
Jack Stalwart: Nine-year-old Jack Stalwart works as a secret agent for the Global Protection Force, or GPF. Jack originally joined the GPF to find and rescue his brother, Max, who’d disappeared on one of his missions. Eventually, Jack tracked Max to Egypt, where he saved him and King Tut’s diadem, or crown.


Max Stalwart: Twelve-year-old Max is a GPF agent too. He was recruited after filling out a questionnaire online, and pledging his young life to protect “that which cannot protect itself.” Max’s specialty within the GPF is cryptography, which is the ability to write and crack coded messages. Recently, Max narrowly escaped death in Egypt, while protecting King Tut’s diadem.


John Stalwart: John Stalwart is the patriarch of the family. He’s an aerospace engineer, who recently headed up the Mars Mission Program. For many months, the GPF had fooled John and his wife, Corinne, into thinking that their oldest son, Max, was at a boarding school in Switzerland. Really, Max was on a top secret mission in Egypt. When that mission ended, Max’s “boarding school” closed, and he returned home for good. John is an American and his wife, Corinne, is British, which makes Jack and Max a bit of both.


Corinne Stalwart: Corinne Stalwart is the family matriarch. She’s kind, loving, and fair. She’s also totally unaware (as is her husband) that her two sons are agents for the Global Protection Force. In her spare time, Corinne volunteers at the boys’ school, and studies Asian art.