
Chapter 10


One Month Later

“Oh my God,” Travis said. He surveyed their new and eerily empty apartment and then started to laugh until his belly hurt. 

Preacher, who’d been carrying in the box containing one of his computer monitors, set it down carefully and raised his eyebrow at him. Boy, Preacher looked sexy as hell wearing nothing but jeans. Travis should tell Preacher to put on some shoes in case he stepped on anything but his boyfriend looked too good. He could sit in his little corner, on his swivel chair, just watching Preacher doing all the work and flexing those muscles of him.

“What’s wrong?” Preacher asked, walking up to him.

“It’s just, your stuff is all in that backpack and mine’s in so many boxes. Also, we don’t have any furniture.” Travis took deep breaths. They had so much stuff to do. Travis had been so swept in by the notion of living with Preacher, he forgot to make lists. “Okay, we should draw up a list. Get organized. I got my digital planner ready on my tablet. We could go through everything.”

“You’re such a nerd.” Travis didn’t miss the fondness in Preacher’s voice. “Is that code for you wanting sex? Because I could use a break.”

Travis got to his feet and slid his arms around Preacher’s neck. He stood on tiptoe and kissed his man. Preacher slipped his big, rough hands under his shirt and shoved one right past the hem of his pants. Travis let out a groan as Preacher held his cock captive and squeezed it. When Preacher shoved his tongue down his throat, Travis forgot all about their move, about their awesome new apartment. They eventually picked a place just two blocks from Kurt’s place and the gym.

Travis ended up acing his job interview and got a position as a senior programmer. Preacher had started fixing up houses and joined a local construction firm. Preacher seemed contented with his work. Preacher’s fight with Reyes raked in a good deal of cash for the gym. Kurt was no longer in debt. 

Whatever Preacher and Kurt said to Miles seemed super effective because the asshole never contacted him again. Miles also didn’t press any charges for Preacher breaking his nose either. Travis could finally close that bad chapter of his life and focus on his new one.

Life wasn’t just good. It was amazing. Just weeks ago, Travis didn’t know which direction his life was heading or what he’d do next. After he quit his job, he felt utterly crushed, like all his hard work amounted to nothing. Here he was, happily and madly in love with his brother’s best friend. He wasn’t jobless anymore and Preacher didn’t seem to regret staying in Black River Bend for good.

“Let’s see, you’re still wearing clothes,” Preacher remarked. “Take them off or I’ll tear them from your body.”

Preacher sounded dead serious. He parted from Preacher and peeled off his sweaty shirt, then dropped his shorts and underwear. Travis kicked off his shoes. He’d always been shy by nature but Preacher somehow possessed the power to lure his wild side out. Preacher grinned, then dropped his pants. He wasn’t wearing any underwear.

Sexy man. 

Travis gripped Preacher’s muscular shoulders and mounted him, just like a tree, trusting Preacher would catch him. Preacher automatically settled his big hands on his ass. Travis could feel Preacher’s long and thick cock, curling up against his stomach. Preacher just fucked him last night and earlier this morning. Already, Travis yearned to feel Preacher’s dick inside him again.

Preacher carried Travis to their bedroom. He knew Preacher was strong but he acted like Travis didn’t weigh a thing. Travis was laughing and Preacher had that smirk on his face. Right now, they only had a mattress on the floor but it would do. 

Preacher lowered him to the mattress and reached for the bottle of lube, already waiting by the bed. 

“You anticipated us having sex right after we moved?” Travis asked.

“It pays to be ready,” Preacher said. “Of course we’d need a break after moving shit all today.”

“All day? We moved everything up in an hour,” Travis said. “We don’t really own a lot of stuff yet.”

“Not a problem. We’ll go furniture shopping. That’ll be our next date.”

His heart thudded. Travis loved how committed Preacher was to making their relationship work. 

Preacher joined him on the floor and hefted Travis’ legs over his shoulders. In this position, Travis felt completely exposed but that was fine because his body, as well as his heart, belonged to Preacher. It always did. Preacher worked lube inside his asshole quickly. 

Travis gripped the fabric above him and moaned.

“Look at how hard your dick’s gotten. I haven’t even plowed you yet,” Preacher said with appreciation in his voice.

Preacher set the bottle aside. Preacher didn’t bother with a condom. They stopped using those weeks ago. Both of them tested clean and Travis liked the feel of Preacher’s bare dick in his most intimate place. Preacher rammed his dick right inside his waiting hole.

Travis gasped, clawing at the fabric above him as Preacher began to fuck him for real. Preacher easily made the initial pain disappear, replacing it with pleasure. Heat traveled from his dick to the rest of him. Travis’ vision blurred at the edges until all he could see was Preacher, rutting him like there was no tomorrow. His dick went immediately from half-mast to full. His balls tightened against his body.

Preacher blanketed his body over his, making their chests touch. Preacher took his mouth without apology and Travis kissed him back. Preacher started thrusting in and out of him faster, deeper. Travis found himself meeting Preacher for every push. Each time they came together like this, he felt even more connected to Preacher, like they were two halves of the same whole.

“I love you,” he said, gasping as Preacher closed his hand over his dick. 

One tug and his mind shattered. Travis exploded, painting Preacher’s abs and stomach with his jizz. Preacher hammered him a couple more times before he let out a groan and filled Travis’ ass with his warmth. 

Preacher buried his face into the side of Travis’ neck and whispered those three special words back to him. 

Travis didn’t want to go back to unpacking.

“Let’s stay here a little longer,” he said.

Preacher slid next to him in bed and pulled him close. Travis rested his head on Preacher’s inked chest and let out a sigh of contentment.

The End

About the Author

Felicia Fern loves writing short and sizzling M/M erotic romances.

A sadist who loves watching her heroes break their backs trying to earn their happy endings, Fel likes throwing in the occasional dash of the unknown to the usual romantic concoction.




Excerpt from Strictly Professional

“What’s a good little Omega like you doing in a dump like this?” A deep and rough voice asked.

Warren Norton sure hoped the guy who hit on him looked as sexy as he sounded. He finished his beer, choked down the awful taste to confront the man who took the empty seat next to him at the bar. 

One look and his brain short-circuited. Warren suddenly had trouble forming complete sentences. Words. 

He noticed this hottie walk in the bar fifteen minutes ago. Everyone did. Alpha. His skin tingled. The wolf that shared Warren’s skin wanted to roll over, present its belly in offering to the six-foot-plus titan who looked at him up and down. The Alpha could be in his thirties but the silver streaks in his black hair told Warren the guy might be older. 

That was why he was in this joint in the first place. The bar wasn’t called Pick-up Mates for no reason. 

The stranger possessed eyes so blue they reminded Warren of a clear summer sky. Those blazing eyes seemed shot with gold now. The Alpha’s wolf was peeking out a little. Warren could tell it was a hell of a monster. The guy also had muscle everywhere he could see. Warren bet if he lifted the guy’s shirt, he’d see a six, no eight pack. 

His skin felt fever-hot. Oh yeah. Warren wanted this hottie. Very much.

“Tongue-tied?” The Alpha asked.

Warren shook his head. “I’m here for a reason.”

He nodded to the people in the room. They were all young guys like him in their twenties, all starving for the affection of an older, experienced man. Except this one seemed bad as they come. 

“Jason,” the Alpha said, extending a hand. 

Surprised, he shook it. “Warren.” 

No last names. Right. Coming here was exactly what Warren needed. Going to a bar frequented by older guys targeting younger ones wasn’t a cure for heartache. His best friend Luke told him that repeatedly the other day. He didn’t mind. 

If placing a tiny bandaid over his heart worked for a night, then why not? 

Warren wanted to lose himself to a stranger. Be wild. Jason was right. Warren was a good boy. He’d been an obedient son, a diligent student. Now he was a responsible adult. Warren was sick of being good. He wanted to try being wild for a change. Different. 

Jason’s handshake was firm. Warren could feel calluses under those warm and big fingers. He let out a gasp as Jason pulled him forward. Warren was out of his seat in moments and practically slid into Jason’s lap. 

“Tell me what you want. What are you looking for tonight, Warren?” Jason whispered the question in his ear.

“You.” Warren had never been good at being witty so he said the first word that came to mind. 

Jason curved his lips upwards and Warren thought he saw the devil in that smile. 

His heart thumped fast. His breathing came short. Jason closed one hand on the back of his neck and took his mouth. Took, not kiss. This man, this Alpha didn’t, couldn’t do gentle. Warren knew that. 

Hell. Warren loved that about him, this stranger Warren wanted to do all sorts of crazy things with. He wanted to give his all. 

Why not? Warren loved one man, gave him everything, even five years of his life and what did that asshole do? He threw Warren away without a second thought the moment the test results came back. 

Infertile. That one word kept flashing in his head tonight like a bright neon light. An Omega who couldn’t be bred was useless. The demanding press of Jason’s lips and the heat generated between them obliterated that ugly word from his head.

The only thing that mattered was Jason. Them.

Jason pushed his tongue down his throat. He sucked down on it. Wasn’t that what devilish little Omegas did? 

Jason pulled away, panting. The Alpha’s eyes glowed a bright gold now. Dangerous but Warren didn’t care. He wanted to cut loose. Lose himself in someone else. If that someone happened to be a six-foot-plus sexy stranger in a leather jacket and worn jeans then it was alright with Warren.

“Let’s get out of here,” he suggested. 

Part of Warren, the rational part of him whose brain cells hadn’t died, screamed that this wasn’t him. Never him. The real him thought things through. Warren never made hasty decisions. 

Where did that lead him? To a path of nowhere. A bleak empty place. 

“Where?” Jason looked at him with hunger in his eyes, as if the Alpha couldn’t see anyone else but him. Like nothing else mattered. 

Clint never looked at him this way, even when they were together. Even when the lights were dimmed in their bedroom. Shifters could see in the dark but his ex-boyfriend, the guy Warren thought was his one true mate, always had that stupid neutral expression on his face whenever they had sex. Indifference.

“My place,” he answered.

Warren never imagined taking guys back to the apartment he once shared with Clint. 

He could still take it all back. Make up an excuse except he only paid for his one beer. He grabbed Jason’s arm and led the Alpha out of Pick-up Mates. He thought one or two guys gave Jason once-overs. One even flirted with him. 

Warren growled at them. Whatever they saw on his face, they backed away.

“Feisty,” Jason remarked. They stood outside the bar now. His mind blanked for a second. Then it clicked. Jason asked him if he took his car here. 

“I took a U-Ride here,” he said. 

He could feel his cheeks heating up. Warren didn’t expect to get anything out of tonight. He thought he’d get a drink or two. Look enviously at the brave souls hitting on each other like no tomorrow and head back home, feeling shittier than ever. 

Warren never expected to reel anyone in. Ever since the test results came back, he felt like the world’s most unattractive man. A grade-A loser. 

“Hey, don’t need to get your fur up,” Jason said, grabbing his shoulder. “We’ll take my ride. Just tell me where you live.”

This was crazy. What if Jason was a serial killer? A mugger? He took a deep breath.

He must’ve been thinking too long, because Jason asked, “Changed your mind?”

“Not at all. Just got light-headed for a second. Must be the beer,” he answered.

“Even if you only had just one bottle?” The cocky Alpha sounded amused.

“You don’t know that.”

“I do. You paid the bartender for one drink.” 

Observant as well as sexy. Warren wasn’t too sure about that deadly combination. What the hell. He was here. Look at me now, Clint. And you thought I’d never attract anyone else. 

Where’s your ride?” he asked.

“Over here. Come on.” Jason stopped in front of a Harley. 

He didn’t know much about motorcycles but this looked like a beast. Of course, Jason rode one of these. What else would an Alpha like Jason drive? A mini-van?

Jason tossed him a helmet, which he barely caught. 

“Put that on,” Jason ordered.

“You serious?” he asked.

Jason didn’t look like he was laughing. “I’m a good rider but that doesn’t mean accidents won’t happen.”

He put the helmet on with trembling fingers, surprised Jason neared him and adjusted the straps under his chin. 

“There. Perfect.” Jason mounted the enormous bike. “Hop on.”

The first true words of the evening left his mouth. “This is the first time I’m getting on a motorcycle.” 

“I figured. Not a problem.” Jason told him where to put his feet, what to do. The Alpha’s patience surprised him. Eventually, Warren managed to get behind Jason.

“Now hold on tight,” Jason ordered.

Warren didn’t have a problem with that. He hugged Jason from behind, buried his face into the curve of Jason’s back muscles. Didn’t know why he did that either, but it made the Alpha pause. Jason revved the engine. Warren could feel it vibrating between his thighs. 

Didn’t he just read a news article online recently about the number of motorcycle accidents on the road increasing every year? 

He was about to open his mouth, to tell Jason he wanted off. Maybe he could get another U-Ride for them, but they blasted off. He let out a little scream. Then a whoop. His muscles no longer felt bunched up. He felt free. Riding a motorcycle felt so different from a car. No windows. Just the cold night air whipping at their faces, their clothes. He wished he’d worn a warmer jacket but whatever. 

New him liked how tonight was going just fine. 

“That’s the spirit,” Jason said. 


“As you wish.” Jason picked up the speed. 

Must’ve been ten when he left his apartment, it was probably around midnight now. Few cars littered the street, although a few people still walked around. That was Lashire City for you. 

“Where do you live?” Jason asked him.

He gave Jason his address, not caring if that was dangerous or not. 

Jason swept past the bad side of the city. They passed druggies, whores, the homeless, before moving on to a better neighborhood. Pretty soon they arrived at his street. Jason parked his bike on an empty slot at the side of the road. He got off, feet a little unsteady.

“Verdict for your first motorcycle ride?” Jason asked, accepting the helmet Warren handed back to him.

“Five stars.”

“Well, the fun’s just beginning.” Jason kept the helmets and grinned at him as if to say ‘what’s next?’. 

“This way,” he said, grabbing hold of Jason’s hand and leading him inside the building. 

Warren thought the magic might’ve faded away by the time they reached his place. It hadn’t. His chest felt warm, just like Jason’s hand. 

Warren might end up regretting this when morning arrived but right now? Nothing mattered but getting boned by this sexy stranger.