- cognitive evaluation theory
- cognitive load theory
- cognitive styles
- college admission test scores
- aptitude test
- coached vs. uncoached students
- coaching time
- commercial coaching programs
- pre-test–post-test design
- SAT coaching
- standard error of measurement
- standardized testing
- commercial coaching programs
- Common Core educational standards
- constructivist learning philosophy
- discovery learning
- Dunn learning-styles model
- Educational Testing Service (ETS)
- factor analysis
- foresight bias
- free recall tests
- Gardner’s eight intelligences
- Gardner’s model
- general intelligence
- general mental ability (g)
- global self-esteem
- Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
- Gregorc’s model
- brain-imaging research
- creativity, hemispheric dominance
- dichotic listening studies
- gifted vs. average students’ brain
- holistic processing
- language and logical analysis
- language-based hemisphere
- language tasks
- lateral eye movements monitoring
- learning-disabled students
- left hemisphere damage
- musical abilities
- nonverbal center
- nonverbal tasks
- Paul Broca’s nineteenth-century report
- positive and negative emotions
- right-brain–left-brain dichotomy
- right-brain training
- right hemisphere damage
- spatial tasks
- speech production and comprehension
- split-brain operations
- verbal tasks
- visual field studies
- visual–spatial abilities
- hindsight bias
- human intelligence
- brain damage
- central common element
- cognitive ability tests
- common verbal influences
- definition
- factor analysis
- Gardner’s eight intelligences
- Gardner’s model
- general mental ability (g)
- IQ scores
- localized neural processing
- multiple intelligence model
- real-life assessment
- self-report measures
- spatial ability tests
- types of
- human short-term memory
- inquiry learning
- interteaching
- intrinsic motivation
- Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
- learning styles
- ability measures
- active vs. reflective learning activities
- auditory/visual learning style
- cognitive styles
- concrete vs. abstract experiences
- definition
- Dunn learning-styles model
- Gregorc’s model
- learning style matching
- meta-analysis
- modality strengths and weaknesses
- reliability and validity
- sensing learning style
- tailoring teaching methods
- lecturing
- active learning approaches
- advantage of
- aptitude–treatment interaction
- criticism
- definition
- vs. discussion methods
vs. group work
- information-processing research
- interactive elements
- interactive lecture courses
- interteaching
- limitations
- in medical training
- meta analysis
- in national math and science exam
- periodic two-minute pauses
- presentation quality
- problem-based learning
- small-group method
- STEM courses
- step-by-step guidance
- student-centered approaches
- students’ motivation and participation
- vs. team-learning course
- longer-term reward programs
- LSAT see Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
- Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
- meta-analysis
- learning styles
- lecturing
- minimally guided teaching strategies
- multiple-choice exams
- PowerPoint
- rewards
- self-esteem
- standardized academic admissions tests
- minimally guided teaching strategies
- active learning
- cognitive load theory
- computerized tutoring program
- constructivist educational philosophy
- constructivist learning philosophy
- critics of
- discovery learning
- vs. explicitly guided techniques
- inquiry learning
- long-term memory
- meta-analysis
- misconceptions
- novel material learning
- primary knowledge
- problem-based learning
- problem-solving strategy
- risk of
- unguided instruction
- multiple-choice exams
- advantage
- answer-changing beliefs and effects
- of basic skills
- Bloom’s dimensions
- vs. completion test
- vs. essay exams
- factor analysis
- first instinct fallacy
- free-response items
- guidelines
- limitations
- measurement error
- and open-ended tests
- testing effect
- verbal aptitude tests
- multiple intelligence model
- multitasking
- academic passages reading
- academic performance
- in actual classroom
- age
- brain functions
- capacity-sharing models
- cognitive bottlenecks
- college students
computerized laboratory tasks
- cost of
- declarative memory
- definition
- effects of television watching
- habit memory
- instant messaging
- negative impact
- vs. non-multitaskers
- task switching
- texting effects
- National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
- open-ended tests
- overconfidence
- passive study techniques
- performance underestimation
- PowerPoint
- advantages
- bulleted lists
- vs. chalkboard
- color and transition features
- computerized animation
- halo effect
- meta-analysis
- non-PowerPoint lectures
- positive learning effects
- recommendations
- vs. traditional teaching method
- and transparencies approach
- for undergraduate students
- practice testing
- problem-based learning
- rereading
- active study strategies
- benefits of
- comprehension reading ability
- on delayed test performance
- direct factual information testing
- effectiveness of
- elaborative interrogation
- five-minute reading sessions
- free recall tests
- immediate rereading vs. delay between readings
- long-term memory
- and passive study techniques
- positive effect
- practice testing
- short-answer test
- test-enhanced learning
- rewards
- cognitive evaluation theory
- detrimental effects
- impact of
- intrinsic motivation
- longer-term reward programs
- meta-analysis
- negative effects of
- personality characteristics
- self-motivation
- self-reported interest
- students with autonomy orientation
- students with control orientation
- tangible rewards
- vs. unrewarded participants
- verbal rewards
- SAT coaching
- science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses
- self-assessment
- self-esteem
- academic achievement tests
- academic performance
- academic self-esteem
- assessment
- definition
- exam performance
global self-esteem
- longitudinal methods
- meta-analysis
- methodological flaws
- personality variables
- structural equation modeling
- variation in
- self-judgment accuracy
- small-group learning
- standardized ability tests
- average group differences
- average observed differences
- brain differences
- cultural bias
- differential item functioning
- factor analysis
- internal consistency analysis
- measurement error
- predictive bias
- random and systematic error
- score gaps
- statistical strategies
- test bias
- test fairness
- Type I errors
- standardized academic admissions tests
- academic performance
- admissions criteria
- advantage
- correlation coefficients
- disadvantages
- GRE scores
- meta-analysis
- psychological assessments
- range restriction
- reliability of measures
- SAT scores
- SAT validity coefficient
- socioeconomic status (SES)
- validity coefficients
- Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
- student-centered approaches
- student-centered learning
- subject-specific academic self-concept
- tailoring teaching methods
- test-enhanced learning
- test-optional policies
- US National Education Standards
- verbal aptitude tests
- verbal rewards
- Western educational methods