Said Publius Rutilius Rufus in a letter to Gaius Marius dated the end of September:

Well, Publius Licinius Nerva has nerved himself at last to write to the Senate with complete candor about the situation in Sicily. As senior consul, you are being sent the official dispatches, of course, but you will hear my version first, for I know you’ll choose to read my letter ahead of boring old dispatches, and I’ve cadged a place for my letter in the official courier’s bag.

But before I tell you about Sicily, it is necessary to go back to the beginning of the year, when—as you know—the House recommended to the People in their tribes that a law should be passed freeing all slaves of Italian Allied nationality throughout our world. But you will not know that it had one unforeseen repercussion— namely, that the slaves of other nationalities, particularly those nations officially designated as Friends and Allies of the Roman People, either assumed that the law referred to them as well, or else were mighty displeased that it did not. This is particularly true of Greek slaves, who form the majority of Sicily’s grain slaves, and also form the majority of slaves of all kinds in Campania.

In February, the son of a Campanian knight and full Roman citizen named Titus Vettius, aged all of twenty years old, apparently went mad. The cause of his madness was debt; he had committed himself to pay seven silver talents for—of all things!—a Scythian slave girl. But the elder Titus Vettius being a tightwad of the first order, and too old to be the father of a twenty-year-old besides, young Titus Vettius borrowed the money at exorbitant interest, pledging his entire inheritance as collateral. Of course he was as helpless as a plucked chicken in the hands of the moneylenders, who insisted he pay them at the end of thirty days. Naturally he could not, and he did obtain an extension of a further thirty days. But when again he had no hope of paying them, the moneylenders went to his father and demanded their loan—with exorbitant interest. The father refused, and disowned his son. Who went mad.

The next thing, young Titus Vettius had put on a diadem and a purple robe, declared himself the King of Campania, and roused every slave in the district to rebellion. The father, I hasten to add, is one of the good old-fashioned bulk farmers—treats his slaves well, and has no Italians among them. But just down the road was one of the new bulk farmers, those dreadful men who buy slaves dirt-cheap, chain them up to work, don’t ask questions about their origins, and lock them in ergastulum barracks to sleep. This despicable fellow’s name was Marcus Macrinus Mactator, and he turns out to have been a great friend of your junior colleague in the consulship, our wonderfully upright and honest Gaius Flavius Fimbria.

The day young Titus Vettius went mad, he armed his slaves by buying up five hundred sets of old show-arms a gladiatorial school was auctioning off, and down the road the little army marched to the well of servile pain run by Marcus Macrinus Mactator. And proceeded to torture and kill Mactator and his family, and free a very large number of slaves, many of whom turned out to be of Italian Allied nationality, and therefore were illegally detained.

Within no time at all, young Titus Vettius the King of Campania had an army of slaves over four thousand strong, and had barricaded himself into a very well fortified camp atop a hill. And the servile recruits kept pouring in! Capua barred its gates, brought all the gladiatorial schools into line, and appealed to the Senate in Rome for help.

Fimbria was very vocal about the affair, and mourned the loss of his friend Mactator Slaughterman until the Conscript Fathers were fed up enough to depute the praetor peregrinus, Lucius Licinius Lucullus, to assemble an army and quash the servile uprising. Well, you know what a colossal aristocrat Lucius Licinius Lucullus is! He didn’t take at all kindly to being ordered by a cockroach like Fimbria to clean up Campania.

And now a mild digression. I suppose you know that Lucullus is married to Metellus Piggle-wiggle’s sister, Metella Calva. They have a pair of sons about fourteen and twelve years of age who are commonly rumored to be extremely promising, and now that Piggle-wiggle’s son, the Piglet, can’t manage to get two words out straight, the whole family is rather pinning its hopes on young Lucius and young Marcus Lucullus. Now stop it, Gaius Marius! I can hear you ho-humming from Rome! All this is important stuff, if only you could be brought to believe it. How can you possibly conduct yourself unscathed through the labyrinth of Roman public life if you won’t bother to learn all the family ramifications and gossip? Lucullus’s wife—who is Piggle-wiggle’s sister—is notorious for her immorality. First of all, she conducts her affairs of the heart in blazingly public fashion, complete with hysterical scenes in front of popular jeweler’s shops, and the occasional attempted suicide by stripping off all her clothes and trying to hop over the wall into the Tiber. But secondly, poor Metella Calva does not philander with men of her own class, and that’s what really hurts our lofty Piggle-wiggle. Not to mention the haughty Lucullus. No, Metella Calva likes handsome slaves, or hulking laborers she picks up on the wharves of the Port of Rome. She is therefore a dreadful burden to Piggle-wiggle and Lucullus, though I believe she is an excellent mother to her boys.

End of digression. I mention it to sprinkle this whole episode with a little much-needed spice. And to make you understand why Lucullus went off to Campania smarting at having to take orders from precisely the sort of man Metella Calva might well have fancied were he poorer—rougher he could not be! There is something very fishy going on with Fimbria, incidentally. He has struck up a friendship with Gaius Memmius, of all people, and the two of them are as thick as thieves, and a lot of money is changing hands, though for what purpose is unclear.

Anyway, Lucullus soon cleaned up Campania. Young Titus Vettius was executed, as were his officers and the members of his slave army. Lucullus was commended for his work, and went back to hearing the assizes in places like Reate.But didn’t I tell you some time ago that I had a feeling about those tiny little servile uprisings in Campania last year? My nose was right. First we had Titus Vettius. And now we have a full-scale slave war on our hands in Sicily!

I have always thought Publius Licinius Nerva looked and acted like a mouse, but who could ever have dreamed that it would be dangerous to send him as praetor-governor to Sicily? He’s so squeaky-meticulous the job should have suited him down to the ground. Scurrying here, scurrying there, laying in his stores for winter, writing copiously detailed accounts with the tip of his tail dipped in ink, whiskers twitching.

Of course all would have gone well, had it not been for this wretched law about freeing the Italian Allied slaves. Our praetor-governor Nerva scurried off to Sicily and began to manumit the Italians, who number about a quarter of the total grain slaves. And he got started in Syracuse, while his quaestor got started at the other end of the island, in Lilybaeum. It went slowly and precisely, Nerva being Nerva—he did, by the way, evolve an excellent system to catch out slaves claiming to be Italian who were not Italian, by quizzing them in Oscan and local geography of our peninsula. But he published his decree in Latin only, thinking this too would weed out potential imposters. With the result that those reading Greek had to rely upon others to translate, and the confusion grew, and grew, and grew....

The two weeks at the end of May saw Nerva free some eight hundred Italian slaves in Syracuse, while his quaestor in Lilybaeum marked time, waiting for orders. And there arrived in Syracuse a very angry deputation of grain farmers, all the members of which threatened to do things to Nerva if he went on freeing their slaves that ranged from emasculation to litigation. Nerva panicked at sight of this spitting cat, and shut down his tribunal at once. No more slaves were to be freed. This directive reached his quaestor in Lilybaeum a little too late, unfortunately, for his quaestor had grown tired of waiting, and set up his tribunal in the marketplace. Now, having barely got started, he too shut down. The slaves lined up in the marketplace were quite literally mad with rage, and went home to do murder.

The result was an outright revolt at the western end of the island. It started with the murder of a couple of wealthy brothers who farmed a huge grain property near Halicyae, and it went on from there. All over Sicily slaves in hundreds and then thousands left their farms, some of them only after murdering their overseers and even their owners, and converged on the Grove of the Palici, which lies, I believe, some forty miles southwest of Mount Aetna. Nerva called up his militia, and thought he had crushed the revolt when he stormed and took an old citadel filled with refugee slaves. So he disbanded his militia, and sent them all to their various homes.

But the revolt was only just beginning. It flared up next time near Heracleia Minoa, and when Nerva tried to get his militia together again, everyone became extremely deaf. He was forced to fall back on a cohort of auxiliaries stationed at Enna, quite a distance from Heracleia Minoa, but the closest force of any size nonetheless. This time Nerva didn’t win. The whole cohort perished, and the slaves acquired arms.

While this was going on, the slaves produced a leader, predictably an Italian who had not been freed before Nerva closed down his tribunals. His name is Salvius, and he’s a member of the Marsi. His profession when a free man, it seems, was a snake-charming flute player, and he was enslaved because he was caught playing the flute for women involved in the Dionysiac rites which so worried the Senate a few years ago. Salvius now calls himself a king, but being an Italian, his idea of a king is Roman, not Hellenic. He wears the toga praetexta rather than a diadem, and is preceded by lictors bearing the fasces, complete with axes.

At the far end of Sicily, somewhere around Lilybaeum, a second slave-king then appeared, a Greek this time, named Athenion, and he too raised an army. Both Salvius and Athenion converged on the Grove of the Palici, and there had a conference. The result of this is that Salvius (who now calls himself King Tryphon) has become the ruler of the whole lot, and has chosen for his headquarters an impregnable place called Triocala, in the lap of the mountains above the coast opposite Africa, about halfway between Agrigentum and Lilybaeum.

Right at this moment, Sicily is a very Iliad of woes. The harvest is lying trampled into the ground aside from what the slaves harvested to fill their own bellies, and Rome will get no grain from Sicily this year. The cities of Sicily are groaning at the seams to contain the enormous numbers of free refugees who have sought shelter within the safety of walls, and starvation and disease are already stalking the streets. An army of over sixty thousand well-armed slaves—and five thousand slave cavalry—is running wild anywhere it likes from one end of the island to the other, and when threatened, retires to this impregnable fortress of Triocala. They have attacked and taken Murgantia, and all but succeeded in taking Lilybaeum, which fortunately was saved by some veterans who heard about the trouble and sailed across from Africa to help.

And here comes the ultimate indignity. Not only is Rome looking at a drastic grain shortage, but it very much seems that someone attempted to manipulate events in Sicily to manufacture a grain shortage! The slave uprising has turned what would have been a spurious shortage into a real one, but our esteemed Princeps Senatus, Scaurus, is nose-down on a trail leading, he hopes, to the culprit or culprits. I suspect he suspects our despicable consul Fimbria and Gaius Memmius. Why would a decent and upright man like Memmius ally himself with the likes of Fimbria? Well, yes, I can answer that one, I think. He should have been praetor years ago but has only just got there now, and he doesn’t have the kind of money to run for consul. And when lack of money keeps a man out of the chair he thinks he’s entitled to sit in, he can do many imprudent things.

Gaius Marius laid the letter down with a sigh, pulled the official dispatches from the Senate toward him, and read those too, comfortably alone, and therefore able to labor aloud over the hopeless fusion of words at the top of his lungs if he so wished. Not that there was any disgrace in it, everyone read aloud; but everyone else was assumed to know Greek.

Publius Rutilius was right, as always. His own extremely long letter was infinitely more informative than the dispatches, though they contained the text of Nerva’s letter, and were full of statistics. They just weren’t as compelling nor as newsy. Nor could they put a man right in the middle of the picture the way Rutilius did.

He had no trouble in imagining the consternation in Rome. A drastic grain shortage meant political futures at stake, and a growling Treasury, and aediles scrambling to find alternative sources of grain. Sicily was the breadbasket, and when Sicily didn’t deliver a good harvest, Rome stared famine in the face. Neither Africa nor Sardinia sent half as much grain to Rome as Sicily did. Combined they didn’t! This present crisis would see the People blaming the Senate for sending an inadequate governor to Sicily, and the Head Count would blame both the People and the Senate for their empty bellies.

The Head Count was not a political body; it was not interested in governing any more than it was interested in being governed. The sum total of its participation in public life was seats at the games and free handouts at the festivals. Until its belly was empty. And then the Head Count was a force to be reckoned with.

Not that the Head Count got its grain free; but the Senate through its aediles and quaestors made sure the Head Count was sold grain at a reasonable price, even if in times of shortage that meant buying expensive grain and letting it go at the same reasonable price, much to the chagrin of the Treasury. Any Roman citizen resident within Rome could avail himself of the State’s price-frozen grain ration, no matter how rich he was, provided he was willing to join the huge line at the aedile’s desk in the Porticus Minucia and obtain his chits; these, when presented at one of the State granaries lining the Aventine cliffs above the Port of Rome, would permit him to buy his five modii of cheap grain. That few of means bothered was purely convenience; it was so much easier to shop in the grain market of the Velabrum and leave it to the merchants to fetch the grain from the privately owned granaries lining the bottom of the Palatine cliffs on the Vicus Tuscus.

Knowing himself caught in what could be a precarious political position, Gaius Marius frowned his wonderful eyebrows together. The moment the Senate asked the Treasury to open its cobwebbed vaults to buy in expensive grain for the Head Count, the howling would begin; the chiefs of the tribuni aerarii—the Treasury bureaucrats—would start expostulating that they couldn’t possibly afford to pay out huge sums for grain when a Head Count army six legions strong was currently employed in Gaul-across-the-Alps doing public works! That in turn would shift the onus onto the Senate, which would have to do hideous battle with the Treasury to get the extra grain; and then the Senate would complain to the People that, as usual, the Head Count were a mighty costly nuisance.

Wonderful! How was he going to get himself elected consul in absentia for a second year in a row, when he led a Head Count army, and Rome was at the mercy of a hungry Head Count? May Publius Licinius Nerva rot! And every grain speculator along with him!


Only Marcus Aemilius Scaurus Princeps Senatus had sensed something wrong ahead of the crisis; with a fresh harvest due, the grain price within Rome normally fell a little at the end of summer. Whereas this year it had steadily risen. The reason seemed apparent; the freeing of the Italian grain slaves would limit the amount of planted grain being harvested. But then the grain slaves had not been freed, and the harvest was predicted normal. At which point, the price should have fallen dramatically. But it didn’t. It kept on rising.

To Scaurus, the evidence pointed conclusively to a grain manipulation stemming from the Senate, and his own observations pointed to the consul Fimbria and the urban praetor Gaius Memmius, who had been desperately raising money throughout the spring and summer. To buy grain cheaply and sell it at an enormous profit, Scaurus concluded.

And then came the news of the slave uprising in Sicily. Whereupon Fimbria and Memmius began frantically selling everything they owned aside from their houses on the Palatine and sufficient land to ensure that they remained on the senatorial census. Therefore, Scaurus deduced, whatever the nature of their business venture might have been, it could not have had anything to do with the grain supply.

His reasoning was specious, but pardonably so; had the consul and the urban praetor been involved in the escalation of the grain price, they would now be sitting back picking their teeth contentedly rather than chasing their tails to find the cash to pay back loans. No, not Fimbria and Memmius! He must look elsewhere.

After Publius Licinius Nerva’s letter confessing the extent of the crisis in Sicily reached Rome, Scaurus began to hear one senatorial name bruited about among the grain merchants; his sensitive proboscis smelled fresher—and gamier—game than the false scent of Fimbria and Memmius. Lucius Appuleius Saturninus. The quaestor for the port of Ostia. Young and new to the Senate, but holding the most sensitive position a new young senator could, if he was interested in grain prices. For the quaestor at Ostia supervised grain shipment and storage, knew and conversed with everybody involved with the whole gamut of the grain supply, was privy to all kinds of information well ahead of the rest of the Senate.

Further investigations convinced Scaurus that he had found his culprit, and he struck his blow for the good name of the Senate at a meeting of that body early in October. Lucius Appuleius Saturninus was the prime mover behind the premature rise in the price of grain which had prevented the Treasury’s acquiring additional stocks for the State granaries at anything like a reasonable price, said Scaurus Princeps Senatus to a hushed House. And the House had found its scapegoat; amid great indignation, the senators voted overwhelmingly to dismiss Lucius Appuleius Saturninus from his post as quaestor, thereby depriving him of his seat in the House, and leaving him open to massive prosecutions for extortion.

Summoned from Ostia to appear in the House, Saturninus could do little more than deny Scaurus’s charges. Of actual proof there was none—either for or against—and that meant the issue boiled down to which one of the men involved was more worthy of being believed.

“Give me proof I am implicated!” cried Saturninus.

“Give me proof you are not implicated!” sneered Scaurus.

And naturally the House believed its Princeps Senatus, for Scaurus on the trail of wrongdoing was above reproach, everyone knew it. Saturninus was stripped of everything.

But he was a fighter, Lucius Appuleius Saturninus. In age he was exactly right for the job of quaestor and a new senatorial seat, being thirty; which in turn meant that no one really knew much about him, since he had not starred in a great courtroom drama as a youth, and had not shone out luminously during his military apprenticeship, and came from a senatorial family originating in Picenum. Little choice did he have about losing his post as quaestor, or his seat in the Senate; he could not even protest when the House turned around and gave his beloved job in Ostia to none other than Scaurus Princeps Senatus for the rest of the year! But he was a fighter.

No one in Rome believed him innocent. Wherever he went he was spat upon, jostled, even stoned, and the outside wall of his house was smothered in graffiti—PIG, PEDERAST, ULCER, WOLFSHEAD, MONSTER, PENIS GOBBLER, and other slurs jostled each other for prominence on the plastered surface. His wife and his young daughter were ostracized, and spent most of their days in tears. Even his servants looked askance at him, and were slow to respond whenever he made a request, or—temper tried—barked an order.

His best friend was a relative nobody, Gaius Servilius Glaucia. Some years older than Saturninus, Glaucia enjoyed mild fame as an advocate in the courts and a brilliant legal draftsman; but he did not enjoy the distinction of being a patrician Servilius, nor even an important plebeian Servilius. Save for his reputation as a lawyer, Glaucia was about on a par with another Gaius Servilius who had made money and scrambled into the Senate on the edge of his patron Ahenobarbus’s toga; this other plebeian Servilius, however, had not yet acquired a cognomen, where “Glaucia” was quite a respectable one, for it referred to the family’s beautiful grey-green eyes.

They were a good-looking pair, Saturninus and Glaucia, the one very dark indeed, the other very fair, each in the best physical mould of his type. The basis for their friendship was an equal sharpness of mind and depth of intellect, as well as the avowed purpose of reaching the consulship and ennobling their families forever. Politics and lawmaking fascinated them, which meant they were eminently suited to the kind of work their birth made mandatory.

“I’m not beaten yet,” said Saturninus to Glaucia, mouth set hard. “There’s another way back into the Senate, and I am going to use it.”

“Not the censors,” said Glaucia.

“Definitely not the censors! No, I shall stand for election as a tribune of the plebs,” said Saturninus.

“You’ll never get in.” Glaucia was not being unduly gloomy, just realistic.

“I will if I can find myself a powerful enough ally.”

“Gaius Marius.”

“Who else? He’s got no love for Scaurus or Numidicus or any of the Policy Makers,” Saturninus said. “I’m sailing for Massilia in the morning to explain my case to the only man who might be prepared to listen to me, and to offer him my services.”

Glaucia nodded. “Yes, it’s a good tactic, Lucius Appuleius. After all, you have nothing to lose.” A thought occurring to him, he grinned. “Think of the fun you can have making old Scaurus’s life a misery when you’re a tribune of the plebs!’’

“No, he’s not the one I want!” said Saturninus scornfully. “He acted as he saw fit; I can’t quarrel with that. Someone deliberately set me up as a decoy, and that’s the someone I want. And if I’m a tribune of the plebs, I can make his life a misery. That is, if I can find out who it was.”

“You go to Massilia and see Gaius Marius,” said Glaucia. “In the meantime, I’ll start work on the grain culprit.”

In the autumn it was possible to sail to the west, and Lucius Appuleius Saturninus had a good passage to Massilia. From there he journeyed on horseback to the Roman camp outside Glanum, and sought an audience with Gaius Marius.

It had not been a gross exaggeration on Marius’s part to tell his senior staff that he planned to build another Carcasso, though this was a wood-and-earth version of Carcasso’s stone. The hill upon which the vast Roman camp stood bristled with fortifications; Saturninus appreciated at once that a people like the Germans, unskilled in siege, would never be able to take it, even if they stormed it with every man they had at their disposal.

“ But,” said Gaius Marius as he took his unexpected guest upon a tour of the dispositions, “it isn’t really here to protect my army, you know. It’s here to delude the Germans into thinking it is.”

This man isn’t supposed to be subtle! thought Saturninus, suddenly appreciating the quality of Gaius Marius’s intellect. If anyone can help me, he can.

They had taken a spontaneous liking to each other, sensing a kindred ruthlessness and determination, and perhaps a certain un-Roman iconoclasm. Saturninus was profoundly glad to discover that—as he had hoped—he had beaten the news of his disgrace from Rome to Glanum. However, it was difficult to tell how long he might have to wait to unfold his tale of disaster, for Gaius Marius was the commander-in-chief of a mighty enterprise, and his life, including his debatable leisure, was not his own for many moments at a stretch.

Expecting a crowded dining room, Saturninus was surprised to discover that he and Manius Aquillius were the only two who would share Gaius Marius’s meal.

“Is Lucius Cornelius in Rome?” he asked.

Unperturbed, Marius helped himself to a stuffed egg. “No, he’s off on a special job,” he said briefly.

Understanding that there was no point in concealing his plight from Manius Aquillius, who had conclusively proven himself Marius’s man the previous year—and who would be bound to get letters from Rome with all the tittle-tattle in them—Saturninus embarked upon his story as soon as the meal was over. The two men listened in silence until it was done, not interrupting with even a single question, which made Saturninus feel that he must have outlined events with clarity and logic.

Then Marius sighed. “I’m very glad you came in person to see me,” he said. “It lends considerable strength to your case, Lucius Appuleius. A guilty man might have resorted to many ploys, but not that of coming to see me in person. I am not deemed a gullible man. Nor is Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, for that matter. But, like you, I think whoever had investigated this tortuous situation would have been led by a series of illusions to you. After all, as quaestor at Ostia, you’re a perfect decoy.”

“If the case against me falls down anywhere, Gaius Marius, it is in the fact that I don’t have the kind of money to buy grain in bulk,” Saturninus said.

“True, but it doesn’t automatically exonerate you, either,” Marius said. “You could as easily have done it for a very big bribe, or taken out a loan.”

“Do you think I did?”

“No. I think you’re the victim, not the perpetrator.”

“So do I,” said Manius Aquillius. “It’s too simple.”

“Then will you help me secure election as a tribune of the plebs?” asked Saturninus.

“Oh, certainly,” said Marius without hesitation.

“I shall reciprocate in whatever way I can.”

“Good!” said Marius.

After which things happened in a hurry. Saturninus had no time to waste, as the tribunician elections were scheduled for early November, and he had to get back to Rome in time to have himself declared a candidate and line up the support Marius had promised him. So, armed with a bulky packet of letters from Marius to various people in Rome, Saturninus set off toward the Alps in a fast gig drawn by four mules, and with a purse large enough to make sure he could hire animals along the way as good as the four which started him on his journey.

As he was leaving, an extraordinary trio came in on foot through the camp’s main gates. Three Gauls. Barbarian Gauls! Never having set eyes upon a barbarian in his life, Saturninus gaped. One was apparently the prisoner of the other two, for he was manacled. Oddly enough, he was less barbaric in his garb and appearance than the other two! A medium-sized fellow, fairish but not spectacularly so, his hair worn long but cut like a Greek, clean-shaven, clad in the trousers of a Gaul and in a Gallic coat of hairy wool bearing a faint and complicated check in its weave. The second fellow was very dark, but he wore a towering headdress of black feathers and golden wire which proclaimed him some Celtiberian outlander—and little else by way of clothing, displaying instead a body bulging with muscles. The third man was obviously the leader, a true barbarian Gaul, the bare skin of his chest white as milk yet weathered, his trousers bound with thongs like a German or one of the mythical Belgae; long red-gold hair hung down his back, long red-gold moustaches fell one on either side of his mouth, and around his neck he wore a massive dragon-headed tore of what looked like real gold.

The gig started to move; as he swept by the little group at even closer quarters, Saturninus encountered the cold white gaze of the leader, and shivered in spite of himself. Now he was a complete barbarian!


The three Gauls continued on up the slope inside the camp’s main gates, challenged by no one until they reached the duty officer’s table under the shelter of the awning outside the general’s substantial timber house.

“Gaius Marius, please,” said the leader in flawless Latin.

The duty officer didn’t even blink. “I’ll see if he’s receiving,” he said, getting up. Within a moment he was out again. “The general says to go in, Lucius Cornelius.” he said, smiling widely.

“Smart,” said Sertorius under his breath as he brushed past the duty officer with waggling headdress. “Just keep your mouth shut about this, hear me?”

When he set eyes upon his two lieutenants, Marius stared as intently at them as had Saturninus, but with less amazement.

“About time you came home,” he said to Sulla, grasping his hand warmly, then reaching to greet Sertorius.

“We’re not here for very long,” said Sulla, jerking his captive forward. “All we came back to do was deliver you a gift for your triumphal parade. Meet King Copillus of the Volcae Tectosages, the same who connived at the annihilation of Lucius Cassius’s army at Burdigala.”

“Ah!” Marius looked the prisoner over. “Doesn’t look much like a Gaul, does he? You and Quintus Sertorius look far more impressive.”

Sertorius grinned; Sulla answered.

“Well, with his capital at Tolosa, he’s been exposed to civilization for a long time. He speaks Greek well, and he’s probably only about half Gallic in his thinking. We caught him outside Burdigala.”

“Is he really worth so much trouble?” Marius asked.

“You’ll think so when I tell you,” said Sulla, smiling in his most tigerish fashion. “You see, he has a curious tale to tell—and he can tell it in a tongue Rome understands.”

Arrested by the look on Sulla’s face, Marius stared at King Copillus more closely. “What tale?”

“Oh, about ponds once full of gold. Gold that was loaded into Roman wagons and sent down the road from Tolosa to Narbo during the time when a certain Quintus Servilius Caepio was proconsul. Gold that mysteriously disappeared not far from Carcasso, leaving a cohort of Roman soldiers dead along the road, with their arms and armor stripped from them. Copillus was near Carcasso when that gold disappeared—after all, the gold was rightfully in his charge, according to his way of thinking. But the party of men who took the gold south into Spain was far too large and well armed to attack, for Copillus had only a few men with him. The interesting thing is that there was a Roman survivor— Furius, the praefectus fabrum. And a Greek freedman survivor—Quintus Servilius Bias. But Copillus wasn’t near Malaca several months later as the wagons full of gold rolled into a fish factory owned by one of Quintus Servilius Caepio’s clients, nor was he near Malaca when the gold sailed away to Smyrna labeled ‘Garum of Malaca, on Consignment for Quintus Servilius Caepio.’ But Copillus has a friend who has a friend who has a friend who well knows a Turdetanian bandit named Brigantius, and according to this Brigantius, he was hired to steal the gold and get it to Malaca. By the agents of none other than Quintus Servilius Caepio, namely Furius and the freedman Bias, who paid Brigantius with the wagons, the mules—and six hundred sets of good Roman arms and armor, taken from the men Brigantius killed. When the gold went east, Furius and Bias went with it.”

Never before, thought Sulla, have I seen Gaius Marius looking utterly stunned, even when he read the letter that said he was elected consul in absentia—that just winded him, whereas this tries his credulity.

“Ye gods!” Marius whispered. “He wouldn’t dare!”

“He dared, all right,” said Sulla contemptuously. “What matter that the price was six hundred good Roman soldier lives? After all, there were fifteen thousand talents of gold in those wagons! It turns out that the Volcae Tectosages do not regard themselves as the owners of the gold, only as its guardians. The wealth of Delphi, Olympia, Dodona, and a dozen other smaller sanctuaries, which the second Brennus took as the property of all the Gallic tribes. So now the Volcae Tectosages are accursed, and King Copillus doubly accursed. The wealth of Gaul is gone.”

His shock evaporating, Marius now looked more at Sulla than at Copillus. It was a little story told in richly ringing tones, yes, but more than that; it was a little story told by a Gallic bard, not by a Roman senator.

“You are a great actor, Lucius Cornelius,” he said.

Sulla looked absurdly pleased. “My thanks, Gaius Marius.”

“But you’re not staying? What about the winter? You’d be more comfortable here.” Marius grinned. “Especially young Quintus Sertorius, if he’s got no more in his clothes chest than a feathered crown.”

“No, we’re off again tomorrow. The Cimbri are milling around the foothills of the Pyrenees, with the local tribesmen throwing every last thing they can find to throw down on them from every ledge, crag, rock, and cliff. The Germans seem to have a fascination for alps! But it’s taken Quintus Sertorius and me all these months to get close to the Cimbri—we’ve had to establish our identities with half of Gaul and Spain, it seems,” said Sulla.

Marius poured out two cups of wine, looked at Copillus, and poured a third, which he handed to the prisoner. As he gave Sertorius his drink, he eyed his Sabine relative up and down gravely. “You look like Pluto’s rooster,” he said.

Sertorius took a sip of the wine and sighed blissfully. “Tusculan!” he said, then preened. “Pluto’s rooster, eh? Well, better that than Proserpina’s crow.”

“What news do you have of the Germans?” Marius asked.

“In brief—I’ll tell you more over dinner—very little. It’s too early yet to be able to give you information about where they come from, or what drives them. Next time. I’ll get back well ahead of any move they might make in the direction of Italy, never fear. But I can tell you where they all are at this very moment. The Teutones and the Tigurini, Marcomanni, and Cherusci are trying to cross the Rhenus into Germania, while the Cimbri are trying to cross the Pyrenees into Spain. I don’t think either group will succeed,” said Sulla, putting down his cup. “Oh, that wine was good!”

Marius called for his duty officer. “Send me three reliable men, would you?” he asked. “And see if you can find comfortable quarters for King Copillus here. He’ll have to be locked up, unfortunately, but only until we can get him away to Rome.”

“I wouldn’t put him in Rome,” said Sulla thoughtfully, when the duty officer had departed. “In fact, I’d be very quiet about where I did put him, anyway.”

“Caepio? He wouldn’t dare!” said Marius.

“He purloined the gold,” said Sulla.

“All right, we’ll put the King in Nersia,” said Marius briskly.’ ‘Quintus Sertorius, has your mother got any friends who wouldn’t mind housing the King for a year or two? I’ll make sure the money’s good.”

“She’ll find someone,” said Sertorius confidently.

“What a piece of luck!’’ crowed Marius. “I never thought we’d get the evidence to send Caepio into well-deserved exile, but King Copillus is it. We’ll keep it very quiet until we’re all back in Rome after the Germans are beaten, then we’ll arraign Caepio on charges of extortion and treason!”

“Treason?” asked Sulla, blinking. “Not with the friends he’s got in the Centuries!”

“Ah,” said Marius blandly, “but friends in the Centuries can’t help him when he’s tried in a special treason court manned only by knights.”

“What are you up to, Gaius Marius?” Sulla demanded.

“I’ve got myself two tribunes of the plebs for next year!’’ said Marius triumphantly.

“They mightn’t get in,” said Sertorius prosaically.

“They’ll get in!” said Marius and Sulla in chorus.

Then all three laughed, and the prisoner continued to stand with great dignity, pretending he could understand their Latin, and waiting for whatever was to befall him next.

At which point Marius remembered his manners and shifted the conversation from Latin to Greek, drawing Copillus warmly into the group, and promising that his chains would soon be struck off.