
  2. acidity
  3. acid soil see also pH
  4. acre
  5. actinomycetes
  6. aggregates
  7. agricultural lime
  8. agricultural terraces
  9. agroforestry
  10. albic horizon
  11. alfisols
  12. algae
  13. alkalinity
  14. allophane
  15. alluvium
  16. aluminosilicate
  17. ammonification
  18. ammonia
  19. ammonium
    1. polysulfide
    2. thiosulfate
  20. amphibole
  21. andisols
  22. anion
    1. exchange
  23. anthropic epipedon
  24. ants
  25. apatite
  26. aquifer
  27. argillic horizon
  28. aridisols
  29. arthropods
  30. atmosphere
  31. Atterberg Limits
  32. available nutrients
  33. azotobacter
  34. bacteria
  35. basalt
  36. bases
  37. base saturation
  38. bedding
  39. bedrock, II
  40. biodegradable
  41. biological control
  42. bioremediation
  43. biosolids
  44. black alkali
  45. blocky structure
  46. bog soil
  47. boreal
  48. buffering capacity
  49. bulk density
  50. C:N ratio
  51. calcic horizon
  52. calcium
    1. carbonate
    2. sulfate
  53. caliche
  54. carbon
    1. cycle
    2. dioxide
    3. sequestration
  55. carbonates
  56. carbonic acid
  57. carboxyl group
  58. catena
  59. cation
    1. capacity
    2. divalent
    3. exchange
    4. monovalent
  60. channelization
  61. chemical weathering
  62. chernozem
  63. chisel
  64. chlorosis
  65. clay
    1. aluminosilicates
    2. feldspar
    3. hydrous mica
    4. illite
    5. kaolinite
    6. montmorillonite
    7. silicate
    8. smectite
    9. vermiculite
  66. climate
  67. clods
  68. colloids
  69. colluvium
  70. color
  71. columnar structure
  72. compaction
  73. composting
  74. conduction
  75. conservation structures
  76. conservation tillage
  77. consistence
  78. contour
  79. convection
  80. cover crops
  81. crop residue
    1. cover
    2. incorporation
  82. crop rotation
  83. crumb structure
  84. crust
  85. crystalline rocks
  86. cultivator
  87. cyanobacteria
  88. dams
  89. degradation
  90. denitrification
  91. density
  92. diagnostic soil horizons
  93. disk
  94. dispersion
  95. disturbed lands
    1. artificially
    2. characteristics
    3. contaminant
    4. naturally
  96. ditches
  97. diversion
  98. dolomite
  99. drainage
  100. drop structures
  101. dry land farming
  102. dunes
  103. duripans
  104. earthworms
  105. ectomycorrhizae
  106. elemental sulfur
  107. eluvial
  108. endomycorrhizae
  109. energy
    1. atmosphere
    2. color
    3. land cover
    4. slope
  110. engineering soil uses
    1. classification systems
    2. properties
    3. suitability
  111. entisols
  112. eolian sand
  113. epipedon
  114. erosion
    1. accelerated
    2. excessive
    3. geologic
    4. gully
    5. processes
    6. rill
    7. sheet
    8. streambank
    9. water
    10. wind
  115. escarpment
  116. essential elements
  117. eukaryotes
  118. evaporation
  119. evapotranspiration
  120. fauna
  121. feldspar
  122. ferrihydrite
  123. ferromagnesian minerals
  124. fertilizer
  125. field capacity
  126. fine earth
  127. fixation
  128. flocculation
  129. flora
  130. formica cinera
  131. fragipan
  132. friable
  133. frost heave
  134. fungi
  135. furrow diking
  136. gabbro
  137. gelisols
  138. glacial
    1. deposits
    2. drift
    3. outwash
    4. till
  139. glaciers
  140. global positioning system (GPS)
  141. gradient
  142. granite
  143. granular structure
  144. grasslands
  145. green manure
  146. groundwater
  147. gypsum
  148. hardpan
  149. harrow
  150. heat capacity
    1. of fusion
    2. latent
    3. sensible
    4. thermal conductivity
    5. transfer
    6. of vaporization
  151. hectare
  152. histic epipedon
  153. histosols
  154. humus
  155. hydration
  156. hydrologic cycle
  157. hydrolysis
  158. hydrous mica
  159. hyphae
  160. igneous rocks
  161. illuviation
  162. immobilization
  163. imogolite
  164. inceptisols
  165. infiltration
  166. insecticide
  167. insects
  168. integrated pest management
  169. interveinal
  170. ion
  171. iron
  172. iron oxides
  173. ironstone
  174. irrigation
  175. isomorphous substitution
  176. kandic horizon
  177. kaolinite
  178. land
    1. capability classes
    2. forming
  179. landform
  180. laterite
  181. layer silicate clay see Silicate clay
  182. leachate
  183. leaching
  184. legume
  185. levees
  186. lichen
  187. lime
  188. limestone
  189. lister
  190. lithospohere
  191. loess
  192. lumbricus terrestris
  193. macronutrients
  194. macroorganisms
  195. macropores
  196. magma
  197. magnesium
  198. mammals
  199. management zone
  200. manganese
  201. manure
  202. mass wasting
  203. matrix
  204. maximum fertilizer efficiency
  205. maximum yield
  206. melanic epipedon
  207. metals, heavy
  208. micronurients
  209. microorganisms
  210. micropores
  211. microrelief
  212. mineral
  213. mineralization
  214. mineral soils
    1. primary
    2. secondary
  215. minimum tillage
  216. mites
  217. moldboard plow
  218. mollie epipedon
  219. mollisols
  220. montmorillonie
  221. moraines
  222. mottling
  223. muck
  224. mulches
  225. mycelium
  226. mycorrhizae
  227. myxomycetes
  228. natric horizon
  229. necrosis
  230. nematodes
  231. nitrate
  232. nitrite
  233. nitrobacter
  234. nitrogen
    1. ammonification
    2. deficiency
    3. denitrification
    4. fixation
    5. immobilization
    6. inorganic
    7. mineralization
    8. nitrification
    9. organic
  235. nitrogen cycle
  236. nitrogen fixation
    1. nonsymbiotic
    2. symbiotic
  237. nitrosomonas
  238. nodules
  239. no-till
  240. nutrient
    1. deficiency symptoms
  241. ochric epipedon
  242. organic farming
  243. organic gardening
  244. organic matter
  245. organic soil
  246. organisms
  247. ortstein
  248. osmosis
  249. overgrazing
  250. oxic horizon
  251. oxidation
  252. oxisols
  253. oxygen
  254. parent material
  255. particle size distribution
  256. peat
  257. ped
  258. pedogenesis
  259. pedology
  260. pedon
  261. percolation
  262. permafrost
  263. pesticides
  264. petrocalcic horizon
  265. pH
  266. phosphorus
  267. physical weathering
  268. planter
  269. plant nutrients
  270. plant roots
  271. platy structure
  272. plinthite
  273. plow
  274. plow pan
  275. podzol
  276. pollution
  277. polypedon
  278. ponds
  279. porosity
  280. potassium
  281. prairie soil
  282. precipitation
  283. precision agriculture
  284. prismatic structure
  285. productivity
  286. profile
  287. prokaryotes
  288. protective vegetative cover
  289. protozoa
  290. pyroxene
  291. quartz
  292. quartzite
  293. radiation
  294. raindrop energy
  295. reclamation
  296. reduced tillage
  297. reduction
  298. regolith, II
  299. relief
  300. remediation
  301. remote sensing
  302. residences
  303. residues
  304. rhizobia
  305. rhizosphere
  306. riparian zones
  307. riprap
  308. roads
  309. rock
    1. acid
    2. basic
    3. metamorphic
  310. rock weathering
  311. roots
  312. rotary hoe
  313. row cleaners
  314. runoff
  315. salic horizon
  316. saline
  317. saline-sodic
  318. saltation
  319. sand
  320. sandstone
  321. saprolite
  322. saturation
  323. sedimentary rocks
  324. sensible heat
  325. shale
  326. shelterbelts
  327. silt
  328. slickenside
  329. smectite
  330. sodium
    1. adsorption ratio
    2. sulfate
  331. soil
    1. absorption system
    2. acid
    3. aeration
    4. alkaline
    5. alluvial
    6. amendment
      1. gypsum
      2. limestone
    7. body
    8. classification
    9. color
      1. Munsell
    10. conservation
    11. contaminants
    12. definitions
    13. degradation
    14. erosion
      1. accelerated
      2. excessive
      3. fine earth
      4. geologic
      5. gully
      6. mass wasting
      7. streambank
      8. water
      9. wind
    15. exchange complex
    16. family
    17. fertility
    18. fine earth
    19. formation
    20. forming factors
    21. great groups
    22. horizon
    23. landscape
    24. management
    25. mapping unit
    26. mineral
    27. moisture
    28. moisture regimes
      1. aquic
      2. aridic
      3. torric
      4. udic
      5. ustic
      6. xeric
    29. orders
    30. organic
    31. phase
    32. profile
    33. reaction
    34. saline soil
    35. separates
    36. sequence
    37. series
    38. sodic
    39. solution
    40. stabilizers
    41. subgroups
    42. suborders
    43. surveys
    44. taxonomy
    45. temperature
      1. fluctuation
      2. microorganisms
      3. moisture
      4. solubility
    46. temperature regimes
      1. cryic
      2. frigid
      3. mesic
      4. thermic
      5. hyperthermic
      6. isohyperthermic
    47. textural triangle
    48. texture
    49. tilth
    50. type
    51. water
  332. soil horizons
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. E
    5. O
    6. R
  333. soluble salts
  334. solum
  335. solution
  336. spodic horizon
  337. spodosols
  338. springtails
  339. stomates
  340. stratification
  341. stream degradation
  342. streptomycetes
  343. strip cropping.
  344. structures
  345. stubble-mulching
  346. sublimation
  347. subsoil
  348. substratum
  349. sulfur.
  350. summer fallow
  351. surface creep
  352. surface runoff
  353. suspension
  354. termites.
  355. terrace
  356. tetrahedron
  357. tillage
    1. minimum
    2. no-till
    3. primary
    4. reduced
    5. secondary
  358. tilth
  359. time
  360. topography
  361. toposequence
  362. topsoil
  363. transpiration
  364. ultisols
  365. umbric epipedon
  366. urban soils
    1. flooding
    2. hydrology
    3. overland flow
    4. variability
  367. USC system
  368. vegetative cover
  369. vermiculite
  370. vertebrates
  371. vertisols
  372. volcanic ash
  373. waste
    1. liquid
    2. solid
    3. treatment
  374. water
    1. capillary
    2. erosion
    3. holding capacity
    4. stable soil aggregates
    5. table
    6. treatment
  375. watershed
  376. waterway
  377. weathering
  378. wetlands
  379. white alkali
  380. wilting point
  381. windbreaks
  382. wind erosion
  383. worms
  384. yield maps
  385. zinc