I’d use. Besides, I lose my matches half the time. I’m beginning to wonder if I don’t have what it takes anymore.”

“Don’t say that. Kurt says you could easily win another championship if you worked hard.”

“Hearing those words of encouragement from you is something. Makes my dick hard,” he said, flashing Travis his teeth. Travis coughed and drank more wine. “Jokes aside, my body’s no longer in top condition anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve had three broken ribs. Three concussions. The list goes on but I won’t bore you with the details.”

“It’s tough being a fighter, isn’t it?” Travis said softly. “I always hated my dad for being one, then dragging Kurt and you into the ring.”

“Is that why you didn’t want to date me? Because I’m a fighter?”

“Partly,” Travis said. “I also know you’re trouble.”

“Now we’re talking.” Preacher took that as a compliment.

“Preacher, thank you for tonight, everything’s been so wonderful but it’ll never work between us.”

Preacher took a deep breath. “You never let up, don’t you?”

“We’re on different wavelengths. We want different things.”

“A moment ago, you said you didn’t even know what’s the next step you’re going to take. What if being with me is the answer? There’s a reason you and I ended up back here, at the start.” Preacher let those words sink in for a couple of seconds. “What are you so scared of, Travis?”

“That you’ll end up hurting me. You’ll leave my heart in tatters and I don’t think I’ll ever recover from that blow.”



TRAVIS LOOKED AT PREACHER after saying his piece. God. He was being such an awful date and he knew it. Preacher pulled out all the stops on this one. Preacher even admitted eating at a fancy place like this wasn’t like him at all and yet Preacher made all this effort to show Travis he could be a gentleman.

Preacher reached for his hand across the table. Preacher closed his fingers over Travis’ own. They felt big, callused, and warm. Under the soft glow of the restaurant’s lights, Preacher’s black ink looked more vivid than ever and he couldn’t help but notice how Preacher’s arm muscles bunched under his shirt. Preacher was all male, the very definition of a man. One touch and Preacher made his heart race.

“I promise you that won’t ever happen,” Preacher said. “Travis, I’ve never been more serious in my entire life.”

“Don’t joke around. It’s not funny,” he whispered.

He should push Preacher’s hand away but he lacked the heart to do that. It felt like a very long time since someone took care of him, who went above and beyond for him. It was nice.

“I’m not and I’ll prove it.” Preacher snuck a quick, fleeting kiss on his mouth then called for their bill.

Dazed, he could only let Preacher pull him to his feet. They left the restaurant.

“I’m full. Let’s take a walk around the block before I drive you back home,” Preacher said.

He startled, a little surprised Preacher didn’t mention sex right away. Preacher took his hand and they started walking past the other restaurants on the street. There were couples everywhere, all enjoying their Friday night. He used to imagine being one of them, with Preacher on his side.

They generated a couple of whispers and giggles.

He looked at Preacher. The other man seemed so confident. Preacher didn’t care what other people thought of them. Preacher even slid his arm over Travis’ shoulders and pulled him close. He smells so good, Travis thought.

“You cold?” Preacher asked him.

“Cold?” Travis repeated.

He was touched when Preacher took off his jacket and placed it over his shoulders. They walked to the end of the block and started to turn back. Travis assumed they’d return to Preacher’s truck. He wanted to keep walking. Travis didn’t want this night to end. Some of the shops on this end of the street were closed. It was just the two of them walking on the sidewalk.

“You’ve been really sweet this evening,” Travis remarked. Tonight had been nothing but magical. Travis never imagined Preacher would pull all the stops tonight. Preacher confessed he hadn’t done this before and yet on Travis’ scorecard, the date was a 10/10.

Preacher stood in front of him and slid his hands down Travis’ shoulders, his sides, then, settled them on the curve of Travis’ ass. Preacher gave him a little push forward so their chests and groins bumped. He could feel Preacher’s erection rubbing against his jeans and his own thickening prick.

“No one’s ever called me that,” Preacher said, intense gaze on him.

His heart started a fast gallop. His breaths came short. Travis felt like he was running a fever. His entire body felt like a plucked bowstring. His muscles all tensed up.

“What? Sweet?” He asked.

Preacher rested his forehead over his. Their noses rubbed against each other. “Yeah. Playing at being a gentleman is harder than I thought.”

“Then stop,” Travis whispered. “I know this isn’t you. I don’t expect you to change for me.”

“I just wanted to see if I can stop being a bastard,” Preacher asked.

Then Preacher leaned his mouth and kissed him again. Preacher started slow and tender, then it became rough and wet. Travis clutched at Preacher’s shoulders. When Preacher stuck his tongue down his throat, he sucked down hard on it. He shut his eyes.

Travis felt like he was in heaven. It felt that good. Preacher slipped  his big hands down his pants, past his underwear to touch his bare ass. Travis could picture Preacher taking off his pants and sheathing his big, thick dick inside Travis’ asshole. He groaned, rubbed his crotch against Preacher. Their damned clothes got in the way of their skin touching.

Preacher pulled his mouth away, then rested his lips on the side of Travis’ neck. He groaned when he felt the slight bite of teeth. There was brief pain, then it was over. Travis wanted to look at himself in the mirror, the see the hickey Preacher left behind on his neck.

“What do you say we take this further back at my motel room?” Preacher whispered in his ear.

“Hell yes.”

Preacher chuckled at his excited tone.

He blushed. What else was there to say?

Being with a man like Preacher was dangerous. Preacher might just end up breaking his heart, but he was past the caring stage. Nothing mattered except Preacher gazing up at him like he was the only man in the world who existed for him. Travis was willing to take that plunge. With Preacher, it was so easy to drown and Travis had no intentions of coming up for air any time soon.