
“I think I’m going out with Noah,” I whisper to Rocky as we get ready for practice.

“What? How can you not know?” she asks.

“Well, Noah likes to take things slowly.” I like to take things slowly too, but Noah is such a turtle. In the evenings, we do the chores, our homework, and then spend whatever tiny amount of time is left together. We take walks, watch videos, or sit in the kitchen talking. And it’s all lovely—we hold hands, kiss, and make out a little. But no sex, not even close.

“And you want things to move faster?” she asks.

“Yes. Noah is very… attractive.” When I sit beside Noah and look at his perfect profile and curving mouth, I’m filled with need. I lie in bed at night, touching myself and thinking about a guy who is sleeping ten feet away from me. Basically, it’s like having a crush on the guy you’re actually dating.

Rocky pulls on her jill. “It is weird, dating someone you’re already living with. It’s so intimate.”

“I’ve been wondering about that. Like what if he wants a night alone? It’s not like he can avoid me.”

“Has he said anything about the whole situation?” she asks.

“First he said to let him know if I need more space. Later he asked who should be the one to tell my mother we’re going out. Which gave me a panic attack.”

Rocky smiles. “Why?”

“Well, what if she said she didn’t approve? Noah is exactly the type of guy to abide by that. But when I told her, her reaction was even worse,” I say.

“Oh no. How can she not approve of him? He’s practically perfect.”

“She more than approves. She really likes Noah. And you know, my mother is a hippie at heart, right? So, she told me if we want to sleep together in my room, that’s fine.”

“What’s the problem then?” Rocky, as usual, is way more casual about sex than I could ever be.

“I could not sleep with Noah with my mother across the hall. I already have enough problems relaxing.”

Rocky pulls on her jersey before giving advice. “I told you to get your own place this year. I think your sex issues are related to privacy. Where did you and Bobby do it?”

“Mainly in his truck.” We both lived at home.

“I tell you what. If things don’t get better, you can borrow my apartment for a night,” she offers.

“Where will you sleep?”

“I can go to Jeremy’s place.”

Rocky’s new boyfriend is this intellectual grad student. He was dragged to the auction by a girl friend who wanted to bid on the date with Jeffers but was too shy to go alone. Jeremy met Rocky, bid on the date with her, and the rest is history. This development is both nice for her and made Helen’s head explode at the unfairness

“Thanks. That’s so nice of you.” But I can’t ask Noah to go for a sleepover before we’ve actually had sex. He hates to be pushed.

“Well, I haven’t forgotten our mission.” She makes the O hand symbol.

I groan. I’m already so turned on by Noah that I don’t think an orgasm will be a problem. “Let’s change the subject.”

“I mean, who hasn’t fantasized about Noah? But we can stop talking about this if you want,” she says.

“I want.”

There’s silence as she does up her skates. Then she adds, “Well, don’t forget my offer. If you had privacy, then you could relax and enjoy.”

“What are you two talking about?” Helen is a lot closer than I realized.

“Nothing,” I say at the same time that Rocky says, “Zoe’s going out with Noah now.”

Helen’s eyes widen. “Noah Goodwin?” she asks like there’s an ark full of Noahs on campus.

“Yes,” I admit proudly.

“That’s ridiculous. You hate him. Besides, aren’t you taller than him?” she asks.

Ouch. I am an inch taller. Noah doesn’t seem to care though, and he’s bigger in muscle terms.

“It doesn’t matter when they’re lying down,” says Rocky, which is the best answer ever. If only we were lying down together.

Luckily, Helen has to rush to get ready, so she can’t continue to ask questions. I’m happy to be going out with Noah, but I don’t like Helen’s attitude. I’m already aware that I’m not the type of girlfriend that you’d expect Noah to have.

We’re doing shooting drills at practice. Lately, I’ve been feeling better about hockey. Noah has given me visualization exercises as well as the dryland training. And with the cold weather lately, I’m hoping that we’ll be able to skate on the pond soon.

Bonnie crashes into me. “Girl, you and Goody? Woohoo. He’s a cutie-pie.”

The news that we’re dating goes through the team faster than Noah’s slapshot. My teammates all tease me, except Helen of course.

Coach Dubé skates over to me during a water break. “Looking good, Meyers.”


“Are you still working out with Noah Goodwin?” she asks.

I blush bright red because while she’s not talking about sex, that’s all I can think about. “Uh, yes I am.”

“You’re lucky. I’ve been hearing good things about him from Magnus.”

I don’t know if I’m more surprised to hear that the men’s and women’s coaches discuss players or that blunt Caroline Dubé is friendly with new age-y Magnus Garfunkle. “He’s in the education program. Noah’s a great teacher.”

Jeffers skates by and leers. “And what’s Noah teaching you these days, Zee?”

Coach Dubé either doesn’t notice or pretends not to understand. “Well, you’re playing in Friday’s game.”

“That’s great. Thank you so much.” Playing Friday means I have a chance to play both games.

She shakes her head. “You don’t have to thank me. You earn your ice time yourself.”

I can sense a shift. My teammates are treating me differently—not with envy but maybe admiration. For a long time, people felt sorry for me. First, I was the girl whose dad died. Then I sucked at hockey, so I didn’t feel like a good teammate. But once Noah began helping me, my hockey got better. And now that we’re dating, I feel really lucky. I leave practice on a cloud.