As our metal eyes wake

to absolute night,

where whispers fly

from the beginning of time,

we cup our ears to the heavens.

We are listening

on the volcanic rim of Flagstaff

and in the fields beyond Boston,

in a great array that blooms

like coral from the desert floor,

on highwire webs patrolled

by computer spiders in Puerto Rico.

We are listening for a sound

beyond us, beyond sound,

searching for a lighthouse

in the breakwaters of our uncertainty,

an electronic murmur,

a bright, fragile I am.

Small as tree frogs

staking out one end

of an endless swamp,

we are listening

through the longest night

we imagine, which dawns

between the life and times of stars.


Our voice trembles

with its own electric,

we who mood like iguanas,

we who breathe sleep

for a third of our lives,

we who heat food

to the steaminess of fresh prey,

then feast with such

good manners it grows cold.

In mind gardens

and on real verandas

we are listening,

rapt among the Persian lilacs

and the crickets,

while radio telescopes

roll their heads, as if in anguish.

With our scurrying minds

and our lidless will

and our lank, floppy bodies

and our galloping yens

and our deep, cosmic loneliness

and our starboard hearts

where love careens,

we are listening,

the small bipeds

with the giant dreams.