
Once you know which R&S assets are available to conduct R&S operations, you have to decide how to satisfy the SIR. To collect the greatest amount of intelligence with the fewest assets, you must know how to plan missions using basic collection management strategy such as augmenting, task organizing, cueing, and redundancy.


Chapter 8 has an in-depth discussion of augmenting.

Task Organizing

To collect the most information with the fewest assets and in the quickest way, task organize assets. This increases their overall effectiveness in gathering information and surviving on the battlefield. The following is an example of task organizing.

A scout platoon’s mission is to conduct a 10-kilometer-wide by 10-kilometer-deep zone reconnaissance before a movement to contact. The scout platoon must accomplish this mission in one hour. You have determined the platoon needs augmentation to cover this much area in the time allowed. After you coordinate with the S3, the S3 attaches two mechanized infantry squads to the scout platoon. These two squads are given the mission to provide security and mark infiltration routes.

In this example the scout platoon is able to concentrate on reconnoitering the terrain and locating enemy positions while the two mechanized squads provide security for the scout platoon and mark infiltration routes. If you had expected heavy enemy obstacles, the S3 could have attached an engineer section to mark, breach, or provide obstacle assessment while the scouts and infantry did their mission.

You should consider all the assets listed in Chapter 3 for augmentation or task organization roles. See Chapter 8 for further discussion of task organization.


Another collection strategy of R&S missions is cueing. Cueing is using limited assets to identify or verify enemy activity or using one asset to tip off or alert another asset. Use the event template to pinpoint the times and areas to collect on the enemy.

Instead of the R&S assets trying to cover large areas for extended periods of time, the assets are active only when cued. The cueing can be the time you expect the enemy to be at a specific NAI, or the reaction to information reported by another asset. An example of cueing follows:

You have identified three NAI needing surveillance, while using only one asset. For this example the only asset available to cover the three NAI is an OP. Due to the distance between the NAI, the OP cannot cover all three NAI at the same time. You determine a location central to all three NAI. From this location the OP can cover only one NAI with surveillance.

An aircraft reports enemy vehicles near one of the unsurveilled NAI. You inform the OP of the activity, thus cueing it, and the asset moves toward the NAI to verify the report. You may use any of the assets listed in Chapter 3 as cues for other assets.


Another collection strategy for R&S operations is redundancy. As the S2, your primary effort is to provide R&S coverage for as many NAI as possible. Based on the priority of the SIR and the number of NAI, you have to decide which areas you want more than one asset to cover. With more than one asset covering the same NAI, a backup system is available in case one asset breaks down. Redundancy guarantees continuous area coverage. An example of redundancy follows:

You have a GSR covering an NAI during limited visibility. Just in case the GSR breaks down, you have assigned two OPs/LPs with NODS to cover the NAI. The OPs also provide NAI coverage during daylight while the GSR crew rests. If the GSR breaks down, the OPs have NODS to pick up the responsibility of surveilling the NAI. The NODS can also specifically identify the moving intruders detected by the GSR.

Remember to include in the R&S planning efforts coordination with the CI team supporting your unit. The routes used by your scout platoon and the positions operated by your assets will be potential NAI to enemy collection assets. Whatever OPSEC and deception measures you incorporate into the R&S plan, they should be based on CI evaluation of the vulnerability of your R&S assets to enemy collection and target acquisition capabilities. As you expect to see the enemy at certain times and places on the battlefield, so the enemy will expect to see you.

Working with the S3, you are now ready to begin matching assets with missions. If the commander and the S3 approve the R&S plan, then give warning orders to the assets. The warning orders allow the assets enough time to conduct troop-leading procedures.

Once you issue the warning orders and refined R&S plan, prepare your portion of the mission briefing. The purpose of this briefing is to inform the collection assets of their missions and to provide them with as much information as possible about it (such as IPB products). Use all available information to provide as clear a picture as possible of what you expect of them on the battlefield and what they can expect to encounter.