Chapters 1 – 4

Review #1


The review gives you the opportunity to evaluate your performance to this point. Treat it like a test.


1. What is a gamma nasal, and how is it pronounced?




2. What is a diphthong?




3. What is an improper diphthong?




4. Describe when an apostrophe is used.





1. Write out the alphabet.




2. How are the two sigmas used in one word?




3. Give an example of a smooth breathing mark and a rough breathing mark.




4. Punctuation Marks. Match the Greek punctuation mark with its function.

a. , semi-colon

b. . question mark

c. · (above line) comma

d. ; period

5. Accents. Match the appropriate accent mark with its proper name.

a. acute

b. grave

c. circumflex

6. How does an accent affect a translation?




7. Syllabification. Divide the following words into syllables.

a. διδάσκων ____________________

b. διαμαρτυρόμενος ____________________

c. ἄνθρωπος ____________________

d. λέγοντες ____________________

e. βάλλω ____________________