
I want to thank the whole extended Mad Hungry family, especially Lauren Tempera; they’ve worked on all the MH projects: television, digital, products, and books.

Greg Lofts spearheaded this recipe work with me. Without him, this book wouldn’t exist. At his side, Michelli Knauer has as big a heart as any cook I know. Caitlin Haught miraculously appeared and coordinated us all. My friend and creative collaborator James Dunlinson has managed this project from jump. His talent, generosity, and omnipresent good fun infuse every page. Photographer Jonathan Lovekin’s understated, quiet grace produced irresistible food pictures. It was my privilege to work alongside an utterly pure artist.

Style props go to Rebecca Flaste Karson, my mom/sister, taste arbiter, and fellow mother of three boys. At Artisan, Trent Duffy kept the Mad Hungry train on the right track (and then some) and arranged for Judith Sutton to copy-edit this book—Judith taught me why she’s legendary in the cookbook world. The designers of Mad Hungry, Jen Muller and Nick Caruso, devised a bold graphic style that I love; Michelle Ishay, Artisan’s art director, took that design and evolved forward. Artisan’s publisher, my beloved editor and collaborator Ann Bramson, is a unique and original bookmaker who makes my work so much better than I can by myself. Thanks are also due to her boss, Peter Workman, for all his support. I also appreciate the contributions at Artisan of Laurin Lucaire, Nancy Murray, and Barbara Peragine. The wisdom of Carla Glasser, my longtime agent and friend, keeps my books alive. My colleagues at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, a giant bubble of creative life force, provide immense support, inspiration, and advice.

The Scalas—mom, Rose, and brothers Jim, David, and Peter—planted the MH seed. My father, C. George Scala, would be be tickled pink if he had lived to witness the growth of his Mad Hungry gang. Finally, mad love forever to my nurturing Quinn family: Richie, Calder, Miles, and Luca.