Still glistening, I rush in

from the wild country of the soul,

where jungle slithers

by moonlight, natives barter

with radiant ore in tropic heat,

all death’s vines hang

shimmery close, and the only way out

is when you offer me the cool perch

of your arm, nourish me

with delicacies worldless

and rare: shrimp the size

of palominos, macaroons,

the double espresso of your regard.

Unleash me, and I am an ocelot

all appetite and fur

stalking the far fields to snare game.

But now your hands are as strong

a truth as the moon, your hands

are steel ribbons hauling me back

from where it’s easy to forget

one’s way, or self, in the wilds

of that breathless, bud-breaking Amazon.