
Fanning, Verbal Aspect in New Testament Greek (Oxford University Press, 1990)

Metzger, Lexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek, Bruce M. Metzger (BakerBooks, 1997).

Mounce, A Graded Reader of Biblical Greek, William D. Mounce (Zondervan, 1996).

Wallace, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics, Daniel B. Wallace (Zondervan, 1995).

The Greek Old Testament

Gen Genesis

Ex Exodus

Lev Leviticus

Num Numbers

Deut Deuteronomy

Josh Joshua

Judg Judges

Ruth Ruth

1 Sam 1 Samuel

1 Kgs 1 Kings

2 Kgs 2 Kings

1 Chr 1 Chronicles

1 Esdr 1 Esdras

Tob Tobit

1 Mac 1 Maccabees

2 Mac 2 Maccabees

Ps Psalms

Ode Odes of Solomon

Eccl Ecclesiastes

Wsd Wisdom of Solomon

PsSol Psalms of Solomon

Is Isaiah

Jer Jeremiah

Dan Daniel

The New Testament

Mt Matthew

Mk Mark

Lk Luke

Jn John

Ac Acts

Rom Romans

1 Cor 1 Corinthians

2 Cor 2 Corinthians

Gal Galatians

Eph Ephesians

Phil Philippians

Col Colossians

1 Th 1 Thessalonians

2 Th 2 Thessalonians

1 Tim 1 Timothy

2 Tim 2 Timothy

Ti Titus

Phlm Philemon

Heb Hebrews

Jas James

1 Pt 1 Peter

2 Pt 2 Peter

1 Jn 1 John

2 Jn 2 John

3 Jn 3 John

Jude Jude

Rev Revelation

Early Christian Literature

1 Clem 1 Clement

2 Clem 2 Clement

IMag Ignatius to the Magnesians

IPhil Ignatius to the Philadelphians

IRom Ignatius to the Romans

Barn Barnabas

Shep Shepherd of Hermas


NIV New International Version

LXX Septuagint (The Greek Old Testament)

A Codex Alexandrinus

Majority Text

p. page

pp. pages

f. one following verse

ff. more than one following verse