

When you kiss me, moths flutter in my mouth;

when you kiss me, leaf-cutting ants lift up

their small burdens and carry them along

corridors of scent; when you kiss me,

caymans slither down wet banks in moonlight,

jaws yawning open, eyes bright red lasers;

when you kiss me, my tiny fist conceals

the bleached skull of a sloth; when you kiss me,

the waters wed in my ribs, dark and pale

rivers exchange their potions—she gives him

love’s power, he gives her love’s lure;

when you kiss me, my heart, surfacing, steals

a small breath like a pink river dolphin;

when you kiss me, the rain falls thick as rubber,

sunset pours molasses down my spine

and, in my hips, the green wings of the jungle flutter;

when you kiss me, blooms explode like land mines

in trees loud with monkey muttering

and the kazooistry of birds; when you kiss me,

my flesh sambas like an iguana; when you kiss me,

the river-mirror reflects an unknown land,

eyes glitter in the foliage, ships pass

like traveling miracle plays, and coca sets

brush fires in my veins; when you kiss me,

the river wraps its wet thighs around a bend;

when you kiss me, my tongue unfolds its wings

and flies through shadows as a leaf-nosed bat,

a ventriloquist of the twilight shore

which hurls its voice against the tender world

and aches to hear its echo rushing back;

when you kiss me, anthuria send up

small telescopes, the vine-clad trees wear

pantaloons, a reasonably evitable moon

rises among a signature of clouds,

the sky fills with the pandemonium

of swamp monkeys, the aerial slither

and looping confetti of butterflies;

when you kiss me, time’s caravan pauses

to sip from the rich tropic of the heart,

find shade in the oasis of a touch,

bathe in Nature carnal, mute and radiant;

you find me there trembling and overawed;

for, when you kiss me, I become the all

you love: a peddler on your luminous river,

whose salted-fish are words, daughter

of a dolphin; when you kiss me, I smell

of night-blooming orchids; when you kiss me,

my mouth softens into scarlet feathers—

an ibis with curved bill and small dark smile;

when you kiss me, jaguars lope through my knees;

when you kiss me, my lips quiver like bronze

violets; oh, when you kiss me …