Write, Talk, Imagine

Write about It

Ethan learned at a young age to trust God for the future. Is it easy or hard for you to trust God for your future? Why?

Write about a situation in your life right now where you are struggling with trusting God.

In Mexico, Ethan soon finds himself in big trouble when he gambles with the other boys. But God helps him through his trouble. When has God helped you in the midst of trouble? Tell the story.

Ethan and Frances lived in the days before there were computers, cell phones, and cameras. To record life’s important events, Frances kept a journal, and Ethan drew pictures. For the next month, write or draw about your life each day. When you’re done, you’ll have a record to look back on and remember how God was with you in both good times and bad times.

Talk about It

Do you believe that God answers prayer? Why or why not?

Alice’s adventure in the woods results in an answered prayer. How does Luke’s view of God change as a result?

Why does Ethan decide to give his cherished key to Pancho Villa? What is the result of Ethan’s generosity?

When have you been generous to someone else without anyone prompting you to do so? When has someone been generous to you? Tell the stories. How did it feel to be on the giving end? The receiving end?

Think of an older person you know who loves God and ask them, “How did God meet your needs during your toughest times in life?” Then sit back and enjoy the fascinating stories!

Imagine It

Imagine you are Ethan. You have a chance to leave the hard work of the farm behind, as well as the heavy responsibility of taking care of your two brothers and sister. You could go to school in Kansas with your best friend. Would you choose to pursue your dream? If so, when? If not, why not?

Imagine you meet the “bandit” general Pancho Villa on the road or in town. How would you respond? What would you say?

Imagine you could meet the real Ethan in person after reading this Beyond the Orphan Train series. What questions would you ask him about his experiences?