Tuesday. The word sounds as far away

       as Florence. The backside of the moon

           is closer than tuesday!

   Tell me the winds, like a bagpipe skirling,

hail from a duchy

fabulous as tuesday.

       The hot-blooded sun, now flitting

down my neck, now filling my room

       with its gold soliloquy,

   couldn’t burn from a place

more remote than tuesday.

My heart spends what it can least afford,

           a hundred times a day

climbs aboard a jitney

       bound for tuesday; how shall I bear

its sweet treachery till tuesday?

I’ll work, I’ll tidy, I’ll garden,

    I’ll do. I’ll browse through scores

weighty as linen, but tuesday,

       tuesday dear as a pardon,

tuesday as unlikely as the Serengeti,

tuesday, when you arch above me

   like a melody,

       when you sail through my limbs

on a breeze fresh as a colt,

       tuesday will harvest my mood,

my thought, tuesday rustle my whims,

       tuesday grow in my life

           like a weed.

A shadow, oblique, in a dream is tuesday!

       Only a China clipper, swayed off course,

           a tunic of kelp choking its bow,

might chance on an island

extravagant as tuesday.

       Nut-sweet as tuesday. Lush and willowy

and green as tuesday. Come, swear to me

       that in your blithe pursuance

           of theater, soirées, and ortolans,

    you won’t know a savory breath

           till tuesday!